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Contest End Of Winter Contest! (1 Viewer)

I played on a PvP server, and Crushbone was a much different experience to me than it probably was for most. It was a bloody chaos battlefield, rather than the peaceful leveling zone (for most people.)

One of my first experiences in PvP was banking a bunch of money I had acquired after leveling for several hours. I got blinded before I could finish banking and lost all of my cash. I was hooked after that! The loss was so real~~
Eq comes out me and my uncle decide lets try zek! So there we are him dark elf necro me and dark elf wizard we see /shout roll call all of the evils in the land. Uncle and I not knowing said we are we was exping in Ro. We then see this person let us know that he was bringing some friends to come see us we got all excited thinking oh we might get some rusty weapons or gear! We then see the big red text I will rid my lands of evil and we was trained by 4 sand giants.

That was the first time i ever met Fancy the bard.
Eq comes out me and my uncle decide lets try zek! So there we are him dark elf necro me and dark elf wizard we see /shout roll call all of the evils in the land. Uncle and I not knowing said we are we was exping in Ro. We then see this person let us know that he was bringing some friends to come see us we got all excited thinking oh we might get some rusty weapons or gear! We then see the big red text I will rid my lands of evil and we was trained by 4 sand giants.

That was the first time i ever met Fancy the bard.

That man is a legend.
I played on a PvP server, and Crushbone was a much different experience to me than it probably was for most. It was a bloody chaos battlefield, rather than the peaceful leveling zone (for most people.)

One of my first experiences in PvP was banking a bunch of money I had acquired after leveling for several hours. I got blinded before I could finish banking and lost all of my cash. I was hooked after that! The loss was so real~~

I'm trying to relate your story with a real life mental disorder..... Stockholm Syndrome .... or .... battered woman syndrome?

While not exactly the contest's requested subject, I want to write about the first time I played EQ with MQ2.... which you could argue was TRULY the first time I played EQ to its fullest potential!

If you recall the first story, I was a mage.

Well, my friend had told me that the mage epic weapon was a pet and it was f'n badass, so I really wanted it. I looked up the quest on the old Mage Towers forums, and started out. It was slow going because I was only level 46 or 48, so a lot of the content was legit for those levels. Well, I managed to somehow beg, borrow, plead, steal my way to having a lot of the lesser fights (Phinny, etc.) done, but now all I needed was the crown from Plane of Sky, and the lev cloak from Quillmane.

At this point I still haven't found MQ2 or figured out what it was. I was just a naive youngling running around having fun, doing my quest.

Until fucking QUILLMANE.

I spent weeks in South Karana trying to get quillmane to spawn. I ran around slaughtering every single mob I could find. I went to all the spots the write-ups said quillmane could spawn. I cherry picked the other named thinking it might make him spawn. I did everything I could. For weeks. Hours a day in there. I couldn't find a ranger or druid friend to help me, so I couldn't use the tracking trick. That was assuming I could even find a druid or ranger who knew how to do it. This wasn't current content for the rest of everquest... just little old me.

Well, now I'm level 54 or 55 or something and still don't have my damn lev cloak or the crown. Every time I got on a Plane of Sky raid with my family guild we'd make it to island 5 or 6 and give up because of how late it was. We didn't raid very often, so there was no way to go back and continue.

So I quit EQ. I couldn't fucking take it anymore.

A few months.... maybe a year later.... I got the itch again. And I found MQ2. I fired up both programs and was ready to kick South Karana's f'n butt. I logged in and tried once or twice again with MQ2, and while I finally felt like I was informed, I still wasn't getting any success. Then one day, on a whim, I did a /ooc in PoK to see if anyone had the crown from Plane of Sky or lev cloak for MQ. You know what? Someone had them. BOTH. I think I paid like 10k plat for both of them, and was able to finish my damn epic (and get the epic pet) at like level 58 or 59 or something. The pet was just a novelty at that point, but it was done.
When I first started playing, my boyfriend at the time, power leveled me so I could jump right into grouping with him. I think the max level was either 60 or 65 at the time. So, i started off playing a warrior which I had no idea how to play. I went a few months without really knowing any basic warrior mechanics. On my first raid, I still didn't know much, and kept eating enrage and dying. Someone had to send me a tell that you have to turn attack off. I was mortified because it seemed like something I should have definitely known at that point. #derp
On my first raid, I still didn't know much, and kept eating enrage and dying. Someone had to send me a tell that you have to turn attack off. I was mortified because it seemed like something I should have definitely known at that point. #derp

We've all been there! I once wiped the raid in plane of water with my pet. There was a strict "no pet" policy (becasue raid leaders were idiots and didn't understand how they worked), but we had just wiped the previous attempt at like 1%, so I'm like "not on my watch .... I'll summon this pet and put it in the pocket in case I need to pull it out if it's getting iffy."

