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Utility MyPaths v1.72


[1.72] - 2025-01-16​


- Save\Load Chains
You can now save and load Chain Paths.
you can do this in the GUI or using these commands.

/mypaths chainsave "Chain Name"
/mypaths chainload "Chain Name"

""'s only needed if there are spaces in the chain name.
(c9a5fd1) ~grimmier378

[1.71] - 2024-10-12​

Bug Fixes🐛

- More backport fixing and cleanup
(cc96073) ~grimmier378

[1.69] - 2024-10-07​


- Backport from MyUI
Keeping the module version and standalone versions the same. so we can run them in as either.

Mostly this will allow me to keep the code bases the same when making updates.
(57992ae) ~grimmier378

[1.68] - 2024-09-30​


- /mypaths gpause #
Command `/mypaths gpause # `
will set the global pause to that value
(03399e2) ~grimmier378

[1.67] - 2024-08-13​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Fixed some crash issues.
(1a01067) ~grimmier378

[1.66] - 2024-08-11​


- Button to write paths to file
This way you can import the paths with RGMercs Lua since it looks for the MyPaths_Paths.lua.
(27b1ef3) ~grimmier378

[1.65] - 2024-08-10​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Copy path wasn't populating the db
(5d49a83) ~grimmier378

[1.64] - 2024-08-10​


- Migrated Paths table to SQLite db
Migrated the MyPaths_Paths.lua table to MyPaths.db SQLite Database.

first time running after this will import your old table to the new sql db. it may take a few seconds depending on the size of your lua table.
(cf560ad) ~grimmier378

[1.63] - 2024-08-10​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Ignore casting check if the character is a Bard!
(0d599ae) ~grimmier378


- Command /mypaths reload
```/mypaths reload``` will reload your paths file
incase you are running on more than one character. Make the paths on one and have the others reload the file.
(9b74ff7) ~grimmier378

[1.62] - 2024-08-07​


- /mypaths dointerrupts on|off toggle
/mypaths dointerrupts on|off toggles checking for interrupts on and off

Helpful if you want to run a path and ignore the interrupts until you get to a location to clean up the mess.

Cleaned up the config window some
(3d37ba4) ~grimmier378


- Split main settings by char
Settings are now imported and saved by char name.

this should prevent crashes if you want to run this on multiple characters at once and adjust settings for all at once.
(cb26b46) ~grimmier378