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Combat Assist XGen

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/cc has a full list of commands in game.
/cc Class ShortName aka /cc shd for Shadow Knights will give you all Class specific commands.

<Beastlord Class Commands>
/cc griks: Toggles Griklor's Feralgia ON/OFF.

<Berzerker Class Commands>
/cc axeofnumber ###: Will keep the number of axes specified in stock.
/cc burn: Toggles Burns ON/OFF.
/cc dicho: Toggles Dissident/Dicho ON/OFF.
/cc forceburn: Toggles ForceBurn ON/OFF.
/cc sync-d: Forces Syncing of Dissident / Dicho to Synergy.
/cc usealliance: Toggles Alliance Casting ON/OFF.
/cc useae: Toggles AE's ON/OFF.
/cc xtburn: Sets Xtarget count for auto burn.

<Bard Class Commands>
/cc aemez ##: Sets the Number of mobs in camp to Mez.
/cc mezz: Toggles Mezzing ON/OFF.
/cc bellow: Toggles Bellow ON/OFF.
/cc deletemelody: Deletes specified melody and song loadout in DB Example: /cc deletemelody supernuker
/cc listmelodies: Lists all saved melodies in DB.
/cc loadmelody: Loads specified melody and songs from DB for use. Example: /cc loadmelody supernuker
/cc melodysets: Toggles between a Combat and non Combat melody set range controlled.
/cc savemelody: Enters specified melody and song loadout into DB for use. Quotes manditory! Example: /cc savemelody supernuker "13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
/cc updatemelody melodyname ##: Updates melody specified and gem specified with spell in gemslot specified. Example: /cc updatemelody supernuker 10
/cc rally: Toggles ${Rally ON/OFF.
/cc selos/invis: Turns Twist/Melody OFF, and Casts:
/cc selos: Toggles Selos ON/OFF.
/cc setaura 1 or 2. (Aura1 is Blagh. Aura2 is MoreBlagh.
/cc songdist ##: Sets Combat Song Range (You will sing a alternate configured melody from your selected songs when Target is past this number).
/cc syncepic: Syncs ${xgv_BrdEpic Clicks with Shamans Epic.
/cc twist: Toggles Twisting ON/OFF.
/cc twistdps: Toggles a preconfigured DPS Twist/Melody(Mems songs)
/cc twisttank: Toggles a preconfigured Tank Twist/Melody(Mems songs)
/newmelody # # #: Starts melody with Gem#.

<Cleric Commands>
/cc berheals ## Sets Berserkers Heal at %.
/cc buffs: Toggles group buffing abilities.
/cc chainheal: Toggles Chain Healing your target when in combat. WILL NOT Auto Swap Targets!
/cc cure: Toggles Cureing abilities.
/cc forcesplash: Toggles Force Casting Splash till at a resting state.
/cc groupheal: Toggles Group Healing abilities.
/cc healpct: Sets Group Heal Percent.
/cc healrng ##: Set Healing Range to ## Ft.
/cc mtheals ##: Sets Main Tank Heal %.
/cc petheals: Toggles Pet Healing ON/OFF.
/cc retort: Toggles Retort on Tanks ON/OFF/
/cc splash: Toggles Splashes ON/OFF.
/cc xtheal: Toggles X-Target Healing ON/OFF.
/cc yaulp: Toggles Yaulp

<Druid Class Commands>
/cc autores: Toggles Auto Resurrection ON/OFF.
/cc buffs: Toggles group buffing abilities ON/OFF.
/cc cure: Toggles Curing abilities ON/OFF.
/cc debuffs: Toggles Debuffs ON/OFF.
/cc dots: Toggles DoT's ON/OFF.
/cc dpsmode: Toggles Nukes And DoTs ON/OFF. You can instead use /cc manasave to only Toggle DPSNukes. And /cc healsonly to only use Heals.
/cc healpct: Sets Group Heal Percent.
/cc healsonly: Turns ALL DPS OFF and heals.
/cc manasave: Toggles DoTS OFF. And Toggles Nukes ON.
/cc skin: Toggles Buffing with Group Skin.
/cc toggleaura: Toggles between FireAura and ColdAura
/cc togglemounts: Toggles using mounts while outdoors ON/OFF.Must use My Mount Button to Work
/cc xtheal: Toggles X-Target Healing ON/OFF.

