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Plugin - MQ2Rez (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2006
This is the discussion thread for MQ2Rez.

Information on the plugin, including commands can be found on the resource page:
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Well done.

I'm looking forward into having this advance into something even more developed than it is now.(not saying it doesnt rock now)
/bump, since i think this is ingeneous and deserves tons of credit to thez for helping the redguides community
*cough* Yeah. I was more focused on getting it working and cutting out the extra code than the nittygritty details. That's the next version ><
Nice work Z :D
I'm curious though. Does this have the ability to tell if you are being given a 90% or lower rez, and not accept it. Do you plan to eventually include a way to set an acceptable prefered rez % ?
Also how does it handle being chain rezed in raid situations? With this pluged in will it just keep taking rezes untill the user /autorez accept off or unplugs it; Or is there some a check to see if you have regained exp from the rez and auto shut the function down?
If not there are some things to tinker with. :p

' . '
Does this have the ability to tell if you are being given a 90% or lower rez, and not accept it. Do you plan to eventually include a way to set an acceptable prefered rez % ?

It does not have that ability yet, I'll look into that.

Also how does it handle being chain rezed in raid situations? With this pluged in will it just keep taking rezes untill the user /autorez accept off or unplugs it; Or is there some a check to see if you have regained exp from the rez and auto shut the function down?

It doesn't do that either...good ideas. I have an idea on how I could do that...require the rez window to have opened once since your last rez that was handled. I'll code that up and add that in to the next version.
Nice one TheZ... I'll have to give this a shot the next time i die... I just tried the other Rezz plugin today and thought that was awesome... Nice to see it taken once step forward.
Finally updated. Everything should be working right.

-Condensed all of the rez stuff into the "/rez" command with options as listed above.
-Added in the requested change to have a minimum rez level

DLL has been updated as well. Please let me know if you have any problems.
is it sposed to fully loot your corpse? i have it set to take the rez and auto loot but all it does is open the loot window and sit there, not sure if i'm missing something, i use an auto loot macro but it only works after i take rez
I need some people to test out a new version of this code that includes a feature which allows you to set a command to be executed once your corpse has been looted. Please send me a PM if you are able.
BUMP...new version posted that allows you to define a command or series of commands to be executed after you have looted your corpse. Using the /rezzme command will now cause the plugin to loot your corpse like a regular rez if looting is enabled.


The format for the new command is as follows:
Rich (BB code):
/rez command on|off -> Toggle use of a command after looting out corpse

/rez setcommand "mycommand" -> Set the command that you want.

The "mycommand" must be formatted like this: "/memset group" or "/multiline ; /sit ; /memset group ; /mac rezbuffs" etc. If you can't get that to work, the command can be manually set in the INI file, too.
Small update to the code. The "/rez" command which shows you the commands / settings will now show you your OnRez command, when you change the command it should echo, and I changed the way the command is done a small bit, which might help some people that have been having problems.
Updated source and DLL for TBS expansion.

Since the Redquest one isn't updated, you'll need to overwrite its DLL with this one to get the working version.
Added delay to mq2rez

Rich (BB code):
/rez delay # -> Delay # seconds before taking rez

Default is 0, like existing instant accept.

Also updated output when toggling options, and the command after rez works correctly now.

Rich (BB code):
/rez command on|off -> Toggle use of a command after taking rez
/rez setcommand mycommand -> Set the command that you want.

Takes rez after box has been up for 3 seconds.
Rich (BB code):
/rez delay 3

Sit after getting a rez. There is a built in 4 second delay after zoning or accepting rez before the command is actually executed to account for lag.
Rich (BB code):
/rez command on
/rez setcommand /sit

Any issues let me know.
MQ2Rez - Plugin form of Wait4Rez.mac.