Well, what I didn't know was the monks/pullers were trying to split the raid mob at the time. The mob also had a very long range AE spell.

Well, sometime between when the pet was summoned and equipped with gear ... and before I could pocket him ... an AE hit the raid and my pet went f'n running out of the room. It tagged the mob but instantly died, so no one really knew, and then came after my ass in the main raid.

Everyone thought the monks had f'd up, which I found hilarious and mortifying at the same time. The raid leader was a gruff asshole, but he could be understanding at times. After I saw the pullers getting blamed I sent a tell and admitted what had happened. Lol, i think i might have still been an applicant member at the time lol.

Good times :)
I remember back in 2000 when my brother and I were both in High School, we would rotate playing his paladin at the Frenzy camp in Lower Guk. Since it was summertime and we had no school, we would literally play 8 hours, then switch. It took 8 days of continuous grinding to finally get that damn belt. Once I got it, I ran as fast as I could to his room, walked right in without knocking, only to witness him plowing down his girlfriend at the time. Needless to say he was pretty pissed and could give two shits about me winning the belt. But, once the storm had calmed, he couldn't have been any happier. :hfive::hfive:
My first interaction was with an NPC gnome in Steamfront mountains that I kept hailing and asking questions to. At that point I thought Non Player Character mean't they were not playing the game, but there was still someone sitting behind the computer there to help me(kind of like Guides actually are). I was there for about 3 hours and logged off in frustration.

I later came back due to the allure of the feeling of accomplishment of getting things done when everything was so hard.
My first interaction was with an NPC gnome in Steamfront mountains that I kept hailing and asking questions to. At that point I thought Non Player Character mean't they were not playing the game, but there was still someone sitting behind the computer there to help me(kind of like Guides actually are). I was there for about 3 hours and logged off in frustration.

I later came back due to the allure of the feeling of accomplishment of getting things done when everything was so hard.

Reminds me of a story a friend told me recently....
Friend accidentally handed and gave an item to "some guy" and he wouldn't give it back.
"Guy" just stands there with said stolen item not responding but occasionally "moves"... So my friend reports him.... GM comes over and confirms that was an NPC.
Being a total newb when starting eq back in 2000, i played my iksar necro for months and still hadn't reach lvl 25. I heard people talking about using ds to pl, and my roommate had a lvl 50 wood elf ranger, so i got the bright idea to bring him down to LoIO to help myself out while my roommate was at work. This, of course, required getting to bb, hopping a boat and waiting FOREVER to get to fv, then running to the dark and mysterious land of the iksar. Hours later, i got the ranger in LoIO with my necro, but i had no idea how to actually play the ranger---i basically just tossed a ds on the necro pet and fought like normal til the ds wore off, then ran back to the ranger and re-applied it. It worked fine for a few fights, then a mob jumped my necro and killed him, so the necro respawned back in Cabilis. I ran my necro back back for cr, and but totally forgot about the ranger, who ended up getting killed by roaming mobs.
I knew my roommate would KILL me for the lost xp, not to mention the lost armor, so i ran the ranger back to BB, waited FOREVER to catch the boat to kunark, started to run from the FV docks to LoIO. Unfortunately, I knew nothing about fv or the drachnids that infest the steam on the way to LoIO...i tried running past them, but aggroed 5 or 6 of them, which proceeded to waylay me and the ranger died again. As i mentioned, the ranger was lvl 50, which meant that both of the unrezed deaths were from a dreaded hell level.
At that point, i knew i'd fucked up and my roommate would never forgive me. I thought that MAYBE it would be ok if i got some of the xp back, so i decided to try to kill the drachnids...so i got the ranger's backup gear, ran back to bb, waited on the damn boat again, traveled to fv, went looking for the damned drachnids, and attacked the first one i saw. Unfortunately, there were three more nearby that i didn't notice, and they all pummeled the ranger for a *third* hell level death...which actually cost him level 50 and bumped him down to 49. I didn't know what to do, and i'd already wasted the entire day and my roommate was supposed to be home from work soon, so I shut down his computer and left the apartment. When i returned home later that night, he was screaming about his ranger's missing armor and xp. I acted totally surprised and suggested he petition, but the gm's refused to restore his stuff (obviously.) He refused to play eq ever again, and I moved out later that year....I never told him what i'd done ;p
Another one of my first EQ stories (that I remember,) happened at the launch of the Luclin expansion... For some reason, one of my cousins who played a human paladin was ABSOLUTELY obsessed with trying to obtain a shrink wand from the Deep. To get this, he needed help, so our family (about 4-5 of us at the time,) all went into the Deep. After crossing the invisible bridge and camping the wand for quite some time, our other cousin (gnome mage) decided to join us. Now this guy was straight out stubborn and didn't believe a word we would say. We told him that he had to cross an "invisible" bridge to get to us. We sent him the coordinates and instructions. He thought we were messing with him, so he went to cross the bridge at the "fake bridge-graphic" and plummeted to his death.

