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Utility RA - Raid Assistant 0.5

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1. This is a work in progress. A few features are yet to be implemented.
2. I mention Start.mac as a software requirement.
Everyone should have something (a Macro or Lua) that Does Group Invites/Raid Invites/Starts KA etc in the correct mode.
I can add a generic one if needed. but I am basically assuming that you have one and that the Raid is formed, MA is Set, Looting options are set, Raidmode is on, Chase is the default mode, loads your Xtarget Sets etc.
3. Run to Me - GTF over here now!
4. Loose Formation - (space 20 around MA)
5. Root On/Root Off - Just stand there and stop moving ftlog.
6. YES - EVERYONE just do a /Yes
7. Pause On/Pause Off - Just stop doing whatever your doing ftlog.
8. FELLOW - Everyone Use Fellowship (Make sure you only ever have one fellowship down at a time)
9. ANCHOR - Everyone Use Anchor
10. Roll Buffs - Stop and Buff.
11. SCORPION/SPIDER - Everyone Suck a potion if you have one.
12. TRIBS ON/TRIBS OFF - Dont forget to turn it off again!
13. BURN - Trigger everyone's burns - NOW
14. Buy Glyph/Use Glyph - Glyph Control
15. Intensity - Use Intensity of the Resolute
16. Armor - Get tanks to Use Armor of Experience
17. CR Buttons - Button for each Cleric - Call for Celestial Regen when U Need it. Turn your automation off from using it.
18. Glyph Spray- Button for each Enc. - Call for Glyph when U need it. Turn your automation off from using it.
19. Legion - Button for each Enc - Call for Legion when U need it. Turn your automation off from using it.
20. COP - Call for Circle of Power when you need it.
21. STAUNCH - Use the Staunch Recovery on EVERYONE. I rarely usually use this. I usually switch to individual and trigger it.
22. CURE Line - Splash, Shield of Immaculate, Venenium, Cure-All potion, Radiant Cure. - We got some shit we need to cure and Ive got no time to babysit you.
23. Pickup Adds - Cycles through your X Targets and assigns Off tanks. Changes the tank tank but doesnt change it back. TODO:make this better. Also has a bug where it uses pythagoras theory to check distance..and if mob is dead its checking a nil. I'll work on it some stage.
24. BACK OFF - Everyone back the fuck off - right now.
25. SWITCH NOW - Everyone - I dont care who you are - Target this Mob, Run to it and KILL it - NOW!
26. CHASE ON - EVERYONE (Including ME) - Back to chase mode. Usefull if you have different toons doing different things. This sets everyone back to standard.
27. SET CAMP HERE - For those times you dont want Everyone chasing. Set a camp right here.
28 - Lots to do - as of writing this I see have missed some stuff already.
In Progress - Send 3 Rogues to go get a raid, And Set a Campfire with a single click.
Raids.ini was my Alpha version of a raids ini file. Its not working yet, but maybe soon.
29. -Tank HUD - I was thinking about this - but havent implemented it. Box Hud was a similar idea.