<ENC Class Commands>
/cc aemez ##: Sets the Number of mobs in camp to Mez.
/cc auraset 1 or 2: Sets aura 1 or 2 to the specified aura.
/echo EXAMPLE: To use aura set type /cc auraset 2 "SomeAura"
/cc buffs: Toggles group buffing abilities.
/cc debuffs: Toggles Debuffs ON/OFF.
/cc dots: Toggles DoT's ON/OFF.
/cc melee: Toggles Melee ON/OFF.
/cc mezz: Toggles Mezzing ON/OFF.
/cc nukes: Toggles Nukes ON/OFF.
/cc nukeset: Toggles Nuke Sets between MineSet and PollySet
/cc trune: Toggles Tank Rune Buffing ON/OFF.

<Mag Class Commands>
/cc air: Changes your Pet Type to: Air Pet!
/cc bifold: Toggles xgv_ToggleBifold Focus of the Evil Eye ON/OFF.
/cc earth: Changes your Pet Type to: Earth Pet.
/cc eatMyPet: Toggles Pet Reclaim ON/OFF.
/cc fire: Changes your Pet Type to: Fire Pet.
/cc gather: Toggles Mage Gather Mana Spell Casting ON/OFF.
/cc malo: Toggles Malo ON/OFF.
/cc melee: Toggles Melee ON/OFF.
/cc nukes: Toggles Dots and Nukes ON/OFF.
/cc pettank: Toggles Pet Tanking ON/OFF.
/cc pettoys: Toggles Toy making on / off. Also enables tellcommands for toys from other toons.!
/cc petjewelry: Makes Your Pet New Focus Jewlery ....!
/cc petweapons: Makes Your Pet New weapons....!
/cc pshrink: Toggles Pet Shrinking ON/OFF. (Does not Unshrink your pet!)
/cc rods: Toggles summoning of modrods ON/OFF.
/cc swarmclickies: Toggles Swarm Pet Clickies ON/OFF.
/cc tellcommands: Toggles Tell Commands ON/OFF. /cc magopt for help.
/cc useae: Toggles AE's ON/OFF.
/cc useice: Toggles Summoning of Ice Clickie Nukes ON/OFF.
/cc velocity: Toggles Pet Buff Velocity ON/OFF.
/cc water: Changes your Pet Type to: Water Pet.
<Mage Tell Commands> [/Tell Command:Action]
coth: Casts: Call of the Hero (Summons you)
modrod: Casts: Summon xgv_ModRod AA!
toys: Summons and gives your pet toys!

<Monk Class Commands>
/cc cop4: Toggles ${FindItem[Rage of Rolfron].Name during burn ON/OFF. (If Null, You don't have one!)
/cc mcbard: Toggles Mind Controlling of Bards Songs During Pulls ON/OFF.

<Necromancer Class Commands>
/cc auraset 1, 2, or 3: Sets auras 1, 2, or 3 to the specified Aura: WARNING: Necro Aura's Havae an AE Effect, don't use if mezzing!
/cc firedot: Toggles Fire Dot's ON/OFF.
/cc poisondot: Toggles Poison Dot's ON/OFF.
/cc diseasedot: Toggles Disease Dot's ON/OFF.
/cc rdot: Toggles Raid Dot's ON/OFF.
/cc faveset: Toggles favorite set ON/OFF.
/cc meleemode: Toggles Melee ON/OFF.
/cc necaura: Toggles Necro AE DoT Auras ON/OFF.
/cc pshrink: Toggles Pet Shrinking ON/OFF. (Does not Unshrink your pet!)
/cc pettank: Toggles Pet Tanking ON/OFF.
/cc bifold: Toggles Bifold Focus item ON/OFF (If Null You Don't Have One!).
/cc dotmode: Toggles through available DoT Modes.

<Paladin Class Commands>
/cc automem: Auto Memming of some spells.
/cc buffs: Toggles group buffing abilities.
/cc bando: Auto Bandolier ON / OFF
/cc bcount #: Will set the Tanking Bandolier swap Number. Less than this number will equip 2hander.
/cc berheals ##: Sets Berserkers Heal at %.
/cc crush: Toggles CrushLine and Stuns.
/cc defcon: Defensive Disc used at % of Health.
/cc defcon2: Defensive Disc used at # of or more mobs between your level -5 and level 125 with in a 50 ft Radius.!
/cc disrupt: Toggles Disruptive Persecution and Forditude of Disrubtion
/cc sheals: Toggles Self Healing.
/cc gheals: Toggles Group Healing.
/cc healpct: Sets Group Heal Percent.
/cc nukes: Toggles Nukes ON/OFF.
/cc protbuff: Enables / Disables Auto-Protective Runes for ToT.
/cc raidtank: Toggles Raid Tank Mode. Toggles- Assist Off, Aggro ON FaceOnly OFF, Pulling OFF, MoveToMob / ToggleGetBehind OFF
/cc root: Sets Auto Rooting on or off.
/cc shouts: Toggles Auto XTarget Aggro.
/cc splash: Toggles Splashes ON/OFF.
/cc stuns: Toggles Stuns and CrushLine.
/cc dstuns: Toggles Divine Stun AA.
/cc tankmode: Toggles Tank Mode abilities
/cc usealliance: Toggles Alliance Casting ON/OFF.