Needless to say, he rage quit and never helped us in that zone again. Ahhh good times... Lol
Back in the day, i was in a guild with a bunch of local friends, and they wanted to go to PoF, but they were scared of the deathtouch. I'd just managed to get my only character, a necro, to the minimum level for PoF and they convinced me that I could activate harmshield, take the deathtouch, and fd to avoid death while they killed the mobs. I agreed, and we all met outside the PoF zone in. We all buffed up and prepared to zone in. However, I was a *complete* idiot, and i thought the deathtouch would occur as soon as we zoned in, so as soon as i entered PoF, i hit harmshield and ran around to wait for the deathtouch, which never came...but I managed to aggro almost half of the zone. I didnt know what to do, so I ran back to the zone in to tell my guild that I couldnt find the deathtouch mob. When I saw all of the mobs chasing me, I fd'ed to drop aggro...and every. single. mob. that I'd aggroed trained down on my guild, wiping them almost instantly. Everyone was yelling at me for training and wiping the raid. I was so ashamed that I'd survived because of fd, while all of them had died, that I stood up and aggored a mob to kill me, just so that i could say that I died in the train, too. It took HOURS to get the corpses back, and we gave up on pof after that.
I started playing near the beginning of trilogy. My brother had a paladin and he let me play it so I could see what the game was like. Having seen how many people were asking for ports I decided to make a druid.
After grinding on orc hill to get a few levels up I heard another young druid asking for help. Anxious to be of assistance I replied to his call.
"I died in Lesser Faydark and can't get my corpse." He told me.
Being close to his level, I still had no idea what I was getting in to. But I'd been leveling in Greater Faydark so how bad could it be?
I had him wait near the zone line while I ran in to get his corpse.
"Watch out for Equestrielle", he told me, "it's what killed me."
My cockiness kicked in and I shrugged it off. I was really lucky that corpse run and didn't run into Equestrielle. I would not be so fortunate later again.
I ran off the biggest train I'd ever had before I finally found his corpse and started dragging it. Somehow, to this day I have no idea how I didn't die myself, I managed to get his corpse back to him so he could loot it.
We became best friends thereafter. We leveled our way up through all the expansions. When one of us got higher than the other, we'd stop and make sure the other got caught up.
He doesn't play much anymore having a family and several kids, but we still keep in contact. The people I've met in EQ are some of the best people I've ever met. The swiftness to which people reply to a call for help is amazing and touching and something not seen often in the real world.
Most people laugh at gamers, but I think the personality a gamer shows while playing, is a reflection of what this world should be.
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A very fond memory of mine is my very first character on a PVP server. I met this guy in Middle School who also played EverQuest. I was only like level 8 at the time on my server, and he was level 30 on a pvp server and told me to come play there.

I ended up rolling on Rallos Zek. I made a gnome necromancer. That friend from middle school gave me a Dagger of Marnek and some other just raw silk / random junk. He tells me, "Whatever you do remember to bag your dagger if youre going to die. It sells for like 30 platinum!". I was leveling up, minding my own business. I had gone to his house and seen this intense battle of him almost dying to a player in Mistmoore and was really eager to go gank someone with my powerful gear.

A few levels go by, I head to Crushbone. It was the biggest mistake ever. I was zoning back and fourth trying to avoid dying, doing all these silly stupid things like jumping to dodge attacks because I thought that worked. This guy and I are in a battle for a good 20 minutes.

All of a sudden I cant cast anymore. Black Screen, you have been disconnected.

I am freaking out, I'm probably 12 / 13 ? Raging like crazy, frantic, nervous. I log back in and im in Crushbone..."Omg, I didnt die."

I look around and I see the dudes corpse. I can't loot it.

I look down, and I see my corpse...But, im alive? I open my inventory. I have all of my gear my friend gave me. So I go and right click on my corpse and all of my gear duplicated itself. I START FREAKING OUT OMG OMGOMGOMGOMG WHAT DO I DO?

