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  • EverQuest (live servers) were patched today and MacroQuest developers are putting in time for their own update. Please show them your appreciation.
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October 26, 2022:
- live: Updated for live patch
Posted by: Redbot
October 2, 2022:
- Autobank and related functionality has been moved from mq2main into its own autobank plugin. (#580)
- autobank: Added tradeskill item filter
- framelimiter: Fix framelimiter not bypassing built-in limiter when it is enabled.

September 26, 2022:
- Fix Me.Levitating (#632)
- Add more robust ini handling options - see http://docs.macroquest.org/reference/data-types/datatype-inifilesectionkey
- Add .StripLinks memember to string types which will return the plain text version of a string containing links
Posted by: Redbot
September 21, 2022 (live):
Posted by: Redbot
September 21, 2022 (live):
- Updated for live patch
Posted by: Redbot
Aug 19, 2022:
- Add ${MacroQuest.BuildName} to get the name of the build target (Live/Test/Emu)
Posted by: Redbot
Aug 17, 2022:
- Fix autoskills not returning proper values
Posted by: Redbot
Aug 15, 2022 (live):
- Updated for patch

Aug 12, 2022:
- /mapfilter will now store Radius values instead of toggle information (Fixes #600)
- Lua: Added mq.getAllSpawns and mq.getFilteredSpawns to return tables of spawns.
- LuaRocks is now distributed with MQ for using prebuilt Lua Modules from the MQ repo
- PackageMan is now distributed with MQ for a method of using LuaRocks in lua scripts
- Plugins that fail to unload will now be flagged as having failed and will not allow reload
of the plugin or unload of MQ. With this change, /unload now has the parameter "force"
which will try to force unload stuck plugins and prompt for action if that cannot be
- The tray util has a new option to "Unload All Instances (Forced)" which will send the
"/unload force" command to all registered MQ instances.
- More info can be found at docs.macroquest.org

Jul 29, 2022:
- Added a modules folder primarily for storing architecture dependent lua modules
- mq.TLO.Lua.Dir now supports arguments (lua, and modules) to return the corresponding folder
Posted by: Redbot
Jul 21, 2022:
- Fix achievements
Posted by: Sic
Jul 20, 2022:

  • Updated for patch
Jul 12, 2022:

  • Fix MyRange Spell member (#563)
Jun 29, 2022:

  • Fix EQ Exiting when MQ is loaded and an invalid UI is loaded (#572)
  • Add parse function for lua scripts. You can now parse any arbitrary macro data.
    • Usage Example: mq.parse("${Me.Name}")
    • The return will always be a string and you will always be using the version 2 parser
    • It is still preferable to use the mq.TLO syntax when retrieving data from an existing TLO
    • The purpose of this function is to allow you to perform more complex operations when doing macro/ini conversions.
Posted by: Redbot
Jun 15, 2022:
- Updated for live patch.
- Potential fix for WinEQ2022 interoperability
Posted by: Redbot