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IRL - How old ere you when you got into EQ (1 Viewer)

I was about 20 when I started playing in the Kunark days. I was coming from UItima Online 97-99. Everyone I knew was playing, or knew about it, so it was fun to talk about EQ when not playing EQ!!! I somehow did it all on a dial-up connection, envious of folks on cable internet connections.
Well, today I have turned 21... Hard to believe I may be the youngest person on this platform. Started playing EQ when I was 8 on my dad's lap. How old were you when you started playing the game?
So Husky, how'd you BIG 21 turn out?
Hope it was a great day for yah man.

Pretty much the same here, started playing the beta in 99 at 24 in the Marines when I worked at a computer store in my free time making custom gaming builds for my friends. Hearing that modem handshake before playing and hoped nobody from work paged me or I would have to log off to call them back.
Semper Gumby!
Ended up delaying starting to play until the beginning of May 1999. Waited to have Comcast install cable internet. The modem life on EQ was below sub par. Had turned 28 the month before.
So I played in beta at 14 during early 99 - turned 15 about a month into release - dial up was so fun back in the day. Been playing on and off for years but my first two box setup was during Kunark release. I used a second phone line to dial up on the old pc. Had a little 45-50 Druid following my necro around and snaring the raptors on the island to make my life easier. I think my full boxing career started around PoP but it’s a bit of a blur.
Wow nice to see im not the only one with a huge passion for the game... For some reason it is just that one game i come back to
I think we all have them. Mine are EverQuest, Civilization and No Man's Sky. But nothing has hit the dopamine like EverQuest.

Myself, my wife and my sister in law all used to play on one 28.8 modern connection. Was hell when you all had to zone at once.

I don't have that wife anymore or talk to ex in law anymore but I do have a thick necked Barbarian idiot waiting for me to play.
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I got in about 2 weeks after initial release in 1999. I built a "phat" Pentium3 500 mHz system with a TNT 16 meg graphics card especially for it. I believe my modem was a 56k, might have been less. EQ was the next logical step from text-based MUD's which I started playing in 1993. I was 23 when EQ released. I got my wife started shortly after we married and we still play currently.
38 back in 2000 when i started playing. Never played anything like it b4, cant believe i still play it now, all be on emu only thou, cloth kunark map still hanging proud in its frame.
Well my cloth map, metal warrior figurine, and firiona vie figurine long gone. Sequel lives on in our memories though.
15. Would have been even younger, but they wanted a credit card to pay for the shipping of the beta CD if I remember right. The genre was young, the possibilities seemed limitless - maybe *I* would be the one to find that NPC that starts the epic quest, maybe *I* would be the one to find a hidden wall in Highhold Pass and be the first one to get a quest. I probably bounced off every wall in Kaladim looking for secret invis walls or hidden NPCs.
I started at 11! My brother let me play a druid on his account. We shared that account until he moved out, shortly before Kunark came out.

For my birthday, or maybe Christmas, that year he bought me my own account and Kunark!

I remember being 12 or 13 and my brother saying to me, with clear surprise, that he was proud at how well I played my Bard. In the OT, I had a cat mezzed, another add charmed and kept other songs up for the group the entire time. Twisting before melody like a boss.

By 14 I had been swayed away by newer games with better graphics and less hard-core mechanics. But EQ was the game I came back to more often then not.
I started at age 4 or 5. Would pick up playing for dad mostly when he would have a hockey game to go to or when either mom or dad needed to go afk for a bit to do something. Would just sit and watch them play the game almost every night so knew all the abilities. Nothing like hearing your cleric is leaving for a hockey game but dont worry my 4/5 year old will keep healing for the group.
Didn't have own account till luclin so was 6/7 for that.
i was living with 3 room mates at the time and to be honest didn't even know how to turn a computer on ... i was 25 walked into my buddy's room and cracked some beers ... saw him playing eq in the beta 2 release ... and time stood still, one of those life changing moments that is burnt into your memory.

i saw him running around as a dwarf doing the barrel rolls

an hour later i convinced him to let me try ... made a troll shaman cause i loved the butt scratches lol...

3 weeks later i bought my first computer and signed up for beta ... 24 yrs later i still enjoy eq

interesting note ... my old roomate cant believe i still play ... he hasnt touched eq in almost two decades he left for daoc and than wow and than quit alltogether
Early 20's, Started playing at launch in college. Played on and off. Kids slowed my playtime down. Raided when I could.
IRL - How old ere you when you got into EQ

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