Why? Was a learning tool for me. Learning sqlite and other MQ functions was fun. Overkill for this. Yes. Still fun!
This is just part of a larger suite of macros that I have written for myself. I may release more.. who knows.
HUD loading issues. Fix for Elements Not loaded.
1. in MQ in the game type /plugin mq2hud unload. It should say MQ2Hud has been unloaded.
2. Open your file browser on your PC. go to your Macroquest/release folder. Look for HUD.ini Rename it OLDHUD.ini
3. In MQ in the game type /plugin mq2hud load. It should say MQ2Hud loaded.
4 . Now. start the xgen macro back up. wait for it to load then do a /cc loadhud.
If Spamming Buffs. Check to make sure DanNet is loaded. On your shamans MQ2 window type the following /echo ${DanNet.Peers}
You should get a return of server_toonname for all your characters. IF you do not, go to missing characters MQ2 Chat Windows and type /plugin mq2dannet load