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Trade / Skill Tradeskill Construction Set NeXt 4.177b

Note: please ensure 'esc to close' a window is enabled otherwise the /cleanup function will not work correctly when closing containers/bags/etc...

When using batch, there should be no need to add the tool to be made, it should be made automagically as part of whatever you are trying to make as the final craft.

Packageman/Luarocks may be related to blocking stuff.. check these threads:

Navigation: There is a POK mesh in the lua directory from the TCN install, you can overwrite your exiting mesh or back it up, this should help with getting stuck on tables, and areas.

How do I make the jewel cut tools without buying them all or going to Stratos?

Go to the utilities menu and click on jewel cut tools (IN POK), it will buy a bunch of square cut tools and do all the conversions.

What's up with tools and the depot?

I purposely left out putting tools or grabbing tools from the depot because a stack of 1 wastes 99999 om general. Do you best to leave tools in inventory and when done most if not all will be put in the regular bank.

Luarocks issues:

please delete the folder in this location:
also run normally and not UAC, or Admin

Having trouble with the install from the setup or tabs are red that should not be like depot:

Make sure there are no mapped keys interfering from something else, example Autologin.

How to make the dye..

Use batch!
Make the jars first, then make the extract using rogue or shaman or whatever it is, and then the dye, and then select continue
Currently it will only make 1 dye and then return which is why continue needs to be on.
Kluge, but, works!

How do I start'er up for the 1st time?

from the MQConsole type /lua run tcgsetup to follow the prompts for installation and to run type /lua run tcn

How do I prohibit items from being sold to vendor when I do sell all?

Open up the sell.db file in the TCN directory using DBBrowser, or app of your choice, Change the ItemNoSale on the item you don't want sold to 1.

Where is this to download in Redguides launcher?

Once purchased this should be available via the lua button after you > Click here to "Watch the resource" <

Alternatively, you can download from the resource page and extract it manually. The method is to download and extract the files or drag the contents to the root of the Lua directory under your MQNext folder.

How do I load the MQ2Lua Plugin?

/plugin mq2lua load or left click the mq2lua in the plugin UI (if using and it should turn green)

Why doesn't the count update properly when I run a tradeskill for maxing the aug after I just ran it?

You need to click load recipes or drop down to a different tradeskill and back to the the tradeskill you were trying to do, it will reload the recipes and will reflect properly.

Why does the GOD quest keep making the same thing over and over?

It needs 100 successes of each thing it is trying to make to move on to the next one, so if there are 4 recipes you need a total of 400 good combines.

Why do I get a bunch of red text when trying to max my 350 recipes?

If you see max_trophy_table not found or something like that, you did not properly set up TCSNext. exit out of the gui and type /lua run tcgsetup.

Nothing is working anymore after crafting, what should I do?

Go to the utilities tab and click restart.

What does the block spells button do?

This adds spells to block that are rods or food/drink, list is expanding.

What does anti-lev checkbox do?

Drops levitation effects every 5 seconds if active.

Did anyone test anything prior?

Yes, Cannonballdex has tested the bejeezus out of this and pushed for features.

Why am I in crescent reach and the elevator didn't work?

If some chowderhead jumps on the elevator before the delay you will be left standing around like a dingdong, take heart tho, just manually get on the elevator and it should bring you to the second floor to get poison crafting supplies and continue on!

Where does it save my farm list for maxing my aug?

In the Lua\TCN\ShoppingLists folder...

Why does the UI not always find the recipe and make it?

This is a 3 part answer, 1. It checks to see if it knows any thing remotely like the recipe name, and if it finds anything it figures you must know it.
2. The names need to be massaged to fit what is in the UI, so sometimes the names are not right. 3. It is currently incorrectly assuming that if it finds anything remotely named what you are looking for you must know it (redudant eh) and then says you can't make it.

Why does it sometimes use origin or some other port method when I can run back?

I am currently glomming between my own travel code and /travelto.. so there may be a few hiccups along the way.

I click craft, the button is green and it does nothing!!!, Jerk!

If you have reached a skill up goal or inventory goal it will just sit there and do nada. If I were making extraplanar satchels and I had 5 in inventory I would have to increment to 6 to make a single one because it is paying attention to our inventory.

What are some ways to use the standard crafting check boxes?

If trying to reach 300 or max a trophy:

destroy and continue for > 1000 (currently) .. You would have to watch it though once it reached 300 or the trophy maxed

Continue is best used when you are trying to make 1-1000 of something and it will just keep going , shopping, crafting, until it reaches 1-1000 or you run out of farmed materials or cash.

The best cost conscious option, set the qty to 10-100 and use skill up , continue and destroy, it will make and destroy that quantity and keep coming back for more until the skill goal is achieved 300 and under.. unless you have the TS AA's to 300+

If the trivial is < 300 you can use destroy, continue, and skill up. It will stop on the dime for that one.

Does this do other trophy quests?

Yes, it knows all the trophy quests...