<Ranger Class Commands>
/cc buffs: Toggles Buffs ON/OFF.
/cc dots: Toggles DoT's ON/OFF.
/cc ranged: Toggles Ranged Auto Distance ON/OFF.
/cc useae: Toggles AE's ON/OFF.
/cc snuke: Sets Summers Nuke Line casts per Mob. Default 6.

<Rogue Class Commands>
/cc cop4: Toggles Circle of Power during burn ON/OFF.
/cc div1: Toggles Cozen ON/OFF.
/cc dots: Toggles DoT's ON/OFF.
/cc open: Toggles Daggerslice Opener ON/OFF.
/cc roguecoth: Toggles Corpse Retrieval ON/OFF.
/cc snare: Toggles snare ON/OFF.
/cc sos1: Toggles SoS ON/OFF.

<SK Class Commands>
/cc assist: Toggles assist mode instead of tankmode.
/cc bando: Toggles Auto Bandolier Swapping ON/OFF.
/cc bcount #: Will set the Tanking Bandolier swap Number. Less than this number will equip 2hander.
/cc defcon ##: Defensive Disc used at: % of Health.
/cc defcon2 ##: Defensive Disc used at # of or more mobs between your level -5 and level 125 with in a 50 ft Radius!
/cc disrupt: Enables or Disables Disruption Self Buff and Insidious nuke line.
/cc makeleaderbuttons: Makes a set of Leader/Tank Buttons.
/cc mcbard: Toggles Mind Controlling of Bards Songs During Pulls ON/OFF.
/cc nukes: Toggles Dots and Nukes ON/OFF.
/cc raidtank: Toggles Raid Tank Mode. Toggles- Assist Off, Aggro ON FaceOnly OFF, Pulling OFF, MoveToMob / GetBehind OFF
/cc reavers: Sets Reavers Bargain Auto use.
/cc setunity (a or b): Will enable Dark Lords Unity Azia(a) or Beza(b)
/cc shouts: Toggles Auto Shouts ON/OFF.
/cc tankmode: Toggles TankMode Mode ON/OFF.
/cc pettank: TogglesPet Aggro Spells Enabled.

<Shaman Class Commands>
/cc autores: Toggles Auto Resurrection ON/OFF.
/cc berheals ##: Sets Berserkers Heal at ##%.
/cc buffs: Toggles buffs ON/OFF.
/cc chainheal: Toggles Chain Healing your target when in combat. WILL NOT Auto Swap Targets!.
/cc combatnuke: Toggles Chain casting Frostline spells while in combat.
/cc cure: Toggles Curing abilities ON/OFF.
/cc debuffs: Toggles Debuffs ON/OFF.
/cc dots: Toggles Dots ON/OFF.
/cc groupheal: Toggles Between Group-Healer, and Single-Target Healer Modes.
/cc healpct ##: Sets Heal % to ##.
/cc healrng ##: Set Healing Range to ## Ft.
/cc lupine: Toggles Casting of Lupine Spirit (Tala'Tak).
/cc maintank OR GMT: Sets New Group Main Tank
/cc malopct: Will set the percent Malo will look to cast at reguardless of assist percent.
/cc meleemode: Toggles Melee ON/OFF.
/cc moredots: Toggles Casting 4 more DoT's. Best used with Buffs OFF.
/cc petheals: Toggles Pet Healing ON/OFF.
/cc raidmode: Toggles: CBN ON AutoRes OFF Buffs OFF Dots OFF Debuffs OFF XT Healing ON Sets Heal Point to 99%.
/cc xtheal: Toggles X-Target Healing ON/OFF.

