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Question - How to Play a warrior? (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
Ok so I'm about to ding 105, and I just realized I haven't played a warrior since 85 was the cap. How does one play one these days?

Do I pop defender a lot or which skills do I need to use for taunting, AE taunting situations and how to handle them... that type of thing.

I'm going to create a new macro (Auto-Warrior) I like to keep it original lol.
Is there a way for a macro/MQ2 to end a DISC that uses the countdown timer on the Combat Ability window? As far as I know, you have to left click the icon in the CA window to end it. When I play my warrior, I always run stout defense, but when I run the warrior with the macro I use, I never use stout defense because if the warrior has to use Last Defense, you'd first need to end stout defense which seemingly the macro I use cannot do.

Yes, /stopdisc

Here is the Disc sub-routine that I call 20+ times in the macro. It works very well.
Rich (BB code):
| SUB: DiscQueue
Sub DiscQueue(string nextdisc)
	/if (${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}) /stopdisc
	/delay 20 !${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}
	/docommand /disc ${nextdisc}
	/delay 20 ${Me.ActiveDisc.ID}
dicho is not for every day use and rotation, ae use however, is different. pull 2 or 3 and it functions like wade as in aoe no dmg and multiplies ur agro. i use it on any multiple pull along with wade and situationally blades (less so cause of dmg component and breaks mez) and of course ae taunt. all this being said i do not afk play a war in my group so i make decisions based on what i see not a program with a set rotation. do not disreguard this ability as not to be used its one of the warriors few ae taunt abilities, in this reguard its very usable and handy, i couldnt tell u how many times a cleric backs up, agros a mob, is healing for ur original pull, i pop dicho blades and flash then 1: gain agro, 2: save cleric, 3: give cleric time to adjust for new pulls and save u (autocleric dosent have this problem).... this being said the short reuse time on dicho is simply ur best ae agro u have along with blades (similar recycle time)

Warriors were able to get and hold AoE agro for years before Dicho with well timed discs/AAs - I don't see how the ability is so good for AoE agro you just can't play without it when many of us have for 10 years + (Me personally since RoF I have been a warrior main so about 4 years I played and held agro just fine without it).

Rage of the Forsaken + Stormwheel = instant AoE agro on a 1min cooldown
Rampage = More AoE agro, seperate cooldown as the previous two and can be used in unison if desired.
Phantasmal Aggressor - AoE agro on 1min cooldown (Swap target, use, swap back)
Projection of Fury - AoE agro on a short cooldown (Swap target, use, swap back)
AoE Taunt = more AoE agro on a different cooldown than the others
Warlord's Grasp - More AoE agro on a different cooldown than the others. (Swap target, use, swap back)
Blast of Anger - Normally I use this to pull but if something agros your group you can use it to grab it real quick

Warlord's Fury - Can also be used in unison with any other ability that generates agro for it to generate more agro. Skill based abilities only if i recall correctly. So it works similar to rage of the forsaken.

All of these abilities can be used in place of Dicho in the situation you just gave me to save the warrior massive endurance. If you're saying ALL of this is on cooldown, you're playing the warrior wrong. If you're saying you pull too many mobs and all of the above abilities are generally used up and someone STILL agros a mob and you need Dicho. You're going to run out of endurance because Dicho will drain the 40% you have left from chain pulling so many mobs anyway.

If we're arguing if it is a good ability then you're right, it is and it can be useful. All abilities can be given the proper context. But can the bot properly predict the proper context to use these abilities? Also, will using that ability benefit most users or hinder most users? I can tell you one thing, you aren't going to be using Dicho if you're doing -ANYTHING- but hard content (so, current content or the bot is useless because of endurance drain). Like you said yourself, Dicho is NOT for everday use. Putting in such a niche ability is a great way to segregate a huge amount of people that would find this useful. It's also a great way to get a lot of posts of "My warrior never has any endurance WTF" once the macro is finished. If that is the creators decision then that is his decision and what he wants to do.

Ultimately, consider Dicho similarly to Reaver's Bargain for Shadow Knights. It's a great ability and has plenty of uses. But if say you were to put this ability in your macro when you pull 3 mobs or a named - not everyone is going to want to totally blow ALL their endurance/mana in those situations. YOU may be using the macro for EoK current content but Jim-bob may be using the macro to PL alts in COTF, some place he'd never need either of these abilities and just using them would be a total waste. Now you may say well fuck Jim-bob if he doesn't want to use those abilities then don't use this macro. Well, I am sure Jim-bob would have something to say about that ... but my point is anyway that you *CAN* play the game and be good without using Dicho.

Dicho is an ability that would inconvience about HALF the people who use this macro & it sounds to me like the people who would like it incorporated are saying to add it for reasons that can easily be solved with other methods. A warrior has plenty of cooldowns already and plenty of ways to get AoE agro/agro on multiple mobs.

