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Utility Watchdog 0.2

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/watchdog status|report <last,all>|restart <on,off>|reset|limit <#>|watch <scriptname,all>
status : show current settings
report last : broadcast the last error over dannet
report all : report all crashes over dannet
restart : toggle restart of crashed scripts (default is off)
reset : reset crash restart counter
limit # : change the restart limit to # (default is 5)
watch <scriptname>: only report crashes for the provided scriptname. the .lua suffix is optional, we only need
the name as it appears in /lua ps
watch all : revert to watching all scripts (default setting)

This script also supports command line instructions in the form of option=value or just the command for all binds to facilitate starting via other scripts, for example:

/lua run watchdog restart=on limit=10 status