ss44 said:
what is DDO and where can I find the website...
heh, people kept promising over and over...
"wait for wow to come out! You'll see, SOE!"
sure enough, WoW came out and we had server mergers as a result. a huge population of the player base automates and yes, use active hacks.
the "EQ" killers have come and gone and one actually put a huge dent in the player base. WoW.
We have Vanguard beta right around the corner from the REAL Everquest developers, not the scrubs they have "left over".
On top of that Turbine is making DDO and LOTR online. Turbine made asheron's call, so they aren't new to making MMOGs either.....
The end is near. Sony, as a company is hurting badly. Their cash cow is dying. If you get banned. Don't fret. They are doing you a favor by saving you money.
yea, click on the profiles on the sigil page and read what these devs made....most prolific design team ever assembled.
Dungeons and Dragons Online (the mold that has been used over and over again for fantasy gaming comes to life in a mmog)
Maybe you like Lord of The Rings? also by turbine.
Sick of fantasy genre all together because it has been beaten to a f*cking bloody pulp? yea, don't play SW:G.....
Instead, try a game conceived from the mind that LAUNCH the whole MMOG scene with Ultima Online - Richard Garriot aka. Lord British....
yea, peep that list of games NCSoft has in their line up.
And thus, do not fret. The sky is falling for SOE and EQ but not for gamers. New, better options are just around the corner.
If you want to extract revenge on the people who have banned your account for simply trying to spice up their, otherwise, shitty game, hit them where it hurts. Do NOT give them any more money. Hit them in the pocket book. Kill this game already. It has lived longer than it should have.