Rich (BB code):
/rez -> displays settings
/rez accept on|off -> Toggle auto-accepting rezbox
/rez spawn  on|off -> Toggles going to bind point after death
/rez pct # -> Autoaccepts rezes only if they are higher than # percent
/rez loot on|off -> Toggle looting corpse when opened and when rezzed
/rez command on|off -> Toggle use of a command after looting out corpse
/rez setcommand "mycommand" -> Set the command that you want to be activated after you are rezzed. 
/rez help

To turn OFF the most annoying feature ever released in a plugin. VTell on death
Rich (BB code):
/rez voice OFF
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Added option for how long to wait before returning to bind if no rez

Rich (BB code):
/rez spawn delay 60
/rez spawn on

This will wait 60 seconds for a rez and then return to bind. Defaults to 0 which gives previous behavior. Maskoi you have updated source.


  • MQ2Rez.dll
    99 KB · Views: 8
I don't know if this is the source RG uses to update MQ2Rez, but I made a change to fix an issue with rezzing in PoWar. I was told that the listbox is backwards in PoWar, so rezzes don't work properly. So, I updated MQ2Rez to look for the listbox item that is labeled "Resurrect", and select that one, instead of just selecting #2... It worked fine in my testing of zones outside PoWar, but I have not tested it in PoWar. The source I used is in the thread below:


I can compile and upload a .dll if anyone wants to test, so it can be added to the RG compile.
We have put some resources in our version so its closed. What exactly is the problem with plane of war Rezs?
Give me a screen shot if you can
They did this whole zone as anti pet, anti box, anti bot. It's always a complete cluster fuck going there but it's easy to get loot there. I even afk farm named but eventually I come back to half my force ending up in the entrance of the mines which is a pain in the ass.
Did not work. Notice the weird small r in the box
First rez message


After time out spawns back into plane of war somewhere then was killed again

Also, if you look at the source code I posted, instead of checking if you're in PoWar and selecting the first item instead of the second on the rez window, I attempted to get the text from the listbox and check for "Resurrect"... It seemed to work fine in the zones I tested, but I hadn't been able to test it in PoWar. The idea was that if it did work, it should work regardless of the zone... Anyway, I'll get back on it tonight or tomorrow, and see what's going on.

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, that's what I intend to do this time, so I can see what the plugin is doing realtime. :)

- - - Updated - - -

I would have tested it last night, but I was there with guildies, and I had to tank... lol

- - - Updated - - -

I made a silly error in the code. It is fixed now, and appears to be working. :) I'll kill off my enchanter a couple more times to confirm.

- - - Updated - - -

It definitely works in powar.

Issue was in:
Rich (BB code):
int SelectResurrect(void)
	CListWnd *Child;
	CXWnd *pWnd;
	CXStr Text;
	char buf[2048];
	int x=0;

	pWnd=(CXWnd *)FindMQ2Window("RespawnWnd");
	if(!pWnd) return -1;
	if(((PCSIDLWND)(pWnd))->dShow==0) return -1;
	Child=(CListWnd *)pWnd->GetChildItem("rw_optionslist");
	if(!Child) return -1;
	for(x=0; x<Child->Items; x++)
		GetCXStr(Text.Ptr, buf, 2048);
		//DebugSpew("Item %i: %s", x, buf);
		WriteChatf("MQ2Rez::\aySelectResurrect\ax <\ag %i, %s \ax>.", x, buf);
			SendListSelect("RespawnWnd", "RW_OptionsList", x); // I had SendListSelect("RespawnWnd", "RW_OptionsList", 1); from my initial test compile... I forgot to change the 1 to x...
			//DebugSpew("Selected %i: %s", x, buf);
			WriteChatf("MQ2Rez::\aySelectResurrect\ax <\ag %i, %s \ax>.", x, buf);

I'll update the code on the MQ2 website. RG is welcome to incorporate this change in their release.

How it works... Instead of:
Rich (BB code):
DoCommand(GetCharInfo()->pSpawn,"/squelch /notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 2");

We use:
Rich (BB code):

The SelectResurrect function selects the proper option from the listbox, regardless of zone. It looks for "Resurrect" in the second column, and selects the row it finds it in. Then, the rest of the plugin operates like before. I left the old code there, commented out, in case it's wanted for something else... I'll clean it up a little, and add a break in the for loop when we find "Resurrect", and re-submit the changes to MQ2 forum.


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  • MQ2Rez.dll
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Plugin - MQ2Rez

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