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Patch - April 2024 Patch (test: 9th; live: 17th) (1 Viewer)


May 5, 2016

April 9, 2024

*** Highlights ***

- Fixed full screen mode and windowing behavior. The game can again be launched in full screen mode.
- Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.

*** Items ***

- Extra Planar Potential Shards will now drop in Laurion Inn zones, as well as mission zones going back to Torment of Velious.
- The Legacies Lost and Selenelion evolving items no longer have class restrictions.
- Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Reduced the experience granted by the 22nd-anniversary heroic adventure Unity.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Inner Turmoil raid to reset if a construct of agony is charmed.
- 25th Anniversary achievements that referenced "Katta Castrum" as the zone for Ghrald McManus should now correctly reference "Katta Castellum."
- Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The area of the 3rd & 4th steps of cleansing the pearl has been increased.
- Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The final fight has been changed to killing one scrykin and how the pearl is changed from corrupted to cleansed. It should no longer remove everyone in the group's pearl.
- Year of Darkpaw: The Broken Key of Forests quest now has expansion requirements for the higher level enslaved miners.
- The Mechanical Fortune Teller will now mention 25th anniversary events.
- Final Fugue raid: the Plucked achievement will now be granted properly and will notify anyone that failed to qualify as well as those that succeeded or failed.

*** Spells ***

- Paladin and Shadowknight - Corrected the degeneration values for the Steely Stance line of spells.
- Druid and Wizard - Teleportation spells for Shadow Valley no longer refer to Laurion Inn in their description.

*** AA ***

- Merged the DoN Progression AA lines, Gift of the Dark Reign and Gift of the Keepers, into a new faction-agnostic line called Gift of the Nest. The new line is functionally identical to both of the previous lines and is still earned in exactly the same way. However, the new line is no longer lost when switching faction. Additionally, the new line is now shared between Personas. The Advancement achievements associated with these AAs have also been updated so that level 60 characters with the proper faction and progression criteria can see them.
- Paladin - Added a new activated Class AA, Champion's Oath. See the in-game AA description for details.
- Shadowknight - Updated Reaver's Bargain ranks 1 and 2 to now absorb 5% of all incoming damage with mana at a rate of 100 to 40 mana, but reduced the amount of melee damage absorbed on those ranks. Added 4 new ranks at levels 110 / 115 / 120 / 125. The buff now ticks down in no-combat zones.
- Magician - Fixed an issue with the class AA, Host of the Elements, which prevented the rank 40 pet from attacking.

*** NPCs ***

- Added a speculative fix for NPCs pathing under the world and becoming unhittable.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Fixed an issue where mercenaries would not load with the additional health from Improved Health AAs when zoning or unsuspending.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Set some 15th and 16th anniversary NPCs in Plane of Knowledge and the 15th anniversary event to activate in Rain of Fear.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed kaleidoscopic rendering artifacts and related crashes.
- Fixed full screen mode and windowing behavior. The game can again be launched in full screen mode.
- Improved client log file processing performance.
- Fixed the write frequency of LogInterval=0 setting so that it's truly immediate, instead of at 1 second intervals. Please check your eqclient.ini setting for LogInterval=0 as this setting could adversely impact performance. As a reminder, the default setting is LogInterval=1 (or via the game command /loginterval 1).
- Instanced zones will again attempt to suspend mercenaries if there are too many players in the zone.
- Corrected an issue that caused some quests from the most recent expansions to reward less experience than intended.
- ClientCore variables in eqclient.ini now set affinity to a physical core (two virtual CPU) for improved performance. Legacy values that conflict with other EQ client instances are reset to -1.

*** UI ***

- Updated /copylayout functionality to include new UI window positions, Alternate Currency list column widths, and Persona Auto Load/Save Equipment Set checkbox values.

