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Question - Cheating on EQ(with another game) (1 Viewer)

I just play eq. I tried eq2 - don't like it. I tried wow - too boring. I'm gonna try that new amazon game, New World - just because it kinda looks cool. I suppose candy crush doesn't really count as a game, so I'm not gonna mention that one.
At the Time many games City of Heroes, Dark Age of Camelot, I could never get into Warcraft, I went on MMORPG websites looks for various games like perfect world, Final Fantasy. But always came back. Just something about this game. To much history. I started playing when Kunark was released.
I was a DieHard Diablo 2 Player, still play time to time. I played all the EQ games, Playstation EQOA and I was in one of the best raiding guilds. I also played the other action EQ games on Playstation as well as Diablo 1.

I also have contributed to Alakazam since 2k I also helped out on a Everquest Online Adventures/Frontiers Lore site.
I also won a free subscription to Curse gaming for my work donated to World Of Tanks graphic mods, I made a few Garage mods that I added tools, Flags, Lights etc. I taught myself how by using GIMP and just solving the 3d textures by trial and error.

WOW solo r/l friends,EQ2 raider, Xbox games with family, mostly Battlefield series.
I would have to say one of my favorite games would be Oblivion, quest series and the ability to chose an anti hero evil path etc. so much to do.
I also played a lot of old school games, such as Dungeons of Daggorath while in school, yes I am an Old Fart!
I also played World of Tanks, I was in a raid clan/guild in first year. I also enjoyed an old game called Navyfield, it was a fun team based game.
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I started off online MMO play with EQ in 2002 then - EQ2- Horizons - EQ - WOW - Vanguard - WOW ...took a break from online games from 2006 - 2012 when I came back to online gaming to WOW for a month and now EQ off and on since 2016.

I miss Vanguard. It was rough around the edges at first but eventually became a game worth playing. ISXVG was a pretty effective botting tool; I had diplomacy baubles on lockdown (which paid more than my campus job) and funded my shenanigans for several years before they finally sunset it. Holding out hope that if Pantheon: ROTF materializes as more than vaporware that it has similar game systems and more to do than bashing mobs.

FFXIV scratches the complex game system itch but people try to erorp with my main and filling out a robust set of Minion addons will set you back hundreds of dollars.
I heard Elite Dangerous is fun, but I also get the impression its more of a slog than EQ is.
The only mmo i played besides eq is wow. I was in a high end raiding guild back in vanilla. They required raid attendance of something like 80%, and raids were 5 nights a week. I said that i wanted to work out 1 night/a week i got bumped down to "hang around" rank. That made me to play less and less and i finally stopped playing all together. Years later i friend said that he had started playing eq again. I got my old account fired up and here i am.

So, i more or less havent played any mmo aside from wow and eq. I dont really count playing d3 for a few weeks with my gf, or running through the campaign in borderlands.
I'm all over the place!

EQ (I blame Red)
Monster Hunter World
Risk of Rain 2
Slay the Spire
Magic the Gathering

Things that pulled me away in the past
Dwarf Fortress
Jumpgate (This sucked me in reeealll hard after EQ)
Dark Souls
Various Zeldas
Plenty of others I'm sure.
Darkfall online was the only other game to be able to hold my attention like eq did. Probably had more epic experiances in darkfall though
EQ held me like no other game. It took a combination of Gates of Discord being terrible at the time and World of Warcraft being sooo much better to tear me away. WoW kept my attention for a long time, but not as strongly as EQ. I'd drift when content was on deep farm unlike EQ. I've tried most of the MMO launches from then to about 4 years ago when I came back for TLPs. Rizlona is like a perfect situation for me. The TLP experience with MQ2 has me hook again like I never quit. Looking forward to experiencing a lot of the content I missed with like minded folks.
I was so hooked on EQ I didn't play anything from about 1999 to about 2002 which meant I missed out on a lot of real classics. Baldurs Gate etc. So I made sure I played everything :) I love so many games outside of EQ. C&C, SupCom, MTG, Age of Wonders, Arma, some space stuff etc, that new Microsoft Flight Sim is great. I like games lol. But I know this is sacrilege to a lot of people.... but for me EQ kind of made RPGs obsolete. EQ is just so much bigger and more advanced. Skyrim is gorgeous with mods and I love how slick everything is, and when I'm tired/stoned/grumpy/whatever then sometimes it is nice to run around squirting fire on bad guys. But the rest of the time I need some meat on the bones of my game, so I always go back to EQ :) I like the tactical RPGs like Icewind, Baldurs, Blackguards, etc. They are cool, but even those games I have to compare to EQ + MQ2...

As for MMOs, I played most of the big ones and some smaller ones. I had fun in most of them but after a month I always feel like I've done everything. They also generally are too easy and too shallow, mostly in the combat department. I think EQ was just so good... set the bar really high.

There are things and ideas from new MMOs that I really like though. I did WoW for a month, adored the PVP and arenas and especially the battlegrounds! Doing Capture The Flag FPS type stuff but with MMO characters is so great. Also the Druid class was one of the best things I've ever played, especially in pvp, sneaking around jungles as a stealthed lion and then backstabbing real players who I stalked... So damn good!! Then they beat on me so I turn to a bear, etc. Then boomkin. That class was amazing. I also loved some of the dungeon bosses and things.

