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Utility MyDPS v0.4

  • Many of the Show options will accept on|off arguments at the end or act as a toggle otherwise
  • /lua run mydps - Run the script.
  • /lua run mydps start - Run and Start, bypassing the Options Display.
  • /lua run mydps start hide - Run and Start, bypassing the Options Display and Hides the Spam Window.
  • /mydps start - Start the DPS window.
  • /mydps exit - Exit the script.
  • /mydps ui - Toggle the Options UI.
  • /mydps hide - Toggles show|hide of the Damage Spam Window.
  • /mydps clear - Clear the data.
  • /mydps showtype - Toggle Showing the type of attack.
  • /mydps showtarget - Toggle Showing the Target of the attack.
  • /mydps showds - Toggle Showing damage shield.
  • /mydps history - Toggle the battle history window.
  • /mydps mymisses - Toggle Showing my misses.
  • /mydps missed-me - Toggle Showing NPC missed me.
  • /mydps hitme - Toggle Showing NPC hit me.
  • /mydps sort [new|old] - Sort Toggle newest on top. [new|old] arguments optional so set direction
  • /mydps sorthistory [new|old] - Sort history Toggle newest on top. [new|old] arguments optional so set direction
  • /mydps settings - Print current settings to console.
  • /mydps doreporting [all|battle|time] - Toggle DPS Auto DPS reporting on for 'Battles, Time based, or BOTH'.
  • /mydps report - Report the Time Based DPS since Last Report.
  • /mydps battlereport - Report the battle history to console.
  • /mydps announce - Toggle Announce to DanNet Group.
  • /mydps move - Toggle click through, allows moving of window.
  • /mydps delay # - Set the combat spam display time in seconds.
  • /mydps battledelay # - Set the Battle ending Delay time in seconds.
  • /mydps help - Show this help