- Added -

- Changed -

*** Previously Updated ***

- Chasing What's Not Real: Made a speculative fix for an issue where the task would not update when examining the empty meeting room.
- Optimized NPC respawn processing and reduced its contribution to per-frame spikes by at least 50%.
- Pressing the ESC key during the tutorial cut scene no longer hangs the client.
- Fixed several client crashes.
- Fixed screenshot alpha for BMP and PNG formats.
- Fixed spell descriptions on Silver Protecting and Silver Warding Magic of Jubilation augments to indicate they offer resists to magic spells rather than cold.
- Players on Oakwynd will no longer be disconnected for being AFK for an extended period.
- The alternate currency server bonus should now affect adventure points.

EQ Dev said:
“- Corrected an issue that caused some quests from the most recent expansions to reward less experience than intended.”
Because I know y'all are going to ask, these are the zones, quests, and percent experience will increase related to this note. As an example, if "Heroes Are Forged" previously gave you 1% experience, it'll now give ~1.77% experience.
Ankexfen Keep
Memories of Goblin Enemies (+18%)
They Go Low, We Go Lower (+18%)
Mutual Assistance (+18%)
The Hero's Forge
Heroic Errand Runner (+18%)
Heroes Are Forged (+33%)
Lost in the Past (+77%)
Found in the Present (+77%)
Final Fugue (+77%)
Ruins of Shadow Haven
Fungal Corruption (+24%)
Darklight Caverns
A Lesson in Forgiveness (+24%)
Shadeweaver's Tangle
No Grave Can Hold Them Down (+24%)
Paludal Depths
The New Sheriffs in Town (+24%)
Last edited:
Systemwide just came through Server coming down in 25minutes (4:35PM CST)

Just a wild guess but test patch probably impending.

So for those new and curious like I was until recently, the RGLauncher will probably tell you the MQ2 Test version doesn't match after said patch.

Plan accordingly!

Thank you for coming to my RED TALK.
*** NPCs ***

- Added a speculative fix for NPCs pathing under the world and becoming unhittable.

Speculative??? How about a fix please!
The melee weapon base damage changes will be interesting for the TLPs going through those phases. Curious to see how those will change compared to where they are currently, beings how that is a lot.. lot... of weapons to change. Even if they are cookie cutter.

Paladins getting a version of reavers bargain looks positive, even the reavers changes might be okay. The AE changes i wonder if that is done to help combat lag when people are trying to stunlock crowds. maybe it'll affect low end stunlock ae pl groups? or aoe farming for grey cons.
"Reduced the experience granted by the 22nd-anniversary heroic adventure Unity."

By my maths this HA has been the same for the past two anniversaries - why are DBG so against anyone getting slightly more exp?

The forums are shouting out for people to get exp in a bunch of different ways and for them to nerf a HA after it has been in place since the 22nd Anniversary year AND it's only available at a certain part of the year just feels like they're trying to suck all the fun out of the game at this point.

It's another short-sighted change that doesn't benefit anyone at all and will only antagonise players further.
- Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.
Yay! I was honestly kinda bummed that I was missing out on the new ratios since I mostly play f2ps in TOV. Definitely didn't expect this change, but am glad it's happening.
So NET line of spells for chanter was turned into a group buff, but it now has a 2(3)min recast and is not MGBable. So moral of the story, be careful what we ask for, I guess. Chanters have been asking for it to be made into a group buff for ages, but this change is worse than having a 12s recast single target buff IMO. Take to the forums and ask it be made MGB/TB able, please!
*** NPCs ***

- Added a speculative fix for NPCs pathing under the world and becoming unhittable.

monty python and there was much rejoicing GIF
So NET line of spells for chanter was turned into a group buff, but it now has a 2(3)min recast and is not MGBable. So moral of the story, be careful what we ask for, I guess. Chanters have been asking for it to be made into a group buff for ages, but this change is worse than having a 12s recast single target buff IMO. Take to the forums and ask it be made MGB/TB able, please!
They should have did it like bst Fero.. I still think the group with 2 min cooldown is acceptable, since in the AMA they said they planned on nerfing the effect itself if they made it group... looks like they split the diff, left the actual effect alone, but not MGB'able.
so raising all weapon damage delay's?
Think it means something they said they were NOT going to do but they are doing it now, they had claimed they were not going to up any weps or anything previous to LS and just continue the right path for Current + but looks like enough complaining and they are going to up the scales of everything.

