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Unmaintained MQ2Yes

fixed it up all fancy with proper coding and detection of open windows and what not.
working on /maybe :P
// MQ2Yes.cpp
// Will attempt to say to most windows that ask for confirmation, good for boxing.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Super many thanks to eqmule, knightly, brainiac and wired420 for helping me
// figure this stuff out, i am so in deep water, but they helped alot.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 01-10-2019 Kaen01: Cleanup and possible fixes
// 01-11-2019 Kaen01: rewrite to use proper code and calls.
// 01-12-2019 Kaen01: another complete rewrite to make it super awesome
// 01-12-2019 Kaen01: Added a /no command

#include "../MQ2Plugin.h"


inline bool ClickTheThing(PCHAR MyWndName, PCHAR MyButton) {
    if (CSidlScreenWnd* pMyWnd = (CSidlScreenWnd*)FindMQ2Window(MyWndName)) {
        if (pMyWnd->dShow && pMyWnd->Enabled) {
            if (CXWnd* pWnd = pMyWnd->GetChildItem(MyButton)) {
                SendWndClick2(pWnd, "leftmouseup");
                WriteChatf("\ag[MQ2Yes] \awClicked \at%s \awon \ag%s", MyButton, MyWndName);
        return false;
    return false;

VOID YesCommand(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine)
    //CXWnd *pWnd = 0;
    ClickTheThing("LargeDialogWindow", "LDW_YesButton");
    ClickTheThing("LargeDialogWindow", "LDW_OKButton");
    ClickTheThing("ConfirmationDialogBox", "CD_Yes_Button");
    ClickTheThing("ConfirmationDialogBox", "CD_OK_Button");
    ClickTheThing("TradeWND", "TRDW_Trade_Button");
    ClickTheThing("GiveWnd", "GVW_Give_Button");
    ClickTheThing("ProgressionSelectionWnd", "ProgressionTemplateSelectAcceptButton");
    ClickTheThing("TaskSelectWnd", "TSEL_AcceptButton");
    ClickTheThing("RaidWindow", "RAID_AcceptButton");

VOID NoCommand(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine)
    //CXWnd *pWnd = 0;
    ClickTheThing("LargeDialogWindow", "LDW_NoButton");
    ClickTheThing("ConfirmationDialogBox", "CD_No_Button");
    ClickTheThing("ConfirmationDialogBox", "CD_Cancel_Button");
    ClickTheThing("TradeWND", "TRDW_Cancel_Button");
    ClickTheThing("GiveWnd", "GVW_Cancel_Button");
    ClickTheThing("ProgressionSelectionWnd", "ProgressionTemplateSelectCancelButton");
    ClickTheThing("TaskSelectWnd", "TSEL_DeclineButton");
    ClickTheThing("RaidWindow", "RAID_DeclineButton");

// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize
PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin()
    AddCommand("/yes", YesCommand);
    AddCommand("/no", NoCommand);

// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown
PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin()
// MQ2Yes.cpp
// Will attempt to say Yes or Ok to most windows that ask for confirmation, good for boxing.
// 01-10-2019 Kaen01: Cleanup and possible fixes

#include "../MQ2Plugin.h"


VOID YesCommand(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine)
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify LargeDialogWindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify LargeDialogWindow LDW_OkButton leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_Yes_Button leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_OK_Button leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify TradeWND TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify ProgressionSelectionWnd ProgressionTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify TaskSelectWnd TSEL_AcceptButton leftmouseup");
    DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify RaidWindow RAID_AcceptButton leftmouseup");
// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize
PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin()

// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown
PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin()


man redbot could you compile this and send to me so i can test it like alot.

edit1: cleaned up the code a bit.