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Problem - Attack Turning Off on Target Switch (1 Viewer)

Jul 15, 2019
Hello Everyone,

I looked and looked and can't find a solution to this problem. I use an SK as a main and like to dot each target when pulling large groups and it is extremely irritating that attack turns off every single time I switch targets. I also switch targets when I need to grab aggro fast when I can't use an AE spell like in GMM for instance where you are surrounded by friendlies that will add and give no exp if you hit/taunt them. Many times I don't notice it and stand there like an idiot not swinging at all. /assist on does nothing (mine was set that way anyway). I played around with settings and can't figure out how to leave attack on when switching targets. I also can't find a way to add Spurn to the auto commands. Withstand is lvl 83 and I stopped using it at lvl88. I box 2 SK and have to multibind to get some of these things to work.

Otherwise overall loving it. These two things however are irritating the crap out of me where sometimes I /unload on my main and even alt tab once I am to camp which means I need to reload and start crap to move unless I want to use the craptastic /fol built into EQ. Thanks!
It happens regardless if I am using Kiss or not. I haven't used Kiss much yet as I am PLing 3 new toons but plan to once they are high enough level. Right now they would just run in and die. As soon as I run MQ2 it turns off when switch targets. If there is a setting to change it that would be awesome. My new toons so are just being dragged around and I love the follow me button. That works about 95% where the /fol works about 5% so it's a huge improvement. I do wish it would let you take over a toon that has their face buried in a wall without going back to the leader, turning off follow me, going back to the stuck toon and fixing them, then going back to LDR and hitting the button again for sometimes 5 toons that found a wall or a tree. If there is a setting to let you take over for a sec and then they go on their merry way that would be great to know. I have no idea why you would want to turn off attack just because you switched targets while fighting. Maybe if you switched to a mezzed mob? I normally kill the unmezzed ones first so even then. I am pretty new to this and none of the guides I have read even mentioned this. The stick range thing almost caused a wipe in Wending Ways during the fire boss. Couldn't drag the guy to the next fire pot. That was a surprise for sure. Good thing I have 2 SK because the first one died while I was trying to move the mob around. I turned that off on everyone since it just causes issues for me in that mission. I have had toons "stuck" while not facing the mob and it wouldn't let me reposition them. Other times it worked perfectly. I plan to mess with the settings later and see if I can get that working better. The big thing is the attack turning off. Almost makes it unplayable when I have more than 1 mob which is basically every fight that isn't a boss fight. I try to swarm kill until I die then I pull 1 less mob the next time.
I found a quick fix for the follow problem was to just hit the “follow key” again with the toon that ur wanting to follow away from the rock/wall with a clean LOS to the stuck toons. It should refresh path and line back up to follow

Least that’s how it works for me with /afol
MQ2Melee defaults: Attack stuff sounds like mq2melee plugin. If you're not running any macros, it has to be an auto-loading plugin.

Try these in-game commands. This one should show your current MQ2melee settings:

Then adjust these settings as you'd like
  • stickbreak=1 will let you move your toon during combat, instead of "lock-on" mode.
  • stickrange=0 will turn the "stick" in combat feature off
/melee stickbreak=1
/melee stickrange=0 
/melee save

You can look up all your custom plugin settings in your server_name.ini in your Release folder. Here is the mq2melee wiki and settings info page.

Spurn via mq2melee: Yeah withstand= is the correct settings, but I think mq2melee may not have been updated to include Spurn, the ability after Repel. Most tanks running KA include a DPS |Mash line for spurn to make KA handle it.

MQ2melee can do holy/downs though and those can fire Spurn. You could add this line to your server_name.ini in the MQ2Melee section (as noted above) to make it run Spurn during fights:
holyshit0=/if ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Spurn]}  /disc spurn
Spurn is in there just like all abilities it snap shots what you have when you make your mq2melee settings you can adjust the withstand to be spurn by taking all you settings out and saving them to another file and the melee save and melee load and it will populate to your current withstand
Spurn is working now. Thank you all for the help. Still wishing attack didn't turn off on target switch. Makes no sense as to why that is the only setting. If you ever main an SK you would know why you would want attack to stay active when switching targets. Trying to figure out how to get bite to fire automatically next.
I am getting some weird error about rez commands being old and I can't find any info on wtf it is talking about or how and what to update.
Spurn is working now. Thank you all for the help. Still wishing attack didn't turn off on target switch. Makes no sense as to why that is the only setting. If you ever main an SK you would know why you would want attack to stay active when switching targets. Trying to figure out how to get bite to fire automatically next.
I am getting some weird error about rez commands being old and I can't find any info on wtf it is talking about or how and what to update.

There is a good reason for turning off attack when switching targets. The #1 reason is, what if you target a friendly NPC by accident. There are time you will have to fight side by side friendly NPC, and if you attack one, then all your friendly NPC's just became enemies.
I am not targeting by clicking mobs, I target by going down the extended target list. If it is on my extended target list it already isn't friendly. Also, with this turning off I now have a delay before it lets me hit attack again. Only about a half a second but that adds up when you have 20 or more mobs on you.
Make Sure you are not using MQ2melee. Melee will turn off attack if you switch targets. Your target can be set for you, by the first mob that hits you. So if your target is clear and there is a mob that is NOT mezzed and it hits you, that is your new target. If you then click on an XTarget entry, that is NOT your current target, then you just switched targets.
Make Sure you are not using MQ2melee. Melee will turn off attack if you switch targets. Your target can be set for you, by the first mob that hits you. So if your target is clear and there is a mob that is NOT mezzed and it hits you, that is your new target. If you then click on an XTarget entry, that is NOT your current target, then you just switched targets.

