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/advloot Generator: Advanced Looting System Item Filter Syntax Generator

Software /advloot Generator: Advanced Looting System Item Filter Syntax Generator (1 Viewer) 1.0.4

NoS TS materials list:

159700^11607^Spiritual Luclinite Ore
159701^11610^Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Topaz
159702^11611^Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide
159703^11612^Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk
159704^11613^Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Timber
This is completely insane. So in order to make a set of Arms I have to basically keep doing missions and hope that I get an Otherworldly ore for arms to make them? And then do that six times over for the rest of my toons? This is going to be absolutely nuts.
Yes, I have completed over 70 missions and done hunter is 3 zones which I killed each of the named 4 times at least. I have gotten 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 boots and 1 head. The drop rate is entirely stupid
Here's all the defiant gear,

50500^1434^Crude Defiant Amethyst
50509^569^Crude Defiant Axe
50516^597^Crude Defiant Bow
50011^624^Crude Defiant Breastplate
50518^542^Crude Defiant Buckler
50014^1562^Crude Defiant Chain Boots
50012^1235^Crude Defiant Chain Bracer
50015^523^Crude Defiant Chain Coif
50013^526^Crude Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50017^630^Crude Defiant Chain Leggings
50016^546^Crude Defiant Chain Sleeves
50018^632^Crude Defiant Chain Tunic
50029^938^Crude Defiant Cloth Cap
50027^517^Crude Defiant Cloth Gloves
50031^631^Crude Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
50032^928^Crude Defiant Cloth Robe
50028^761^Crude Defiant Cloth Sandals
50030^670^Crude Defiant Cloth Sleeves
50026^638^Crude Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
50507^737^Crude Defiant Club
50510^592^Crude Defiant Dagger
50501^1437^Crude Defiant Emerald
50512^971^Crude Defiant Fists
50503^956^Crude Defiant Granite Pebble
50514^776^Crude Defiant Greatspear
50515^519^Crude Defiant Greatsword
50021^666^Crude Defiant Leather Boots
50019^637^Crude Defiant Leather Bracer
50022^640^Crude Defiant Leather Cap
50020^636^Crude Defiant Leather Gloves
50023^669^Crude Defiant Leather Sleeves
50024^635^Crude Defiant Leather Trousers
50025^678^Crude Defiant Leather Tunic
50506^578^Crude Defiant Mace
50007^779^Crude Defiant Plate Boots
50005^671^Crude Defiant Plate Bracer
50006^531^Crude Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50010^541^Crude Defiant Plate Greaves
50008^628^Crude Defiant Plate Helm
50009^543^Crude Defiant Plate Vambraces
50513^601^Crude Defiant Quarterstaff
50502^1941^Crude Defiant Ruby Shard
50508^575^Crude Defiant Shortsword
50511^776^Crude Defiant Spear
50517^606^Crude Defiant Spiked Shield
50504^1431^Crude Defiant Stone Fragment
50505^1435^Crude Defiant Turquoise

