local LoadTheme = require('lib.theme_loader')
local ColorCount, StyleCount = LoadTheme.StartTheme(theme.Theme[tID])
LoadTheme.EndTheme(ColorCount, StyleCount)
local theme = {}
local LoadTheme = require('lib.theme_loader')
local themeID = 1
local themeFile = string.format('%s/MyThemeZ.lua', mq.configDir)
-- sample
---comment Check to see if the file we want to work on exists.
---@param name string -- Full Path to file
---@return boolean -- returns true if the file exists and false otherwise
local function File_Exists(name)
local f=io.open(name,"r")
if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
local function loadTheme()
if File_Exists(themeFile) then
theme = dofile(themeFile)
theme = require('themes') -- your local themes file incase the user doesn't have one in config folder
themeName = theme.LoadTheme or 'Default'
if theme and theme.Theme then
for tID, tData in pairs(theme.Theme) do
if tData['Name'] == themeName then
themeID = tID
function open_GUI(open)
if not openGUI then return end
--You must count your pushes so you can pop them later
-- You MUST push your theme before ImGui.Begin and pop them before ImGui.End calls.
local ColorCount, StyleCount = LoadTheme.StartTheme(theme.Theme[themeID])
open, openGUI = ImGui.Begin("Window", open, bit32.bor(ImGuiWindowFlags.None, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse))
if not openGUI then
openGUI = false
open = false
-- You MUST pop the same number you pushed before ImGui.End() calls
LoadTheme.EndTheme(ColorCount, StyleCount)
return open
-- Your content here
-- You MUST pop the same number you pushed before ImGui.End() calls
LoadTheme.EndTheme(ColorCount, StyleCount)
return {
['LoadTheme'] = 'Red', -- theme to load
['Theme'] = { -- themes table
[1] = { -- theme ID number
['Name'] = 'Default', -- theme name
['Color'] = { -- table color styles to change
[ImGuiCol.Text] = { -- property ID this will convert to a number once saved we store the name value below
Color = {1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00}, -- color value for property
PropertyName = "Text" -- property human readable name
[ImGuiCol.TextDisabled] = {
Color = {0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 1.00},
PropertyName = 'TextDisabled'
[ImGuiCol.WindowBg] = {
Color = {0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.94},
PropertyName = 'WindowBg'
--- rest of the theme colors
['Style'] = {} -- table for style changes follows the same layout
[2] =.... -- next theme rinse repeat