But I missed the 'real' dungeons of EQ where everything wasn't hand placed to be an easy pull etc... I missed the chaos and intensity of trains and how pulling took some skill and how things could go wrong like runners, breaking mez, shit coming through the walls etc. EQ can be a handful and I love that and other games feel too kind of child-proof and you can't really go back can you? I played Rift for about a month too, loved it as well. Beautiful, loved the spooky zone, loved the classes and the way the combat works and you can respec at almost any time, love building up combo points with a class and then making a tactical decision on what to spend them on, etc. So many great ideas. But not much content. And again, it just doesn't have that depth and the edge and the challenge that EQ has. I actually multiboxed most of the dungeons in Rift using isboxer and it was fun. I loved a bunch of stuff in TESO (some bonkers design choices too though). Secret World had some amazing atmosphere and I enjoyed some of the boss fights. ArcheAge, Black Desert, I didn't care for. DDO, LOTRO, both ok. GW1 I missed :( GW2 was ok, I liked it in beta when the mobs used to kick my ass. But at release they made it easy and that spoiled it for me. (Rift did that too :/)

tl-dr They all had some ideas that I really liked. Some did a great job. But EQ just spoilt me so now other MMOs generally feel like slimmed down Fisher-Price versions of EQ. :/

p.s. The exception was Vanguard imho. That could have been a big deal but, you know.. Also EVE looks amazing but I'm too lazy to even try it.
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Having kids Tore me away originally, then when they were teens I came back for a year or so but my wife had a cow so I quit, now the kids are basically grown and I got new wife so I am back. Dont play as much as I used to cause now I have a harley as well.
I've played almost every MMO that has come out (WoW, Guildwars 1 & 2, EQ2, Rift etc) and most shooter games (Counter-strike, pubg, doom, tarkov) but EQ always draws me back in!
I started EQ back in 99' - still have a few toons on my main account that are 20yrs old. I have tick-tacked a lot over the years - City of Heroes - Conan - Rift - Allod's - Runes of Magic - WOW - Ryzom - EQ2 - Star Wars Galaxies - Destiny 2 - and I really got pulled into the survival crafting games for a while in there - Ark - 7 Days to Die - Conan Exiles etc. Not to mention the countless single player games along the way.

But I always end up back in EQ. I play on live, TLP, and P99 servers. I guess what makes my play different than most is I no longer raid (aside from a bit a year or so ago on Agnar)- and I don't race to end content anymore. I make random groups and start leveling just to go adventure in Norrath. Sometimes I come up with random challenges for my play through - random race/class only , limited lives, or deathless, sometimes solo self found. I did go through Agnar progression when it launched with a guild, but once we dropped Quarm a few times we kind of fizzled out. Lots of great games out there, but only this one has that special place in my heart and always calls me home.
Star Wars Galaxies is what took me away from :eq1 almost forever. It dropped my play time to once a week with the guild on the weekends when it came out. It was a lot of fun and enjoyed playing it more than :eq1. At least until the combat upgrade came out for swg. Then I split my play time up to play :eq1 and swg everyday. A few hours on each a day. Then SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) rolled out NGE (New Game Enhancements) that killed swg and drove me to leave all SOE games. I spent many years wondering around to many mmo's out there after that. I don't call any mmo home. Not even :eq1 today. Too many bad things have happened with :eq1 and not just what the devs did with :eq1 (GoD and a few other things). but also swg and things in real life too that are also tied to :eq1.

I spend most of my free time playing lots of other games today. Minecraft being the biggest time sink. :eq1 i play a few times a month right now and even that is a bit hard for me to do (there are memories i don't want to remember). Even when :eq1 was the main game that i played back in the 1999-2000. There was still lots of other games that i played.
SWG EMU is alive and well check it out. Pre cu is my flavor of choice as well
World of Tanks Console has been pretty good to me over the years. Its the most expensive free to play game I've ever played but its a good time. Easy to learn but high skill ceiling.

EDIT!! As you can see by my avatar, I'm a Street Fighter fan too! I can't believe I forgot, how embarrassing.
I've left EQ to play:
UO (for a few weeks)
AC (for a few weeks)
AO (for a few months -- quit the first time when they nerfed the FA 3927, second time I got access to the fixer grid then quit)
DAoC (got two L50 RR5 w/epics then quit)
WoW (got to L50+)
Rift (got to 50, got a server first, then quit)
SWG (I really loved it at first. I raced to become an architect -- then I had a bunch of heavy harvesters I was running across my accounts as well as some friends accounts - got rich, then quit)
VG (got to L48 -- L50 as a blacksmith, then everyone quit)
EVE (was exploring and scanning down relic sites...got a bunch of ISK then quit)
DDO (for a month or so)

For me, games often become about how much money I can accumulate....then I quit cause I'm rich and I've 'won' the game.
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Question - Cheating on EQ(with another game)

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