Simple Level 5:
50519^1959^Simple Defiant Alexandrite Shard
50526^577^Simple Defiant Bastard Sword
50520^945^Simple Defiant Bluestone
50533^1104^Simple Defiant Bow
50039^1568^Simple Defiant Breastplate
50042^1560^Simple Defiant Chain Boots
50040^620^Simple Defiant Chain Bracer
50043^625^Simple Defiant Chain Coif
50041^530^Simple Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50045^610^Simple Defiant Chain Leggings
50044^622^Simple Defiant Chain Sleeves
50046^527^Simple Defiant Chain Tunic
50527^1183^Simple Defiant Claw Dagger
50057^936^Simple Defiant Cloth Cap
50055^636^Simple Defiant Cloth Gloves
50059^630^Simple Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
50060^929^Simple Defiant Cloth Robe
50056^558^Simple Defiant Cloth Sandals
50058^669^Simple Defiant Cloth Sleeves
50054^637^Simple Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
50528^574^Simple Defiant Dagger
50522^1436^Simple Defiant Garnet
50532^568^Simple Defiant Greataxe
50523^581^Simple Defiant Hammer
50521^949^Simple Defiant Jasper
50534^676^Simple Defiant Kite Shield
50049^780^Simple Defiant Leather Boots
50047^1585^Simple Defiant Leather Bracer
50050^641^Simple Defiant Leather Cap
50048^1606^Simple Defiant Leather Gloves
50051^634^Simple Defiant Leather Sleeves
50052^655^Simple Defiant Leather Trousers
50053^632^Simple Defiant Leather Tunic
50035^545^Simple Defiant Plate Boots
50033^516^Simple Defiant Plate Bracer
50034^518^Simple Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50038^610^Simple Defiant Plate Greaves
50036^536^Simple Defiant Plate Helm
50037^546^Simple Defiant Plate Vambraces
50525^576^Simple Defiant Shortsword
50531^1329^Simple Defiant Spear
50530^602^Simple Defiant Twisted Staff
50529^1180^Simple Defiant Ulak
50524^809^Simple Defiant Wand
50535^758^Simple Defiant Wooden Shield

Rough Level 15:
50550^1330^Rough Defiant Bow
50067^1570^Rough Defiant Breastplate
50070^779^Rough Defiant Chain Boots
50068^671^Rough Defiant Chain Bracer
50071^536^Rough Defiant Chain Coif
50069^1607^Rough Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50073^611^Rough Defiant Chain Leggings
50072^1592^Rough Defiant Chain Sleeves
50074^538^Rough Defiant Chain Tunic
50553^973^Rough Defiant Charm
50551^970^Rough Defiant Chitin Shield
50085^937^Rough Defiant Cloth Cap
50083^530^Rough Defiant Cloth Gloves
50087^635^Rough Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
50088^940^Rough Defiant Cloth Robe
50084^666^Rough Defiant Cloth Sandals
50086^1594^Rough Defiant Cloth Sleeves
50082^1584^Rough Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
50549^736^Rough Defiant Halberd
50540^903^Rough Defiant Hammer
50546^1179^Rough Defiant Knuckle Dusters
50077^525^Rough Defiant Leather Boots
50075^1586^Rough Defiant Leather Bracer
50078^1611^Rough Defiant Leather Cap
50076^1607^Rough Defiant Leather Gloves
50079^1593^Rough Defiant Leather Sleeves
50080^845^Rough Defiant Leather Trousers
50081^1569^Rough Defiant Leather Tunic
50543^589^Rough Defiant Longsword
50536^1971^Rough Defiant Nihilite Shard
50063^524^Rough Defiant Plate Boots
50061^1584^Rough Defiant Plate Bracer
50062^1600^Rough Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50066^845^Rough Defiant Plate Greaves
50064^550^Rough Defiant Plate Helm
50065^622^Rough Defiant Plate Vambraces
50552^760^Rough Defiant Round Shield
50541^822^Rough Defiant Scepter
50545^1298^Rough Defiant Serrated Dagger
50542^580^Rough Defiant Shortsword
50547^1175^Rough Defiant Spiked Staff
50544^1215^Rough Defiant Stone Dagger
50548^1163^Rough Defiant Trident
50537^1979^Rough Defiant Trillion Amethyst

