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Contest April Contest: 21 Years of Everquest, Whats your favourite memory? (2 Viewers)

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I played back in the Kunark era, had a 20-something ranger in North Karana and was just figuring out that I could have my soul bound at certain non-city places. I convinced a random passerby to bind me to the campfire there, for easier grinding.

I discovered that the campsite was not too far from GrimFeather's route and it took him a *while* to kill the NPCs there. It did not take him a while to kill me - over, and over, and over.

I also learned that day that it was possible to lose a level from xp loss. :(
My favorite memory is also my fastest death. I started playing around early 2000 I was given everquest as a birthday gift that year (im sure that girlfriend regretted that). Later on that year I joined my first raiding guild (The Endless) it was a top raiding guild on Vazaelle at the time. I was getting ready for my first raid I had to get the pieces and do my seb key earlier in that day and camp out in seb as the servers were going down. I had to set my alarm for when the servers would come back up as it was a race against other guilds to get to Trakanon. We all got on and made our way down to the prep area before Trak. We were looking at ways to get our poison resists up put on some gnome skin armor as it had some + poison. We were prepped and ready. I was excited for my first raid and the first Dragon I'd get to see in Everquest. We charge the room I got my first glimpse of Trak quickly followed by fear and death. I died in like 3 seconds but we won! Dropped a bard and a warrior BP. While PoP was my favorite era of raiding this raid will forever be my favorite memory.
I have a few, and am therefore breaking the rules.

  1. Getting my Cleric epic 1.0 when the raid was still in SolB. Failing to Zordak Ragefire and thinking I had lost everything. Then a couple friends came on, called their friends, who called more friends, and we had about 70 people ready to raid the dragon. Back then lag was so bad, we had to do *waves* of groups to go in. There was no raid window. No group numbers. Group leaders were assigned a wave number and we all charged in 3 separate waves.
  2. Clearing Temple of Veeshan (except for Vulak) with 11 people back when 60 was still the cap (end of Velious era, pre-PoP).
  3. Taking my 65 Rogue on Stromm and soloing in Plane of Fire during the PoP/LoY/LDoN era, by Intimidation (Fear) + snare dagger + backstabs.
  4. Making the first Cleric gamewide to hit 10k Magelo AC back in the CotF era. Later making class leader in a top-2 gamewide guild, and then retiring about 6 months later, lolz...
I have many fond memories of EQ, but my #1 was zoning into Plane of Mischief for the first time, and binding on the floaty platform. This was during the Luclin era, and I never expected to have the opportunity to actually see it, much less actually get to explore. Much to the chagrin of my raidleader, I clicked that tiny little pyramid.

To this day, on the extremely rare occasions I find myself in 'old PoM', I am still in awe of the creativity of this zone. I was crushed when they added the revamp to Ragefire.
I started playing about 6 months after launch. I remember "fondly" taking my then level 8 enchanter from Halas to Freeport....it took us 8 hours to make the round trip including 2 times waiting for daylight to run through Kithicor Woods....ahhh the good old days
When i 1st stated eq i made it to lvl 14 Dwarf cleric. I was lvl 12 IRL and i thought a cleric was a healer tank .... I was in Throne room with group meleeing and Aoeing instead of healing. Then they told me i was a healer... SO i rerolled a Troll Sk and never went back.
my favorite time in the game would have to be held in a zone that i went to around level 25 back in the day as a low level monk and when i noticed while in goblin group that as a iksar i could bank,sell, buy bandages and killing guard bayle noticing that the swords sell for 5pp each as my first character i got hooked to the zone never having to leave i wound up staying in highkeep without ever leaving besides skills,ect, i stayed in highkeep from level 25 till around 59, and to this day i love taking a trip to highkeep now and then.
My favorite has a corpse run in sol a fell in the lava and took hours and a team to come get my corpse out and I was all decked with the warrior quested armour at the time

Taking 3 hours to get deep into Chardok dungeon with my best friend playing the Druid and MAIN healer......once we nearly got to our final destination my friend just vanished (accidentally hit Exodus, emergency succor spell lol....the run was over).

