Dec 07 2018 by eqmule
- Updated for BETA
- The following feature has been on my todo list forever and was brought to life by
@Knightly, all hail Knightly!
Thanks for your support.
- Added the ability to interact with menus - cred : Knightly
Example: /notify "open the door to the lobby" menuselect
It will search the currently open menu for the words "open the door" and click that menu item if it finds it.
the search is case insensitive and sub strings are fine
thus you could just do /notify "open the" menuselect and it would still find and click that item
- Added a new TLO: MQ2MenuType it inherits the Window TLO.
It has 1 method:
.Select : It will select a menu item (click it)
usage: /invoke ${Menu.Select[open the door]}
Output: none, it just clicks that entry if it finds it.
It has 6 members:
.Address : pIntType it returns the address of the currently open menu.
.NumVisibleMenus : pIntType it returns number of currently visible menus. Ordinarily this is going to be 1 if a menu is showing and 0 if not
.CurrMenu : pIntType it returns the index for the currently visible menu. Ordinarily this will be 0 if a menu is open and -1 if not
.Name : pStringType it returns the name of the menu or the first items name.
.NumItems = : pIntType it returns number of items in the currently open menu.
.Items : pStringType it returns the Itemname specified by Index
-- Usage Examples:
-- /echo ${Menu.Name}
Output: Shabby Lobby Door
/echo ${Menu.Open} (it inherits Window TLO, remember?)
Output: TRUE
/echo ${Menu.NumItems}
Output: 4
/echo ${Menu.Items[2]}
Output: Adjust Placement
- Added some door defines.