Ornate Level 26:
50556^1263^Ornate Defiant Bone Sledgehammer
50566^1855^Ornate Defiant Bow
50095^1572^Ornate Defiant Breastplate
50098^1563^Ornate Defiant Chain Boots
50096^1587^Ornate Defiant Chain Bracer
50099^628^Ornate Defiant Chain Coif
50097^846^Ornate Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50101^845^Ornate Defiant Chain Leggings
50100^1593^Ornate Defiant Chain Sleeves
50102^621^Ornate Defiant Chain Tunic
50569^1637^Ornate Defiant Charm
50113^939^Ornate Defiant Cloth Cap
50111^531^Ornate Defiant Cloth Gloves
50115^655^Ornate Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
50116^942^Ornate Defiant Cloth Robe
50112^525^Ornate Defiant Cloth Sandals
50114^1595^Ornate Defiant Cloth Sleeves
50110^1585^Ornate Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
50561^1326^Ornate Defiant Dagger
50555^955^Ornate Defiant Geode
50559^882^Ornate Defiant Gladius
50568^972^Ornate Defiant Glowing Shield
50554^1957^Ornate Defiant Harmonagate
50564^1397^Ornate Defiant Harpoon
50105^1562^Ornate Defiant Leather Boots
50103^1587^Ornate Defiant Leather Bracer
50106^1609^Ornate Defiant Leather Cap
50104^1605^Ornate Defiant Leather Gloves
50107^1592^Ornate Defiant Leather Sleeves
50108^1578^Ornate Defiant Leather Trousers
50109^1568^Ornate Defiant Leather Tunic
50558^605^Ornate Defiant Longsword
50562^953^Ornate Defiant Orb
50091^844^Ornate Defiant Plate Boots
50089^1585^Ornate Defiant Plate Bracer
50090^1601^Ornate Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50094^1577^Ornate Defiant Plate Greaves
50092^747^Ornate Defiant Plate Helm
50093^623^Ornate Defiant Plate Vambraces
50560^762^Ornate Defiant Rapier
50557^1249^Ornate Defiant Scepter
50565^781^Ornate Defiant Scythe
50567^976^Ornate Defiant Skullshield
50563^887^Ornate Defiant Skullstaff