I tell my friend to come hurry up and trade me. He runs over so I can trade him the lore Dagger of Marnek. I am stoked for all of the sweet loot, "Man I am going to be rich!". I hand him everything that was duplicated and then loot the body. He says thanks man! Leaves and logs off.

At school the next day I ask him why he took off with all the stuff I gave him. He told me, "I am taking it back since you got extra".

I never played with him again. Lol.
A very fond memory of mine is my very first character on a PVP server. I met this guy in Middle School who also played EverQuest. I was only like level 8 at the time on my server, and he was level 30 on a pvp server and told me to come play there.

I had to reread this several times before I realized it wasn't what I thought it was.
My most vivid memory from back in the day was running around kelethin not really knowing where I was and eventually falling off to my death. Freaking out I spent more time than I care to admit trying to find my body underneath kelethin.
I wrote my first scripts for auto-playing my Cleric with some hacks written by a friend (there was no MQ2 then). I used them in a big guild raid one time and I accidentally had the auto-loot set. This was back when there was no advanced loot function for EQ and people would ninja loot. So, in a big raid we downed this big big Boss Mob, and my cleric (sensing a corpse with something to loot)... ninja-ed all the Lore items (no drop). Oh there was uproar and screaming! Hahahah... I had to explain to the guild leaders what had happened and we managed eventually to get a GM to move the items-- without me getting banned.
I spent a year at level 16, in Oasis and North Ro. I didn't know the point or how to level. I killed Madmen for their water flasks and ran from Lockjaw. When I finally got invited to a group, I got agro on the way there. No Evac spell yet, I ran to the safety of the group. They died. They asked me why i trained them. I said, "I thought you would save me."
Has it really been that long since I played.... wow.
Anyway, one of my favorite memories from years ago...

I was playing a dark elf necro in a small guild with a high percentage of "female" players. We often pushed our luck and suffered the predicable wipe. Being a necro I was usually able to feign dead until the coast was clear to rez the party. While waiting I would discuss my perverted plans for their corpses... Surprising most the ladies enjoyed my plans. Ah, the days when "roleplaying" meant something.

On a personal note: After much effort I finally achieved my state's master mechanical contractors license. Now what to do with all the free time I wont be studying...
My first memory of Eq was on a ranger which was the first tion I created. I was in my first group in crushbone and someone gave me a 2handed training sword. At that moment I thought I was the most uber ranger in Eq :)
I remember during the 1st week of playing and roaming around Freeport, I managed to make my way to North Ro. Running around killing in the newbie area and then got a little more daring and went out a bit further. My little brother came over to the computer and we started agruing and he managed to hit the auto-run button on my keyboard and my toon took off and ended up running into the derv camp and died by Dorn, took me hours to get my corpse out of that camp.
One more just because these stories are awesome to read.

I quit EQ after a few years of playing and came back for the first iteration of the Progression servers. I rolled a wizard and decided I was going to make bank off selling banded gear. So I farmed the crap out of Lavastorm for ore and was doing pretty decent when some random shadowkinght comes by asking me for help to kill stuff so he can make money for some banded gear. I asked him what he was paying and he told me the general going price. I told him to hang tight and gated back to Neriak. I came back to him will a full set of banded and charged only the base price to make it.

To this day me and that shadow knight are still in contact. We've played numerous games together, shared countless hours of laughing and having fun. We've met each other's wives and have told them not to be alarmed when we run away together. To me that's what early EQ was about, making friends in the most unorthodox places that were able to impact your life.
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i was a human monk, around level 28, in highkeep, thinking its so cool the higher levels are killing the guards for plat. find the really low level guards, kill them for some 1337 plat. head back to freeport and my own guards kill me....finally realized what faction was, also thought it was a good time to try out a bard....
Eq comes out me and my uncle decide lets try zek! So there we are him dark elf necro me and dark elf wizard we see /shout roll call all of the evils in the land. Uncle and I not knowing said we are we was exping in Ro. We then see this person let us know that he was bringing some friends to come see us we got all excited thinking oh we might get some rusty weapons or gear! We then see the big red text I will rid my lands of evil and we was trained by 4 sand giants.

That was the first time i ever met Fancy the bard.

Ahhh nvidor... I too was slain by that Ogre buggering Fancy at a low level. This mean souled bard slay me whilst dithering at the top of his fecal filled lungs how he must eliminate evil what not, etc... My revenge was ever soooo sweet. My rage was vented by "/shout(ing) Fancy is a pickle nipper" and various other a sundries referring to his entire family. HA!! Showed him. Little did he know his killing my toon was next to meaningless. I was so new I did not even know what PvP meant. Maybe "Perhaps very Pleasant"? Ironically I ranted on and on never using profanity just some choice picturesque speech until a GM warned me!!!!!!

