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Utility MyDPS v0.4


by Grimmier

DPS Reporting and Scrolling Combat window for MacroQuest.​

This script will monitor your chat for damage output by you and to you. There will be a DPS rport shown in the window under My History tab. There is an Options tab for configuring any settings as well as starting the Combat Spam Window if you wish to.

The Combat Spam Window creates a window to output your damage to. When first opened you are presented with some directions. While the directions are displayed, you can adjust the size and position of the window. Atfer you have configured and positioned the window, click the Start button.

Once you Press the Start button, the Window will change backgrounds and become click-through. You will not be able to interact with it. To allow moving of the window you can use /mydps move to toggle mouse interaction (for moveing) on|off or you can use /mydps ui to re-enter the directions view, where you can edit and resize / move the window.

The script will keep track of Damage over a Time span (customizable) and Per Battle. You can set auto reporting to console for both; Timespan reporting will happen evern x amount of time, you set this delay; Battle reporting will happen when the fights over. There are also options for reporting this over DanNet Group channel.

Actors Support​

If you have announceActors enabled and have this running on the other Characters on the same PC, then your DPS History window will show a Party tab that contains the Current Battle DPS for each character or the Last Battle DPS. You can toggle the on and off in the settings. The Party Tab has an option to sort or not.

If you are sorting then it sorts Current Battle On top and by DPS highest DPS on top. The sorting happens at a 30fps interval to allow you to actually read the data. This is to prevent the rows bouncing to fast. You do not have this restriction when not sorting the data is refreshed as you receive it.

UI Settings​

  • Configure custom colors for different damage types.

  • Configure the window background color and alpha to use when started.

  • Preview button so you can adjust colors against the background set.

  • You can directly access the options from the DPS Report window if you have show history enabled.

  • Sliders for:
    • Font Scale
    • Display Time
    • Auto Reporting Interval
  • Toggles for:
    • Your Misses
    • NPC Misses YOU
    • NPC Hits YOU
    • Damage Shields (unassigned non-melee)
    • Show Target Name
    • Show Damage Type
    • Auto Report DPS (Time Based)
    • Auto Report DPS (Per Battle)
    • Sorting Combat Window by Timestamp
    • Sorting DPS Report by Timestamp
    • Sorting Party Table (Sort Current Battle DPS Highest on top, or No Sorting)


  • Many of the Show options will accept on|off arguments at the end or act as a toggle otherwise

  • /lua run mydps - Run the script.

  • /lua run mydps start - Run and Start, bypassing the Options Display.

  • /lua run mydps start hide - Run and Start, bypassing the Options Display and Hides the Spam Window.

  • /mydps start - Start the DPS window.

  • /mydps exit - Exit the script.

  • /mydps ui - Toggle the Options UI.

  • /mydps hide - Toggles show|hide of the Damage Spam Window.

  • /mydps clear - Clear the data.

  • /mydps showtype - Toggle Showing the type of attack.

  • /mydps showtarget - Toggle Showing the Target of the attack.

  • /mydps showds - Toggle Showing damage shield.

  • /mydps history - Toggle the battle history window.

  • /mydps mymisses - Toggle Showing my misses.

  • /mydps missed-me - Toggle Showing NPC missed me.

  • /mydps hitme - Toggle Showing NPC hit me.

  • /mydps sort [new|old] - Sort Toggle newest on top. [new|old] arguments optional so set direction

  • /mydps sorthistory [new|old] - Sort history Toggle newest on top. [new|old] arguments optional so set direction

  • /mydps settings - Print current settings to console.

  • /mydps doreporting [all|battle|time] - Toggle DPS Auto DPS reporting on for 'Battles, Time based, or BOTH'.

  • /mydps report - Report the Time Based DPS since Last Report.

  • /mydps battlereport - Report the battle history to console.

  • /mydps announce - Toggle Announce to DanNet Group.

  • /mydps move - Toggle click through, allows moving of window.

  • /mydps delay # - Set the combat spam display time in seconds.

  • /mydps battledelay # - Set the Battle ending Delay time in seconds.

  • /mydps help - Show this help.


  • /mydps report or if you have auto reporting out will output like below.
  • Timespan is based on your settings for auto reporting if Auto Reporting is enabled
    • Otherwise Timespan is since the last time reported.
[MyDPS] DPS (NO DS): 31.63, TimeSpan: 2.57 min, Total Damage: 4871, Total Attempts: 29, Average: 167
[MyDPS] DPS (DS Dmg): 5.82, TimeSpan: 2.57 min, Total Damage: 896, Total Hits: 13
[MyDPS] DPS (ALL): 37.45, TimeSpan: 2.57 min, Total Damage: 5767, Total Attempts: 42, Average: 137

  • Battle Based Reportting if enabled will start recording when you enter COMBAT and report when the fighting is over.
  • /mydps battlereport will output the table of battles to console.

Normal Combat Report (after a battle)​

[MyDPS] DPS (BATTLE): 182.31, TimeSpan: 29 sec, Total Damage: 5287

DPS Report Report (console)​

[MyDPS] Battle: 1, DPS: 118.08, Duration: 12 sec, Total Damage: 1417
[MyDPS] Battle: 2, DPS: 199.40, Duration: 20 sec, Total Damage: 3988
[MyDPS] Battle: 3, DPS: 137.08, Duration: 36 sec, Total Damage: 4935


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  1. v0.4

    [0.4] - 2024-09-16 Bug Fixes🐛 - Reporting, missed a conversion (e880bb3) ~grimmier378
  2. v0.3

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