Flawed defiant, including no-trade:
Flawed Level 37 (50 on some servers):
50571^951^Flawed Defiant Amberstone
50572^1265^Flawed Defiant Brawl Stick
60548^1265^Flawed Defiant Brawl Stick
50123^1573^Flawed Defiant Breastplate
60506^1573^Flawed Defiant Breastplate
50584^1246^Flawed Defiant Carapace
60560^1246^Flawed Defiant Carapace
50126^1564^Flawed Defiant Chain Boots
60509^1564^Flawed Defiant Chain Boots
50124^1586^Flawed Defiant Chain Bracer
60507^1586^Flawed Defiant Chain Bracer
50127^746^Flawed Defiant Chain Coif
60510^746^Flawed Defiant Chain Coif
50125^1606^Flawed Defiant Chain Gauntlets
60508^1606^Flawed Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50129^1578^Flawed Defiant Chain Leggings
60512^1578^Flawed Defiant Chain Leggings
50128^1594^Flawed Defiant Chain Sleeves
60511^1594^Flawed Defiant Chain Sleeves
50130^1572^Flawed Defiant Chain Tunic
60513^1572^Flawed Defiant Chain Tunic
50585^1248^Flawed Defiant Charm
60561^1248^Flawed Defiant Charm
50577^1368^Flawed Defiant Dagger
60553^1368^Flawed Defiant Dagger
50581^603^Flawed Defiant Emeraldblade
60557^603^Flawed Defiant Emeraldblade
50576^1409^Flawed Defiant Glass Shard
60552^1409^Flawed Defiant Glass Shard
50580^1328^Flawed Defiant Lance
60556^1328^Flawed Defiant Lance
50133^764^Flawed Defiant Leather Boots
60516^764^Flawed Defiant Leather Boots
50131^1588^Flawed Defiant Leather Bracer
60514^1588^Flawed Defiant Leather Bracer
50134^640^Flawed Defiant Leather Cap
60517^640^Flawed Defiant Leather Cap
50132^1604^Flawed Defiant Leather Gloves
60515^1604^Flawed Defiant Leather Gloves
50135^1595^Flawed Defiant Leather Sleeves
60518^1595^Flawed Defiant Leather Sleeves
50136^1579^Flawed Defiant Leather Trousers
60519^1579^Flawed Defiant Leather Trousers
50137^1570^Flawed Defiant Leather Tunic
60520^1570^Flawed Defiant Leather Tunic
50582^1448^Flawed Defiant Longbow
60558^1448^Flawed Defiant Longbow
50574^1165^Flawed Defiant Longsword
60550^1165^Flawed Defiant Longsword
50573^1320^Flawed Defiant Mace
60549^1320^Flawed Defiant Mace
50578^944^Flawed Defiant Orb
60554^944^Flawed Defiant Orb
50119^1565^Flawed Defiant Plate Boots
60502^1565^Flawed Defiant Plate Boots
50117^1587^Flawed Defiant Plate Bracer
60500^1587^Flawed Defiant Plate Bracer
50118^846^Flawed Defiant Plate Gauntlets
60501^846^Flawed Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50122^1582^Flawed Defiant Plate Greaves
60505^1582^Flawed Defiant Plate Greaves
50120^746^Flawed Defiant Plate Helm
60503^746^Flawed Defiant Plate Helm
50121^1594^Flawed Defiant Plate Vambraces
60504^1594^Flawed Defiant Plate Vambraces
50579^1378^Flawed Defiant Quarterstaff
60555^1378^Flawed Defiant Quarterstaff
50570^1984^Flawed Defiant Quartz
50583^1244^Flawed Defiant Scale Shield
60559^1244^Flawed Defiant Scale Shield
50575^1285^Flawed Defiant Shortsword
60551^1285^Flawed Defiant Shortsword
50141^933^Flawed Defiant Silk Cap
60524^933^Flawed Defiant Silk Cap
50139^529^Flawed Defiant Silk Gloves
60522^529^Flawed Defiant Silk Gloves
50143^1576^Flawed Defiant Silk Pantaloons
60526^1576^Flawed Defiant Silk Pantaloons
50144^2107^Flawed Defiant Silk Robe
60527^2107^Flawed Defiant Silk Robe
50140^780^Flawed Defiant Silk Sandals
60523^780^Flawed Defiant Silk Sandals
50142^1596^Flawed Defiant Silk Sleeves
60525^1596^Flawed Defiant Silk Sleeves
50138^1586^Flawed Defiant Silk Wristwrap
60521^1586^Flawed Defiant Silk Wristwrap

Intricate Level 48:
50598^1856^Intricate Defiant Bow
50153^2110^Intricate Defiant Breastplate
50157^1565^Intricate Defiant Chain Boots
50154^1588^Intricate Defiant Chain Bracer
50158^747^Intricate Defiant Chain Coif
50156^531^Intricate Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50160^1577^Intricate Defiant Chain Leggings
50159^1595^Intricate Defiant Chain Sleeves
50161^1573^Intricate Defiant Chain Tunic
50155^1588^Intricate Defiant Chain Wristguard
50601^2772^Intricate Defiant Charm
50587^1477^Intricate Defiant Crystal Shard
50597^1286^Intricate Defiant Greatsword
50588^1348^Intricate Defiant Hammer
50599^760^Intricate Defiant Hammered Buckler
50594^1486^Intricate Defiant Handwraps
50590^890^Intricate Defiant Katana
50165^844^Intricate Defiant Leather Boots
50162^1589^Intricate Defiant Leather Bracer
50166^641^Intricate Defiant Leather Cap
50164^1603^Intricate Defiant Leather Gloves
50167^1596^Intricate Defiant Leather Sleeves
50168^1582^Intricate Defiant Leather Trousers
50169^1571^Intricate Defiant Leather Tunic
50163^1589^Intricate Defiant Leather Wristguard
50589^1325^Intricate Defiant Mace
50593^1187^Intricate Defiant Partisan Spear
50149^2133^Intricate Defiant Plate Boots
50145^2122^Intricate Defiant Plate Bracer
50148^2126^Intricate Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50152^2129^Intricate Defiant Plate Greaves
50150^2114^Intricate Defiant Plate Helm
50151^2118^Intricate Defiant Plate Vambraces
50147^2122^Intricate Defiant Plate Wristband
50146^2122^Intricate Defiant Plate Wristguard
50592^1407^Intricate Defiant Sacrificial Dagger
50591^1315^Intricate Defiant Scimitar
50175^934^Intricate Defiant Silk Cap
50173^1606^Intricate Defiant Silk Gloves
50177^1577^Intricate Defiant Silk Pantaloons
50178^941^Intricate Defiant Silk Robe
50174^1560^Intricate Defiant Silk Sandals
50176^1597^Intricate Defiant Silk Sleeves
50171^1587^Intricate Defiant Silk Wristband
50170^1587^Intricate Defiant Silk Wristguard
50172^1587^Intricate Defiant Silk Wristwrap
50595^1783^Intricate Defiant Spiked Warhammer
50586^1438^Intricate Defiant Spotstone
50600^676^Intricate Defiant Targ Shield
50596^1401^Intricate Defiant Trident

