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Afk Bard Macro (1 Viewer)

See the problem was that when it moved to the location it was supposed to start kiting the toon was running to fast and over running past the target spot so I /speed 5 when it is /moveto loc so that it sits on THE spot it is supposed to start the circle
I got it up and running now. So far so good. It cuts close to the one corner wall but i just barely miss it... i may have to make my circle a bit smaller later if i get stuck, but other than that it's working. Thnx for all your help with this. :)
Np at all I am glad its Finally running for You hehe but I am glad you came forward and told me about all your problems or I wouldnt have know so Thank You for sticking this out. . ./cheers

I would like to add that when running this macro I suggest you dont alt tab at all. . .will prolly kill you
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You know, I ran a FH bard macro last week. I got it to work, but from time to time I'd bounce off the wall (with a circle 26, not 21), the mob would start whacking me, I couldn't get selo's back up, I'd warp out to some remote area that has no structure, the mob would continue to kick my ass, I would die, and then wind up outside of the map in PoK. Yes, I cut and paste exactly as it was posted on the thread. The kite worked...until I got hit.

Now when I run the macro, even though nothing has been changed on my end, the instant the macro gets me into FH, I fall to my death. I had not changed a thing.

So, I tried setting the succor loc to the hall wher you zone in. I still died, and then ended up warping in PoK to the loc I set where you zone into FH.

I used this one :
Rich (BB code):
#event dead "#*#been slain by#*#"
#event camp "You have entered Guild Lobby."
#event exp "#*#experience!#*#"
#event ping "You have gained an ability point!#*#"
#event stats "#*#YETi STATS#*#"
Sub Main

/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
/echo  The Yeti's Bard Kite Mac version 6.9
/echo	Forgotten Halls Edition
/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

/echo You feel the wisdom of a drunken Yeti embrace you.

   /declare Kill_Count	          int outer 0
   /declare Ping_Count	          int outer 0

 /declare LootAllItems int outer 1 
 /declare LootSlot int outer 0 

	/delay 2s
	/target Eldros Danmor
	/warp target
	/delay 2s
	/say interested in visiting
	/delay 3s
	/keypress esc
	/delay 1s
	/target Nideno Eliagy
	/warp target
	/delay 2s
	/say Forgotten halls
	/delay 2s
	/warp loc 1544 -665 94
	/face loc 1540, -675
	/look 0
	/delay 10s
	/click left
	/delay 2s
	/keypress u
	/delay 1s 
	/click left 
	/keypress u 
	/delay 30s
		/delay 2s
		/plugin mq2moveutils unload
		/delay 1s
		/plugin mq2moveutils
		/delay 1s
		/face heading 270
		/delay 2s
		/speed 200
		/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
		/circle on 21
		/tar NPC radius 220 rat
		/squelch /twist 3 4 5 6 7

	/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar NPC radius 220 rat
	/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=20) /call evac
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Nedaria]}) /call Main
	/goto :targetloop

Sub evac
	/warp succor
	/circle off
	/keypress back
	/keypress back
	/delay 1s
	/delay 20s
	/squelch /twist 2
	/delay 3s
	/delay 120s
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils unload
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/delay 1s
	/face heading 270
	/delay 2s
	/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
	/circle on 21
	/tar NPC radius 220 rat
	/squelch /twist 3 4 5 6 7

Sub event_dead

Sub event_ping
/echo PING!
/varcalc Ping_Count (${Ping_Count}+1)

 Sub event_exp
	/varcalc Kill_Count (${Kill_Count}+1)
	/echo Kill Count - ${Kill_Count}
	/echo Ping Count - ${Ping_Count}

	 /circle off
	/keypress back
	 /keypress forward
	 /delay 1s
	 /squelch /declare LootSlot    int inner  0 
	 /declare LootCheck   int inner  0 
	 /declare LootTotal   int inner  0 
	 /target npc corpse radius 200 
	/delay 1s
	/warp target
	/delay 1s
 	/delay 5 
 /if (!${Corpse.Items}) { 
 /echo NO LOOT!
 /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
/delay 1s 
	/plugin mq2moveutils unload
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/delay 1s
	/face heading 270
	/delay 2s
	/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
	/circle on 21
	/tar NPC radius 220 rat
	/squelch /twist 3 4 5 6 7
 /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} 
 /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal} 
 /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} leftmouseup 
 /delay 5 
 /if (${LootAllItems}) { 
 /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
 /delay 5 
 } else { 
 /for LootCheck 1 to ${ItemsToLoot.Size} 
 /if (${Cursor.Name.Find[${ItemsToLoot[${LootCheck}]}]}) { 
 /echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT! 
 /delay 5 
 /next LootCheck 
 /if (${Cursor.ID}) { 
 /echo Destroying a ${Cursor.Name}... 
 /delay 5 
 /next LootSlot 
 /delay 5 
 /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
 /delay 2 
	/plugin mq2moveutils unload
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/delay 1s
	/face heading 270
	/delay 2s
	/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
	/circle on 21
	/tar NPC radius 220 rat
	/squelch /twist 3 4 5 6 7

Sub event_camp
	/delay 1s
	/echo shitttt
	/camp desktop

Sub event_reset
	/plugin mq2moveutils unload
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/delay 1s
	/face heading 270
	/delay 2s
	/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
	/circle on 21
	/tar NPC radius 220 rat
	/squelch /twist 3 4 5 6 7

Sub event_stats
/echo               Yeti Statistics
/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
/echo Kill Count - ${Kill_Count}
/echo Ping Count - ${Ping_Count}
/echo Rest Count - ${Rest_Count}
/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
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Dude ..... use the code tags ..... a quick look this is not the origional Yeti mac so you might want to get that and try it... I see some code issues with how the loot part is paste in. compare the 2 and see what has been changed ... Yeti has hiis posted here in Red's
Afk Bard Macro

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