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Utility Toon Collect Xtreme 2.47a

Select the expansion you want to work on, Select the collection you want work on..


Select items - Will select all the checkboxes for the items or you can select them individually.

Run Cycle - Will perform actions based on boxes that are checked (basically get all the collection items from eerywhere)

Manual Collect - If you have items in the current achievement in inventory it will collect them. because you said so.

Collect All - If you don't mind missing out on AA's potentially, and also clogging up your rewards window, do this, it will just click anything that is a collection item in your inventory.

Bazaar - Will try to find, buy, and get the items from Caden based on a platinum threshold.

Exit - Exit


Auto-Scan - Will remotely scan characters for fragments/dispensers and collection items.

Auto-Collection - Will perform a auto-collect of all the items in the current achievement after the cycle has run.

Radio: Use Dispensers
None - Won't try to use dispensers or fragments
Local - Will only use local dispensers and fragments (bank also)
Remote - Will only use remote dispensers and fragments (bank also)
Both - will do both local and remote.


if an item shows as bright green, it is in your inventory
if it shows as light green it is in your bank