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Discussion - Caster 6 Box With Constraints - Pal/Dru/Nec + ? (1 Viewer)

Apr 14, 2020
TLDR; (Play what you want) What's the best(strongest) 3 boxes to add to PAL DRU NEC that can do all group content?

Long Form:
I'm messing around on Live but don't know much past level ~80. Goals of the group would just be advancing through content up to live. No real seeking to do old world raids, just missions and group quests/gear. I'm trying to avoid SHD SHM on purpose.

I'd like to make a caster group with the a paladin tank being the only melee (ignoring the required bard) and caster dps focused on necromancers.

My starting point is this: PAL DRU BRD NEC NEC NEC.

Has anyone tried something like this? I'd be using CWTN where available, and Kiss/Mule on DRU BRD until those also become available in CWTN. My questions for those of you with vastly more experience post 80:
  1. Would I be better served with replacing 1 necro with something else for a net ADPS increase? Similar to BST+BER*2 >= BER * 3
    • I'd like to avoid another melee but BST seems obvious choice if doing that.
    • At that point, the old suggestion of pet group BST MAG NEC might be best?
  2. Can a druid main heal a paladin tank without raid gear on either?
    • I can change to SHM healer and move druid to DPS/ADPS slot instead of a 3rd necro? ~2.5 healers seems excessive but druid+pal feels like it might not be enough based off discord/forums.
Grateful for any advice prior to getting too deep into it. All 6 starting from level 1 without gear.
druids are fine. they have been balanced as best as EQ does.. they can heal and still place top 10 on raids, in groups can keep everyone up, and hammer when you need the punch. is it unfair how mages and necros can out dps? or clerics out heal? or shaman out dps and heal? shaman need a nerf, clerics need a buff really :(
To answer your question I was running out of mana on a level 100 heroic Druid mostly in raid armor and fully Auged healing a group of 3 other casters and pets. Then a more traditional group with an SK tank. Using RGMERCS with no modifications. So I actually switched to driving with my Druid and a loaded Cleric. But I didn't have an Enchanter or a Bard in the group. I think you have found a great sustainable mix. Keep us posted. I know I'll be rooting for you.
Pal dru brd nec mage nec/mage
- Bard adds great adps specially also via the aura for the pets and swarms, more than sufficient cc, decent DPS via dots
- nec great dps+instant rezz when needed
- mage great dps plus petgear for all pets plus stun from airpet when needed to further mitigate incoming damage
- last spot mage or nec, mage may be better for short fights, nec should be better dps for named fights
Game Time Feb 4 3201. Knightly was right.

I have come to the realization that necros don't get outshone so brightly by higher levels, and removing mage for a second necro was a mistake. I have readded a heroic mage at 100 to the team and am catching him up.

Still no mana problems on Druid. Bard mana is the only issue and adding the mage back should alleviate that with ModRods working for bard.

Current makeup is Pal Dru Enc Nec Mag Brd. Brd continues to be DPS and ADPS only with 0 cc and slows.

Between synergy, dicho, brd auras/songs, enc gracious gift of mana/clarity, nec group mana tap everyone pretty much stays full. Necros will occassionally hit their Death Bloom level but I never really stop for mana as it is back by the time I hit low again. My KPH according to grind are around 90 though but not sure if that is fast or slow.
Is a enchanter or bard better with a necro? I always assumed it was bard but don’t really know why that is. I’m sure I knew at some point. But now I’m questioning it because a bard is definitely more melee friendly.
Is a enchanter or bard better with a necro? I always assumed it was bard but don’t really know why that is. I’m sure I knew at some point. But now I’m questioning it because a bard is definitely more melee friendly.
I couldn't decide and got both. Definitely feels like other than Illusion of Grandeur, Nec doesn't need enchanter too much. Bard seems like it brings more passive/active impact and Fierce Eye has a ~33% uptime?
I couldn't decide and got both. Definitely feels like other than Illusion of Grandeur, Nec doesn't need enchanter too much. Bard seems like it brings more passive/active impact and Fierce Eye has a ~33% uptime?
Fierce Eye + epic rotation = 100% uptime. The truth is bard is better for all classes. Ench really need an adps boost.
Status update: I'm really enjoying the caster group composition. Mage is of course very powerful.

All but 1 are ~115 and max aa. Mage still missing a few AA since added late. 8 hour parse running in Grind and only took breaks on tank death due to being underequipped. Average group DPS over 8 hours was ~1.04m with fights averaging 20.89 seconds.

No idea how low this is relative to other class comps, but doesn't feel too weak other than my tank being gimpy. Group definitely doesn't have to med ever but dropping to one necro definitely made me miss having the extra pure dps necro who wasn't responsible for group mana tap, scent, and enabling slay undead hits. The mage probably does a better job of it anyways. Any augs and level appropriate focuses are missing on everyone pretty much too.


Next I need to figure out how to get data from a reliable number of burns, but not sure my tank is up for nameds/harder things yet.
Heya. I took a long vacation due to family events. Just came back a couple weeks ago but started up on a different server with the same makeup.

I was at 120 and working on AAs. I had 0 issues with mana on druid ever even dotting / nuking. Between Gracious Gift of mana, necro tap, mod rod, group wolf form, and passive bonuses from enchanter and bard the druid stayed full mana despite burning and healing both. I like the makeup a lot. I don't think it'd work with a non paladin tank though.

Not a conclusive test though. I was still needing to go back and do progressions to see how it faired outside of grind type scenarios.
I just ran a really fun group. Granted they were all high end toons with T1 and T2 weapons and raid armor with their rk 2 and 3 spells set on the casters. They just blasted through everything taking 4 mobs at a time in some cases.
Shaman, Pally, Necro, Mage Beastlord and Ranger. It was a test run for some Progressions. It tested well.
I have PAL SHM BRD BST MAG NEC on miscjhief, they are 85 now. Damn this group is good. Even better with a SHD but I think I want the PAL in there to help cure and stuff.

Still wondering if I want SHM BRD or DRU ENC. I think the ENC doesn't give aDPS to the NEC, does he ? Also SHM BRD is so good on pets ..

The bonus exp helped me get all classes 85 so I can test that out :D
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Discussion - Caster 6 Box With Constraints - Pal/Dru/Nec + ?

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