I do not remember my characters name or race but I will never forget that pickle nipping, cod swallowing, son of an Ogre loving in-bred, buck toothed, hatched by a Harpy, rotten crotched, pig fornicating.....errrr. Well. It seems I have some residual issues that need exorcising.

I shall try to,
That one hit home for me. My brother gave me permission to make a toon on his account and then left, came home a few hours and said "why are you walking?" Clicked run and basically gave me my first SoW

ahh soo many memories there, or the times you spent trying to figure out why you cant camp or cant cast cause you are ducked....
My first ever experience with EQ was with a human bard in Free Port back in the turn of the century sometime. I remember seeing the interface and thinking how complex it was. Walking along the brick walls of the old Freeport, I thought the game actually had 2d SNES style graphics until I found my way out into east commons (about two hours later of wondering around FP) when I saw a world unlike anything I'd ever seen before. I was wandering around in total amazement at everything. Everything was MASSIVE and beautiful and complex and it was just amazing. There were people running around, humans, snakes, and a skeleton that seems to be heading my way and.... WTF, IT KILLED ME. OMG I spent 2 hours just to get there and I'll never be able to find my way around again etc etc. I thought the game was brutal and hellish and unfair and I was instantly addicted at that point.

Hell of it is, I didn't know what server it was so that character is lost forever. RIP level 1 human bard from two decades ago. You led a full life and saw wonderful parts of the city and a small piece of surrounding world. You will surely be missed....um...your name.
Seventeen attempts to cross Anatocia at level 7, to get to Kelethin, finally relented and call my coworker on the phone so he could port me there with his druid, lol.:dance:
I have a story that I bet a lot of people can relate to... I made the trek from Qeynos to High Keep after literally several hours (no sow, jboots, etc,) on my magician. As I was nearing the top of the ramp in East Karana, I fell... all the way down... for a 20k damage death :)
Even if the time is up, i have another funny story i'd like to share :
At the time i was a cute little Paladin, just outside Felwithe.
I was climbing up those tiny rocks (like the really small ones, not a challenge...) and "jumping" to the floor. Woot Woot !
And then, when i hit the floor the 1000th time : 20000dmg, dead.
WTH ? coming back to my corpse... can't loot (yeah, had to loot your stuff back at the time)
Turned out my name wasn't up to regulation (it was making a cute sentence IN FRENCH...) and so they changed my toon name to backwards, hence couldn't loot the corpse, where the name was NOT...
Contest is now concluded!
Will be doing the rolls at 1PM EST
Check this thread for exact location 15 minute prior!

Thanks so much to all that participated,
I really enjoyed your stories!
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Contest List Order:

Rich (BB code):
1 Kyle
2 Beastdaddy
3 TankHealCC
4 sarcasminc
5 Rooster
6 evianwater
7 TankHealCC
8 braedo
9 evianwater
10 Sum1
11 minniemmee24
12 rhb
13 gse7en
14 Crovsar
15 Darkmax
16 da Man
17 xoxo1987
18 Sum1
19 Demental
20 aspire2008
21 Dethbrngr
22 johnqpublic
23 passaway
24 l2phantom
25 nicesandwiches
26 Huttont1
27 Hustlin123
28 miniemmee24
29 Plure
30 tecteacher
31 runordie
32 Bdub
33 damination
34 scotsbiker
35 Tryndamere
36 nvidor
37 sum1
38 pixeldust
39 sum1
40 Vestalbears
41 mbiker11
42 Puck
43 Tryndamere
44 Puck
45 Mrduane
46 PixelPlus
47 Maskoi
48 Pixelplus
49 ericalle
50 joojoobee
51 MissTerious
52 hoosierbilly
53 EQwerty
54 Dborgar
55 Evianwater
56 runordie
57 playbetter
58 happydaisy
59 minniemmee24
60 gse7en
61 Randyleo
62 Tryndamere
63 TankhealCC
5 Runner Ups! Color change for your user name!
(Redcents gifted to you for purchase)

It could have been any number from 1 to 63, but this time it turned up a 7.

7-11 are winners for COLOR changes!

Rich (BB code):
1. Tankhealcc
2. Braedo
3. Evianwater
4. Sum1
5. minniemmee24

Congrats winners
Contest End Of Winter Contest!

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