I think my favourite time in EQ was getting my Druid level up to the point that I could start transporting folks around. I made a lot of good friends that way and also a lot of Plats. I would goto the EC tunnel and just wait. Folks would line up for transport to places. My price was 5 plats or one level. (5 plats was a lot back then) Also working real hard to finally get SOW another money maker. Once folks knew you could SOW or port, I stayed busy.
My tale begins in the latter part of the year 2002 I was still a teen with my whole life ahead and the world had yet to take that innocent twinkle from my eye. That was when I got one of those Sony Vaio laptops for an early Christmas present. Little did I know that on that laptop was a trap lying in wait. A trap that would ensnare me for the better part of 18 plus years. This trap was the stand-alone tutorial for a game called Everquest. Once I found it and started along this path there was no turning back, I was hooked. I find it hard to pick one memory as so many from both Everquest and Everquest 2 stand out to me. But it wasn't until I found the Everquest Test server in 2018 that I found a home from which I would finally embark on my greatest adventures.
When I first started playing, way before in-game maps, my level 20 something warrior was in Ocean of Tears trying to ride the boat back to Butcherblocks. I fell off during the zoning process and was still in Ocean of Tears. For some reason I couldn't zone while swimming, so decided to try and swim back to get on another boat. I managed to die in the middle of Ocean of Tears somewhere. I did not know a necromancer or an sk because our guild was a roleplaying "good" guild and our guild leader forbid us from associating with evil races and classes. I spent hours diving without any enduring breath items / spells trying to find it, dying multiple times in the process. Needless to say...I lost my corpse with all my gear and my corpse with my backup gear and had to play naked until I could acquire more :(
I rage quit after trying to kill fucking quillmane on my mage pre-MQ2 and pre-ShowEQ and failing miserably.
I started playing about 6 months after launch. I remember "fondly" taking my then level 8 enchanter from Halas to Freeport....it took us 8 hours to make the round trip including 2 times waiting for daylight to run through Kithicor Woods....ahhh the good old days

Kithicor is a place of horror. Even now I get the fear running through there.
Corpses runs when you had to ride boats everywhere. Fall off the boat and swim for hours lol
and getting attacked on a boat by a critter you couldn't see (and being unable to defend yourself anyways because "no fighting on boats"), dieing right across the zoneline, being unable to recover your corpse because before you could reach it (after a looooong swim) you would zone ...
(no no no ... this is puuuuuuuuuuure phantasie! It is impossible that EQ ever had such a bug. Nope. NoNoNOOOOO.)
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I think that getting to The Estate of Unrest was a chore. My toon was only level 15 at the time and trying to swim across DC to get to the entrance was almost as bad as trying to run around the zone sides. Then it was the estate. I found it was a little easier to do when I got wolf form but if you didn't have that or inv undead then you were in a constant fight. I went there to pick up the mushrooms so I could color my handmade backpacks and of course once there I just had to check out the house and basement. Also when you died there, you just had to go back to loot your corpse and get your gear back all the time hoping that a zombie or scarecrow didn't find you.
Kithicor is a place of horror. Even now I get the fear running through there.
I remember taking my halfling druid there for the first time thinking how tough I was now that I could crush beetles and bixies. I made it about 5 seconds into the zone before I was 1 shotted by some skelly commander. I was so confused as to what happened. Finding my corpse took the rest of the night. Fun times.
I remember taking my halfling druid there for the first time thinking how tough I was now that I could crush beetles and bixies. I made it about 5 seconds into the zone before I was 1 shotted by some skelly commander. I was so confused as to what happened. Finding my corpse took the rest of the night. Fun times.
I remember the day when a friend joined the gang and wanted to join us in HHK.
He was like "oh i will be getting there quickly - just a trip through kithicor and I will be with you guys".
I still wonder what was so hard to understand about "No one trespasses Kithicor at night. Not at your level at least.". But apparently I must have been speaking some old ancient dialect of fay that he didn't know yet. Maybe he only read it like "You only trespass Kithicor at night unless you are high level".
Whatever ... it was like "WTF! qqqqqqq wwwaaassssdddddd help what 111111222222222"
Being that I started in Freeport, and enjoying Roleplaying for an extent over leveling, I was trepid to enter the Commonlands and upon seeing the great EC Tunnel where so many would congregate and sell, it blew my mind to see so many people playing at the same time as me. A great guild war happened right there as well as so many training Griffons. Was wonderful to see when the lag allowed me to see. But so worth it at that time. Befallen being my first dungeon, and losing my corpse and all my worldly possesions twice there left me with memories of those undead, unpleasant ones...grr (Kix too).
Years later, with some real life frustrations with the game, I took my main back there and laid him down near a quest NPC that I so enjoyed part of the rich storyline. I took my "EQ break" and smiled. Months later upon return, there was my character at his resting spot, welcoming me back and thankfully fond memories filled me. I am still part of Norrath. :)
My favorite memory is when I first logged into the game on my friend's computer and running around for hours lost as a wood elf in Kelethin. I finally found my way to the bandit camp and was getting ready to charge the weakest bandit when a random player comes by and asks if I would like the camp broken up? Not sure what he meant I declined the offer and shortly wiped after learning what a "social mob" was... then started the first corpse run with no idea where I just got killed...
Thank you everyone for entering! As @Fueil said, it was great reading everyone's memories.

Here are our winners,
@luclinjunkie wins a month of level 2 (check your redcents!)
@efpeks204 wins a color username (check your inventory)
@Crush2305 wins their choice of any paid plugin/macro (PM me with your selection)
@BlankStare wins a Krono (pm me with a toon name on VOX)
@Turaj Steelfist wins a Krono (pm me with a toon name on VOX)
@Saffron wins the GRAND PRIZE of 6 Krono! (pm me with a toon name on VOX)
Contest April Contest: 21 Years of Everquest, Whats your favourite memory?
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