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Utility MyDPS v0.4

[0.4] - 2024-09-16​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Reporting, missed a conversion
(e880bb3) ~grimmier378

[0.3] - 2024-09-15​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Double counting crit damage Feat: added crit total and crit heals
* Removed the double recoding of dmg from the crit message and the dmg message.
* added a Crit total /battle column to the report.
* added a Crit Heal total column to the report. (Exceptional Heals)
* Now only the table scrolls not the whole window.
(fe276e2) ~grimmier378

[0.2] - 2024-09-04​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Version went backward
(de3dfe6) ~grimmier378

[0.01] - 2024-09-03​


- Readme
(5b1d719) ~grimmier378
- Readme update
(efa820d) ~grimmier378


- Announce to DanNet group
* Added toggle to announce reports to your dannet group
(60225a3) ~grimmier378
- Announce to DanNet group
* Added toggle to announce reports to your dannet group
(3d0c638) ~grimmier378
- Combat history window
* Added a window to display Battle History
* also added a command to report the history to console if you desire.
(22ea759) ~grimmier378
- Combat based reporting
Added option to report dps over the last battle.
(b6b7a35) ~grimmier378
- Periodic DPS reporting
Reports output like this

[MyDPS] DPS (NO DS): 139.46, TimeSpan: 2.00 min, Total Damage: 16735, Total Attempts: 96, Average: 174
[MyDPS] DPS (DS): 11.83, TimeSpan: 2.00 min, Total Damage: 1420, Total Hits: 20
[MyDPS] DPS (ALL): 151.29, TimeSpan: 2.00 min, Total Damage: 18155, Total Attempts: 116, Average: 156

the timespan is adjustable or you can call it directly

* /mydps report = will report dps since last report.
* /mydps dodps = toggles auto reporting
* set the timepan between reporting in the main Options

Readme Update
(3329f41) ~grimmier378
- Toggle click through so you can move window
* /mydps move

will toggle clickthrough on/off for the window allowing you to move it
(0f5ebc1) ~grimmier378