April 9, 2024

*** Highlights ***

- Fixed full screen mode and windowing behavior. The game can again be launched in full screen mode.
- Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.

*** Items ***

- Extra Planar Potential Shards will now drop in Laurion Inn zones, as well as mission zones going back to Torment of Velious.
- The Legacies Lost and Selenelion evolving items no longer have class restrictions.
- Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Reduced the experience granted by the 22nd-anniversary heroic adventure Unity.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Inner Turmoil raid to reset if a construct of agony is charmed.
- 25th Anniversary achievements that referenced "Katta Castrum" as the zone for Ghrald McManus should now correctly reference "Katta Castellum."
- Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The area of the 3rd & 4th steps of cleansing the pearl has been increased.
- Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The final fight has been changed to killing one scrykin and how the pearl is changed from corrupted to cleansed. It should no longer remove everyone in the group's pearl.
- Year of Darkpaw: The Broken Key of Forests quest now has expansion requirements for the higher level enslaved miners.
- The Mechanical Fortune Teller will now mention 25th anniversary events.
- Final Fugue raid: the Plucked achievement will now be granted properly and will notify anyone that failed to qualify as well as those that succeeded or failed.

*** Spells ***

- Paladin and Shadowknight - Corrected the degeneration values for the Steely Stance line of spells.
- Druid and Wizard - Teleportation spells for Shadow Valley no longer refer to Laurion Inn in their description.

*** AA ***

- Merged the DoN Progression AA lines, Gift of the Dark Reign and Gift of the Keepers, into a new faction-agnostic line called Gift of the Nest. The new line is functionally identical to both of the previous lines and is still earned in exactly the same way. However, the new line is no longer lost when switching faction. Additionally, the new line is now shared between Personas. The Advancement achievements associated with these AAs have also been updated so that level 60 characters with the proper faction and progression criteria can see them.
- Paladin - Added a new activated Class AA, Champion's Oath. See the in-game AA description for details.
- Shadowknight - Updated Reaver's Bargain ranks 1 and 2 to now absorb 5% of all incoming damage with mana at a rate of 100 to 40 mana, but reduced the amount of melee damage absorbed on those ranks. Added 4 new ranks at levels 110 / 115 / 120 / 125. The buff now ticks down in no-combat zones.
- Magician - Fixed an issue with the class AA, Host of the Elements, which prevented the rank 40 pet from attacking.

*** NPCs ***

- Added a speculative fix for NPCs pathing under the world and becoming unhittable.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Fixed an issue where mercenaries would not load with the additional health from Improved Health AAs when zoning or unsuspending.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Set some 15th and 16th anniversary NPCs in Plane of Knowledge and the 15th anniversary event to activate in Rain of Fear.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed kaleidoscopic rendering artifacts and related crashes.
- Fixed full screen mode and windowing behavior. The game can again be launched in full screen mode.
- Improved client log file processing performance.
- Fixed the write frequency of LogInterval=0 setting so that it's truly immediate, instead of at 1 second intervals. Please check your eqclient.ini setting for LogInterval=0 as this setting could adversely impact performance. As a reminder, the default setting is LogInterval=1 (or via the game command /loginterval 1).
- Instanced zones will again attempt to suspend mercenaries if there are too many players in the zone.
- Corrected an issue that caused some quests from the most recent expansions to reward less experience than intended.
- ClientCore variables in eqclient.ini now set affinity to a physical core (two virtual CPU) for improved performance. Legacy values that conflict with other EQ client instances are reset to -1.

*** UI ***

- Updated /copylayout functionality to include new UI window positions, Alternate Currency list column widths, and Persona Auto Load/Save Equipment Set checkbox values.

