Commands while running:
/cc list : Shows both ignore and pull lists
/cc ignore "<spawn search>" : to add spawns to ignore list, remember to use " ". Will not be saved in ini.
/cc permignore "<spawn search>" : to add spawns to ignore list, remember to use " ". WILL be saved in ini.
/cc pull "<spawn search>" : to add spawns to pull list, remember to use " ". Will not be saved in ini.
/cc clear <ignore/pull> ## : Clear the ignore or pull list.
/cc radius ## ( 300 ) : to change the radius around you to look for mobs in.
/cc zradius ## ( 125 ) : to change the Z radius.
/cc load : load reload the ini.
/cc hold : Pauses mac
/cc go : Resumes from Pause
/cc vary-off ( 4 ) : Turns OFF = 4 random move at camp
/cc vary-on ( 4 ) : Turns ON = 0-3 random move at camp
/cc pullmode : ON Toggles Auto Puller
/cc shouts : ON Toggles Auto XTarget Agro
/cc burns : ON: Toggles auto burns
/cc hunter : OFF: Toggles Hunter Mode. Pull must be on to go Get, turn off PULL to pause
/cc tankmode : ON: Toggles Tank Mode
/cc makecamp : Makes a NEW camp Location
/cc move ON: Toggles Move to Mob/FACE ON/OFF
/cc raidtank : OFF: Toggles Raid Tank Mode
/cc range : Changes the Radius of X and Y Scatter for return to camp.
/cc nukes OFF: Toggles Dots and Nukes ON/OFF
/cc forceburn OFF: Toggles ForceBurn ON/OFF
/cc assist ## : Turns ON AutoAssist, and turn off Shout abilities. Sets Assist to Group MA
/cc setassist TANKNAME : Sets Auto Assist a name of your choice.
/cc setassistat ## : Sets Auto Assist % to ##
/cc additem: adds a item to auto cast clicky (use Hotbutton)
/cc deleteitem: deletes a item from auto cast clicky (use Hotbutton)
/cc makebuttons Will create all hotbuttons needed for the macro. Have a open HotBar!!
/cc camprad: Sets your Camp Radius for saving your pals who are dumbasses!
/cc bando: Auto Bandolier is ON
/cc byos: Manually sets the spells in order you want. You can only exchange spells for spells ect. NO spell for AA or CA ect.. To use type /cc byos Aggro1 "My Spell Here" (NO Rk.II III)
/cc autosit: Will Enable / Disable Autositting (DEFAULT: ON.)
/cc listvars: Will list all variables and their Spell. Mainly to be used for Bring Your Own Spell /cc byos
/cc vardisc: Will give you a description of the spell occupying Variable listed. Example: /cc vardisc Aggro1 Fills your target's head with memories of a horrible tragedy, inciting %H hatred toward you.
/cc bcount #: Will set the Tanking Bandolier swap Number. Less than this number will equip 2hander.
/cc defcon #: Sets the HP % some of your major Defensive discs will fire. Default is 50%