<Warrior Class Commands>
/cc aeaggro: Toggles AE AGGRO Spell ON/OFF.
/cc bando: Toggles Auto Bandolier Swapping ON/OFF.
/cc bcount #: Will set the Tanking Bandolier swap Number. Less than this number will equip 2hander.
/cc breakinvis: Will auto break Invisability if Group Main Tank drops Below 40 % HP.
/cc defcon ##: Health % Defensive Disc used at.
/cc defcon2 ##: Sets the number of mobs between your level -5 and level 125 with in a 50 ft Radius Defensive Disc used at!
/cc dpsmode: Toggles DpsMode ON/OFF.
/cc mcbard: Toggles Mind Controlling of Bards Songs During Pulls ON and OFF Currently Disabled for tuning / troubleshooting.
/cc raidtank: Toggles Raid Tank Mode. Toggles- Assist Off, Aggro ON FaceOnly OFF, Pulling OFF, MoveToMob / ToggleGetBehind OFF
/cc root: Sets Auto Call of Challenge Rooting on or off.
/cc shouts: Toggles Auto XTarget Aggro. (No AE Aggro Abilities.)
/cc tankmode: Toggles Tank Mode. aka use takey things!

<Pull Commands>
/cc clear <ignore/pull> ##: Clear the ignore or pull list.
/cc hunter: Pull must be on to go Get, turn off PULL to pause.
/cc ignore "<spawn search>": Add spawns to ignore list, remember to use " ". Will not be saved in ini.
/cc list: Shows both ignore and pull lists.
/cc load: load reload the ini.
/cc manawatch: Pauses pulling routine while healers med.
/cc mcbard: Toggles Mind Controlling of Bards Songs During Pulls ON/OFF.
/cc permignore <add || remove> <Target || "Typed Name">: Add or removes spawns to perminant ignore list, remember to use " " for a typed name. WILL be saved in the DB.
/cc pull "<spawn search>": Add spawns to pull list, remember to use " ". Will not be saved in ini.
BROKEN ATM. /cc pullangle ###: Sets a variable angle for you to pull from. Center of angle is the way you are facing.
/cc pullgrey: Toggles Grey Mob Pulling on and Off.
/cc pullmode : Enables and Disables Pulling.
/cc pullmove OR /cc pmove: Enables and Disables moving to mob while pulling. You may want to stay stationary and not run out some times (Default is Enabled).
/cc pullstyle: Toggles pull styles: 1. Pull in a set Radius of ${Radius around the Camp. 2. I Pull where I want! You cant tell me what to do!
/cc radius ##: Changes the radius around you to look for mobs in. (Example: /cc radius 400).
/cc range: Changes the Radius of X and Y Scatter for return to camp.
/cc updateplist: Re-runs the auto Ignore pull list generator.
/cc zradius ##: Change the Z Radius. (Example: /cc zradius 100).

<Wizzard Translocate List>
Tell commands are: Teal Locations are: Green...
Evac :EVAC!
ITU:Group Invis to Undead
Invis :Group Invis
Levi :Group Levi
arcstone :Arcstone
barindu :Barindu
blightfire :The Blightfire Moors
bloodfields :Bloodfields
brells :Brell's Rest
cazic :Cazic
cobaltscar :Cobalt Scar
common :West Commonlands
dawnshroud :Dawnshroud Peaks
dragonscale :Dragonscale Hills
dreadlands :Dreadlands
fay :The Greater Faydark
gdivide :The Great Divide(TOV)
great divide :The Great Divide
grimling :Grimling Forest
grounds :The Grounds(HoT)
iceclad :Iceclad Ocean
icefall :Icefall Glacier
karana :The Northern Plains of Karana
katta :Katta Castrum
lcea :Lceanium
natimbi :Natimbi
nek :Nektulos
nexus :The Nexus
nro :Northern Desert of Ro
pok :The Plane of Knowledge
primary :Primary Anchor
sarith :Sarith
secondary :Secondary Anchor
slaughter :Wall of Slaughter
stonebrunt :The Stonebrunt Mountains
sunderock :Sunderock Springs
time :The Plane of Time
tox :Toxxulia Forest
twilight :The Twilight Sea
undershore :The Undershore
wakening :The Wakening Lands
wkarana :The Western Plains of Karana
ADD g- in front of any tell to cast a group portal and send everyone!

Pet Tanking.
Pet Tanking:
On Mage. Set yourself as MA.

Pet taunt will auto on from that point.  Once you set someone else as MT Taunt goes off.

Pet Pulls:
For Pet Pulling.  There are 3 rolls.

1.  Stationary -  You stay put pet goes and grabs mobs in a radius about 130 range radius.

- Settings.  Camp N/A, Move Off, Petpulls ON

2.  Hunter - You and your trusty Ally go out for some hunting fun.  you move together, it fetches and brings back to you for the slaughter.

- Settings. Camp OFF, Move ON, PetPulls ON

3.  The Ambush.  You and pet go trick some mobs into thinking its you and a pet only.  As they are chasing you, the quickly find out you have lured them back to you friends for their beatdown.

- Settings.  Camp ON, Move ON, PetPulls ON.