- Added -

- Changed -

*** Previously Updated ***

- Chasing What's Not Real: Made a speculative fix for an issue where the task would not update when examining the empty meeting room.
- Optimized NPC respawn processing and reduced its contribution to per-frame spikes by at least 50%.
- Pressing the ESC key during the tutorial cut scene no longer hangs the client.
- Fixed several client crashes.
- Fixed screenshot alpha for BMP and PNG formats.
- Fixed spell descriptions on Silver Protecting and Silver Warding Magic of Jubilation augments to indicate they offer resists to magic spells rather than cold.
- Players on Oakwynd will no longer be disconnected for being AFK for an extended period.
- The alternate currency server bonus should now affect adventure points.
**** April 9th Patch An_Image Summary of Updates ****

- We are rolling out speculative fixes to shit that wasn't initially broken, but broke when we f...cked with it.
- We are breaking new sh.t that was working too well
- Hiding previously available content behind sub/expansion wall to delay ftp being good

GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Think it means something they said they were NOT going to do but they are doing it now, they had claimed they were not going to up any weps or anything previous to LS and just continue the right path for Current + but looks like enough complaining and they are going to up the scales of everything.
All of that DKP spent on LS raid weapons. Happy I saved mine!
One thing I didn't read was the nerf to AE spells having a limit of 30 targets now. https://spells.eqresource.com/history.php?mdy=04092024&source=test
Yeah, they stealth nerfed pretty much all AE spells to 30 targets limit. They seem to be trying to nerf PLing before the new TLPs drop. They really don't like PLers because it means people don't have to grind as much, which in turn means less time spent in the game. It's also potentially detrimental to other players in zone because it puts a huge strain on the zone server and lags it out. But there's been picks around for a long time now, so that's not likely why they're changing it.

The funny thing is it's not going to stop any PLer worth their weight in salt from PLing.
Yeah, they stealth nerfed pretty much all AE spells to 30 targets limit. They seem to be trying to nerf PLing before the new TLPs drop. They really don't like PLers because it means people don't have to grind as much, which in turn means less time spent in the game. It's also potentially detrimental to other players in zone because it puts a huge strain on the zone server and lags it out. But there's been picks around for a long time now, so that's not likely why they're changing it.

The funny thing is it's not going to stop any PLer worth their weight in salt from PLing.
I really don’t understand how AE limits will slow down power leveling. So you pull 30 mobs instead of 60 at the low levels aka Lublin AE PLVELing. Slows it some but noting meaningful because you need less XP. At the upper levels it just means you are having to cast more spells. Very little
The change was for mission/raid instanced zones, not pickzones. There were ways of getting more players+mercs in them than the task allowed so the check was added back as a safeguard to prevent that. Base and pickzones aren't changed.
Merc suspending.

I just can't /facepalm/ So when they changed that mechanic nobody got a raid and checked that mercs are not allowed in there ? /boggle
Earlier this year you could get extra mercs into mission 6 players 6 mercs, just had to split your group in 3 players each. That was fixed.
- Fixed kaleidoscopic rendering artifacts and related crashes

no they didnt im now getting on 6 accounts after throning in instead of 1 or 2

  • Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.

  • Extra Planar Potential Shards will now drop in Laurion Inn zones, as well as mission zones going back to Torment of Velious.
  • The Legacies Lost and Selenelion evolving items no longer have class restrictions.
  • Weapon base damage and backstab values have been increased to bring them back in line with original intentions. This affects weapons from Night of Shadows back to The Burning Lands.
  • Guardian's Argent Mask, Sterling Mask of Brilliance, Silver Mask of Adroitness, Argent Ring of Vigor, Sterling Ring of Brilliance, and Silver Ring of Adroitness now have augment slots.
Quests & Events

  • Reduced the experience granted by the 22nd-anniversary heroic adventure Unity.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Inner Turmoil raid to reset if a construct of agony is charmed.
  • 25th Anniversary achievements that referenced "Katta Castrum" as the zone for Ghrald McManus should now correctly reference "Katta Castellum."
  • Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The area of the 3rd & 4th steps of cleansing the pearl has been increased.
  • Barren Coast, Tempest Festival – Lessons of Madness – The final fight has been changed to killing one scrykin and how the pearl is changed from corrupted to cleansed. It should no longer remove everyone in the group's pearl.
  • Greater Faydark, Year of Darkpaw - Broken Key of Forests - The quest now has expansion requirements for the higher level enslaved miners.
  • The Mechanical Fortune Teller will now mention 25th anniversary events.
  • Final Fugue raid: the Plucked achievement will now be granted properly and will notify anyone that failed to qualify as well as those that succeeded or failed.
  • Stone Hive, Brew Day - Vintage Toy Ships - The spelling of Willful Sloop has been updated.