To me this is not a solution and is kind of like saying your car's interior light doesn't light up what you need to see so you should just not use the car. I am going to give some examples on how this so called "feature" is making the program crap for me personally. True examples from just last night for instance:

Example 1: I am running my crew and am in an SK dream candy land scenario. Lots of mobs in camp, lots of mobs wandering in, mass killing spree. Everything is going great, AE taunts, AE taps, all working great. Then one mob is out of range and is bashing the crap out of my cleric. I select it on the extended target list, easy to know which one as it is the only one not 100% hating me. I use Hates Attraction to summon it to me. My attack is turned off. I hit attack, it gets turned off. I hit attack again, it gets turned off. I hit attack AGAIN and it gets turned off. I hit it AGAIN and finally, oh, you want to attack this mob that is bashing you? OK. Great. Too bad 20 mobs have been beating the crap out of me and I am getting ZERO hp back from damage which is really bad for an SK. So everyone dies. Yippee. Great freaking feature.

Example 2: Same crew, killing lots of mobs. Running around pulling extras to make a non-boring fight. I get hit so cleric runs out and tosses a heal. Great, I needed a heal since these bastages are doing head shots. One decides it hates my cleric more than me. All of my hate stuff is on cool down trying to get the mess under control. I run over and try to grab aggro off the cleric. Attack is turned off. I hit attack, turns off. I hit it again, turns off. Cleric dies. Mob now hates me again with all of his friends. Great. No healing, tons of mobs wee. Good thing I have epic.

Example 3: I pull 2 mobs and pet of course attacks the other mob, because stupid pet always does that. I have mobs I am dealing with already and I don't need this crap. I know if I switch target my attack turns off and does stupid shit before I can get it working again. So my pet dies. I actually stopped having a pet because of this. I USED to trick out my pets with great gear I made as I have all TS maxed out and save everything like a hoarder so I have lots of mats. The frustration is just not worth it.

This crap happens a lot and it is crap. I am only asking for a toggle to not let MQ2melee handle my attack. I love the stuff it does well, like hitting withstand for me since I am kind of busy doing other things. If I have attack on and I switch targets I want attack to STAY ON. I switched targets for a reason. If it was mezzed maybe I want it unmezzed so I can dot it and kill faster using my maxed out riposte skill. If my attack is off I want it to stay off. Maybe I want to get some hate before I wake up the mob. Either way I want to control the stupid attack button. Program would be awesome if it wasn't for this "feature". Designed obsolescence is a "feature" of most things we buy and that is garbage too.

Just add a stupid button please so we can toggle this, so I can toggle this and anyone that might want to try super awesome fun time with multi train extravaganza. I can't be the only one. Stop telling me it is a "feature" and it is supposed to do that. I am telling you it sucks monkey balls and I want to turn it off and use the parts that work awesome for me.

/rant off
Still doesn't fix the stupid attack off and not coming on fast crap when I switch targets. Shouldn't turn off in the first place.

Make a social macro, (my delete is bound to cycle through x-tar list) pressing the hotbutton will cycle though your x-tar and attack.

/pause 3, /keypress DELETE

I get bugged sometimes and attack will switch off straight away, unload and reload mq2melee fixes it. Pet aggro GHold? Cleric aggro set yourself as puller?
Make a social macro, (my delete is bound to cycle through x-tar list) pressing the hotbutton will cycle though your x-tar and attack.

/pause 3, /keypress DELETE

I get bugged sometimes and attack will switch off straight away, unload and reload mq2melee fixes it. Pet aggro GHold? Cleric aggro set yourself as puller?
Thanks for the suggestions but that won't work for me either as it is almost never the next target down is the one bashing on another toon. It is 5 down or something like that normally. I played around with percentage hold on pet but he just stands there until the mob is basically dead when I turn it down. There is quite a delay for some reason.
Have you tried using the MQ2Melee /attack key? The default is z or something.

Well what we have to do in kiss, when someone(MA) tells everyone(Assist) to switch target's, If their using MQ2melee, use the /melee melee=0 command to tell MQ2Melee to stop and clear melee. Do an /attack off just for good measure and then use /melee melee=1 command. Now when you turn on attack melee will start /attacking your current target. I would try using the MQ2Melee /attack key first though.
Is mq2melee open source on the mq2 forums (subscription) or we run a RG closed version? I'd love to see a little discussion about modding or coding your own plugins.
I would as well. Seems like that is the only way I am going to get a version of MQ2Melee that doesn't screw with my attacking. Maybe make a copy of it, strip out the attack bits, and rename it something else. I could add the stuff missing for SKs too that I still have to spam. I haven't written a single line of code in over 10 years but maybe it's time.
I use kiss so melee is off on my cleric. However when I am out solo with my cleric (not using kiss) the melee shuts itself off. Every time I hit melee it automatically shuts it back off. Kiss is off at these times. How do I set it up so when I am not running kiss and just want to melee with my cleric melee will work like when MQ2 is not running. Thanks.
I use kiss so melee is off on my cleric. However when I am out solo with my cleric (not using kiss) the melee shuts itself off. Every time I hit melee it automatically shuts it back off. Kiss is off at these times. How do I set it up so when I am not running kiss and just want to melee with my cleric melee will work like when MQ2 is not running. Thanks.
/melee reload
Problem - Attack Turning Off on Target Switch

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