I have taken some advice and tried to clean things up get rid of assumptions. Please read through the .Lua and look at comments throughout as there may be things you'd like to change.
-- Added in some Task checks to avoid the spamming of attempting to get the quest while in Maidens Eye.
-- I added some time between each member zoning in
-- I added an early exit to avoid getting stuck with the Task data and unable to get the next quest. This also allows for a safe exit.
-- Also added some distance checks
-- Added some time to allow for buffage once at camp
I've ran it a few times checking the changes I have made with no faults, but if there is something that comes up please reach out to me so I can take note and attempt to fix.
This is the first time I have done anything like this so please bear with me as I learn
And as always if you have any advice or critiquing, I am open to feedback.
Thank You