Elaborate Level 59:
50615^1383^Elaborate Defiant Aegis
50187^2109^Elaborate Defiant Breastplate
50191^545^Elaborate Defiant Chain Boots
50188^1589^Elaborate Defiant Chain Bracer
50192^1612^Elaborate Defiant Chain Coif
50190^1603^Elaborate Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50194^1581^Elaborate Defiant Chain Leggings
50193^1596^Elaborate Defiant Chain Sleeves
50195^1570^Elaborate Defiant Chain Tunic
50189^1589^Elaborate Defiant Chain Wristguard
50613^1534^Elaborate Defiant Claymore
50603^948^Elaborate Defiant Coldstone
50607^1400^Elaborate Defiant Cutlass
50605^1524^Elaborate Defiant Dragonrod
50602^960^Elaborate Defiant Fire Bauble
50609^1427^Elaborate Defiant Flint Spear
50616^1384^Elaborate Defiant Heater
50606^1541^Elaborate Defiant Kama
50199^1564^Elaborate Defiant Leather Boots
50196^1590^Elaborate Defiant Leather Bracer
50200^1611^Elaborate Defiant Leather Cap
50198^1602^Elaborate Defiant Leather Gloves
50201^1597^Elaborate Defiant Leather Sleeves
50202^1583^Elaborate Defiant Leather Trousers
50203^1573^Elaborate Defiant Leather Tunic
50197^1590^Elaborate Defiant Leather Wristguard
50611^2282^Elaborate Defiant Minotaur Staff
50183^2135^Elaborate Defiant Plate Boots
50179^2121^Elaborate Defiant Plate Bracer
50182^2127^Elaborate Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50186^2131^Elaborate Defiant Plate Greaves
50184^2113^Elaborate Defiant Plate Helm
50185^2117^Elaborate Defiant Plate Vambraces
50181^2121^Elaborate Defiant Plate Wristband
50180^2121^Elaborate Defiant Plate Wristguard
50612^1529^Elaborate Defiant Poleaxe
50610^1686^Elaborate Defiant Quickclaw
50608^1398^Elaborate Defiant Rapier
50614^1379^Elaborate Defiant Recurve Bow
50209^935^Elaborate Defiant Silk Cap
50207^1607^Elaborate Defiant Silk Gloves
50211^1578^Elaborate Defiant Silk Pantaloons
50212^2108^Elaborate Defiant Silk Robe
50208^1562^Elaborate Defiant Silk Sandals
50210^1598^Elaborate Defiant Silk Sleeves
50205^1588^Elaborate Defiant Silk Wristband
50204^1588^Elaborate Defiant Silk Wristguard
50206^1588^Elaborate Defiant Silk Wristwrap
50604^1804^Elaborate Defiant Spikemaul