  • Paladin and Shadowknight - Corrected the degeneration values for the Steely Stance line of spells.
  • Druid and Wizard - Teleportation spells for Shadow Valley no longer refer to Laurion Inn in their description.
  • We are limiting most detrimental Area of Effect spells that did not have a limit to 30 targets.

  • Merged the DoN Progression AA lines, Gift of the Dark Reign and Gift of the Keepers, into a new faction-agnostic line called Gift of the Nest. The new line is functionally identical to both of the previous lines and is still earned in exactly the same way. However, the new line is no longer lost when switching faction. Additionally, the new line is now shared between Personas. The Advancement achievements associated with these AAs have also been updated so that level 60 characters with the proper faction and progression criteria can see them.
  • Paladin - Added a new activated Class AA, Champion's Oath. See the in-game AA description for details.
  • Shadowknight - Updated Reaver's Bargain ranks 1 and 2 to now absorb 5% of all incoming damage with mana at a rate of 100 to 40 mana, but reduced the amount of melee damage absorbed on those ranks. Added 4 new ranks at levels 110 / 115 / 120 / 125. The buff now ticks down in no-combat zones.
  • Magician - Fixed an issue with the class AA, Host of the Elements, which prevented the rank 40 pet from attacking.

  • Added a speculative fix for NPCs pathing under the world and becoming unhittable.

  • Fixed an issue where mercenaries would not load with the additional health from Improved Health AAs when zoning or unsuspending.
Progression Servers

  • Set some 15th and 16th anniversary NPCs in Plane of Knowledge and the 15th anniversary event to activate in Rain of Fear.

  • Fixed kaleidoscopic rendering artifacts and related crashes.
  • Improved client log file processing performance.
  • Fixed the write frequency of LogInterval=0 setting so that it's truly immediate, instead of at 1 second intervals. Please check your eqclient.ini setting for LogInterval=0 as this setting could adversely impact performance. As a reminder, the default setting is LogInterval=1 (or via the game command /loginterval 1).
  • Guild banners and fellowship campfires will now check the height when determining if enough members are within range for them to be planted.
  • Instanced zones will again attempt to suspend mercenaries if there are too many players in the zone.
  • Corrected an issue that caused some quests from the most recent expansions to reward less experience than intended.
  • ClientCore variables in eqclient.ini now set affinity to a physical core (two virtual CPU) for improved performance. Legacy values that conflict with other EQ client instances are reset to -1.

  • Updated /copylayout functionality to include new UI window positions, Alternate Currency list column widths, and Persona Auto Load/Save Equipment Set checkbox values.

  • NameReservationWnd.html
  • EQUI_NameReservationWnd.xml

  • EQUI.xml
  • main.css
  • TargetOfTargetWindow.html
Previously Updated

  • Chasing What's Not Real: Made a speculative fix for an issue where the task would not update when examining the empty meeting room.
  • Optimized NPC respawn processing and reduced its contribution to per-frame spikes by at least 50%.
  • Pressing the ESC key during the tutorial cut scene no longer hangs the client.
  • Fixed several client crashes.
  • Fixed screenshot alpha for BMP and PNG formats.
  • Fixed spell descriptions on Silver Protecting and Silver Warding Magic of Jubilation augments to indicate they offer resists to magic spells rather than cold.
  • Players on Oakwynd will no longer be disconnected for being AFK for an extended period.
  • The alternate currency server bonus should now affect adventure points.
Patch - April 2024 Patch (test: 9th; live: 17th)

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