"Most" Warriors probably play slightly differently and will claim their way is the best (Maybe you prefer Cooldown XYZ paired with B but I prefer cooldown ABC paired with X). The truth is Warriors must be played slightly differently based on the group they're in, the raid they're in, what classes they're playing with, who they are playing with and what they are doing. It's nearly impossible to develop a warrior macro that will work for everyone and in every situation because the class has far too many "well, what if". I am simply suggesting the path that will get the most use out of the entire community.

I have been waiting for someone to develop a warrior macro since I started using KA though and if I have a problem with an ability it uses at a certain time I will go in and change it and make it work based on my own playstyle. Everyone here should do the same and I would assume just about everyone does.
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Hello NH and all, and thank you for considering this essential Macro which i think will be very popular like AutoCleric. My first EQ toon was a warrior, played this class for more than 15 years now and i did live in TheSteelWarrior forum at some time. With all that said, please don't consider me as a class expert, i'm just casual with few years of wavy raiding times.

I'll just list some facts about this class that you need to consider for making this macro:

- Class is not simplistic to play as you mentioned, it's VERY situational.

- Many discs share many timers, it sounds obvious like other melee classes but devs still cleaning up what previous devs have modified since Underfoot expansion.

- At some points it can be Endurance hog, there some tricks to use (AAs - using lower level discs - etc) to solve this issue.

- Warriors can boost group DPS using some AA's and maybe clickies.

- Warriors Roar/Bellow disc line (Bazu Bellow, Krondal's roar) lands a certain amount of aggro but continues to feed aggro like a necro DoT.

- Warriors got AC Aura (Champion's Aura).

- Warriors can boost incoming healing for a short time and passive as well using AA's.

- Warriors can boost aggro in EoK simply by heals landing on them.

- Warrior's best aggro weapon aug so far which has been tested heavily..............Rune line of procs.

- Warriors received a noticable boost in DPS when using Two Hand weapons.

- Warriors can boost their AC using AA's (Active and Passive).

- Warriors can Fade and lose aggro with AA's.

- Warrior's best tanking stance since Underfoot expansion is Shield and Sword.

- Warriors need the AA (Weapon Stances) at level 85 before you even consider buying Combat Stability/Agility.

- Warrior's can crowd aggro without breaking a mez, and the opposite as well.

- Iksar Warriors still getting AC boost from level 1.

- Most Warriors start their aggro grip using Roar/Bellow line of discs (Bazu Bellow - Krondal's roar - etc).

- Best Warriors should FLANK their mobs for pets and group can hit from behind.

- Best Warriors should have clicky shrink.

- Best Warriors should have OverThere Hammer for quick escape.

- Best Warriors handle Raid bosses/Nameds by securing aggro first while Fortitude disc is running.......Just before Fortitude ends they Fire Flash of Anger whichs lasts 8 seconds.........During the 8 seconds Last Stand Disc is fired so there wont be any gaps for any incoming dps spikes from Raid Boss or Named.

- Best Warriors use Geomentra clicky before engaging a non-trivial opponent.

- Best Warriors should have their Anguish BP Clicky.

- Warriors with low AC should keep Field Armorer disc line up when tanking heavy dps mobs.

- Smart Warriors save their (No Time to Bleed) disc line to be used with (Staunch Defense) disc line once (Last Stand Disc) goes down for long lasting fights.

- The most ESSENTIAL stat for Warriors is simply AC.

- Warriors Max AA's before EoK expansion used to be 12K something, now i think it exceeds 17K.

If i find anything else i'll update, Hope this helps. :)

I would love to test your warrior macro, but also any new macro that you wish to best tested on a live server. I have the following toons and levels.

1) 75 Necro
2) 105 Warrior
3) 85 Rogue to pick those nasty locks. I mainly use him for picking lock's for Raid's. Like when the group/guild doesn't have one grouped. But i also let him tag around in a safe area (invis/hide) then when a rogue only appear's. I just use him to run to the corpse and loot it.
4) 86 Shaman
5) Also 8 Toon's of low, mid level (assorted classes/level's)
6) wizzie 87
P.S. I would like to ask if there any auto macro script's to automatically grind up any crafting skill's, I would love one that would handle any movement needed to resupply whatever trade skill you are working on. i am tired of clicking the damn mouse button all the damn time :) lol (but serious this has to stop lol)
I would love to test your warrior macro, but also any new macro that you wish to best tested on a live server. I have the following toons and levels.

1) 75 Necro
2) 105 Warrior
3) 85 Rogue to pick those nasty locks. I mainly use him for picking lock's for Raid's. Like when the group/guild doesn't have one grouped. But i also let him tag around in a safe area (invis/hide) then when a rogue only appear's. I just use him to run to the corpse and loot it.
4) 86 Shaman
5) Also 8 Toon's of low, mid level (assorted classes/level's)
6) wizzie 87
P.S. I would like to ask if there any auto macro script's to automatically grind up any crafting skill's, I would love one that would handle any movement needed to resupply whatever trade skill you are working on. i am tired of clicking the damn mouse button all the damn time :) lol (but serious this has to stop lol)

IHCMercs provides out-of-the-box support for all classes, including warrior:
Question - How to Play a warrior?

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