Elegant Level 70:
50628^1748^Elegant Defiant Battleaxe
50629^1628^Elegant Defiant Bow
50221^2111^Elegant Defiant Breastplate
50631^1388^Elegant Defiant Buckler
50225^1567^Elegant Defiant Chain Boots
50222^1590^Elegant Defiant Chain Bracer
50226^1613^Elegant Defiant Chain Coif
50224^1602^Elegant Defiant Chain Gauntlets
50228^1582^Elegant Defiant Chain Leggings
50227^1597^Elegant Defiant Chain Sleeves
50229^1568^Elegant Defiant Chain Tunic
50223^1590^Elegant Defiant Chain Wristguard
50624^1702^Elegant Defiant Dayblade
50622^1718^Elegant Defiant Fireborn Axe
50627^1672^Elegant Defiant Forked Spear
50617^1951^Elegant Defiant Goshenite
50625^2293^Elegant Defiant Knuckle Guards
50233^633^Elegant Defiant Leather Boots
50230^1591^Elegant Defiant Leather Bracer
50234^1609^Elegant Defiant Leather Cap
50232^1607^Elegant Defiant Leather Gloves
50235^1598^Elegant Defiant Leather Sleeves
50236^1581^Elegant Defiant Leather Trousers
50237^1572^Elegant Defiant Leather Tunic
50231^1591^Elegant Defiant Leather Wristguard
50623^1549^Elegant Defiant Nightblade
50618^767^Elegant Defiant Nightstone
50217^2134^Elegant Defiant Plate Boots
50213^2123^Elegant Defiant Plate Bracer
50216^2125^Elegant Defiant Plate Gauntlets
50220^2130^Elegant Defiant Plate Greaves
50218^2115^Elegant Defiant Plate Helm
50219^2119^Elegant Defiant Plate Vambraces
50215^2123^Elegant Defiant Plate Wristband
50214^2123^Elegant Defiant Plate Wristguard
50630^1387^Elegant Defiant Round Shield
50620^2165^Elegant Defiant Sceptre
50621^1333^Elegant Defiant Shortsword
50243^1121^Elegant Defiant Silk Cap
50241^1605^Elegant Defiant Silk Gloves
50245^1579^Elegant Defiant Silk Pantaloons
50246^931^Elegant Defiant Silk Robe
50242^633^Elegant Defiant Silk Sandals
50244^1599^Elegant Defiant Silk Sleeves
50239^1589^Elegant Defiant Silk Wristband
50238^1589^Elegant Defiant Silk Wristguard
50240^1589^Elegant Defiant Silk Wristwrap
50619^1788^Elegant Defiant Square Hammer
50626^1789^Elegant Defiant Warhammer
Last edited:
Search feature, h/t @thedank
Generating advloot syntax for:  gallant
151943^638^Gallant Wrist Armor Lining
151944^636^Gallant Hand Armor Lining
151945^666^Gallant Feet Armor Lining
151946^639^Gallant Head Armor Lining
151947^670^Gallant Arm Armor Lining
151948^631^Gallant Leg Armor Lining
151949^678^Gallant Chest Armor Lining
151957^12525^Gallant Earring Clasp
151958^12523^Gallant Mask Fastener
151959^12507^Gallant Necklace Clasp
151960^6830^Gallant Amice Fastener
151961^12517^Gallant Cloak Fastener
151962^12514^Gallant Idol Polishing Cloth
151963^12512^Gallant Ring Polishing Cloth
151964^12510^Gallant Belt Buckle
151965^11788^Gallant Charm Polishing Cloth
151975^6806^Gallant Shield Enarmes
151976^6162^Gallant Essence of Finesse
151977^6159^Gallant Essence of Power
151978^6790^Gallant String Serving
151983^6300^Gallant Focus of Fortitude
151984^6292^Gallant Focus of Heroism
171768^2247^Gallant Resonance Faceted Emberquartz
Software /advloot Generator: Advanced Looting System Item Filter Syntax Generator

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