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Utility MyPaths v1.72


[1.61] - 2024-07-28​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Zoning checks
(f1f3ce2) ~grimmier378


- Cleaned up settings loading
(cedb52b) ~grimmier378

[1.60] - 2024-07-09​


- Right click hud to lock
(96555f4) ~grimmier378

[1.59] - 2024-07-06​


- Improve wp delays so interrupts don't break the timing
(7740b7c) ~grimmier378

[1.58] - 2024-07-06​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Broken per WP delay's
Oops i broke it and didn't notice, its working again
(86ee6a4) ~grimmier378

[1.57] - 2024-07-06​


- Hud transparency setting faded vs mouse over
You can now set a proper mouse over transparency and the a faded one for when not moused over.
(b8d88c2) ~grimmier378

[1.56] - 2024-07-04​


- Some cleanup on commands and spacing
Thanks brainiac for the pointers and some clarification on /nav commands.

should also be less spammy.
(fa2131b) ~grimmier378

[1.55] - 2024-07-04​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Coroutine early escapes on resuming
Checking doNav state when resuming after a yield this should prevent stale values and path confusions when changing them after stopping a path mid way
(25dce43) ~grimmier378
- Invis interrupts will escape delay early if not invis
You will resume faster from invis delays if you reinvis before your invis action delay is up.
(1276639) ~grimmier378

[1.54] - 2024-06-30​


- Delay setting on invis interrupts
This way you have time to properly execute your actions
(951d36b) ~grimmier378

[1.53] - 2024-06-30​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Nav z issue
We want z in our nav to loc. just not in the distance check incase of lev.
(be96dee) ~grimmier378

[1.52] - 2024-06-30​


- Option to Loop your Chain
Added a Toggle and Command line to Toggle Chain loop on/off
/mypaths chainloop -- toggles on/off
(2a5a3af) ~grimmier378
- Optional Action for invis interrupts
You can specify an action to do if invis fades.
(90dc8a6) ~grimmier378
- Interrupts for invis fading
Added to more interrupt toggles
Stop for Invis and Stop for Dbl Invis.

DBL Invis appears broken on emu atm. not sure on live as i don't have a character there that can cast itu yet.
but mq.TLO.Me.Invis(2)() is returning false on emu.

actually only mq.TLO.Me.Invis(0)() and mq.TLO.Me.Invis() appear to work.
(7357e08) ~grimmier378
- Command line build chains
/mypaths chainadd [normal|reverse|loop|pingpong] [path]
will add path in current one to chain in the desired mode.

/mypaths chainadd [normal|reverse|loop|pingpong] [zone] [path]
Will add the path named from the zone named into the chain also in the desired mode.

/mypaths chainclear
Clears the current Chain list.

/mypaths list zones
lists all zones you have paths saved for.

/mypaths list
lists all paths in current zone

/mypaths list [zone]
lists all paths in specified zone
(d8f7ee4) ~grimmier378