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Guide - KissAssist Instructions & Settings Info (1 Viewer)

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Hey guys, how would one tell the puller to ignore mobs? I keep running into the hang up of targetting and trying to pull a quest npc.
KissAssist_info.ini setup:

MobsToPull, MobsToIgnore, MobsToBurn and MezImmune settings

This file is also created when you start up Kissassist for the first time, and for each new zone you start Kissassist in, a new section is created in the INI file. Alternately, you can predefine zones using the shortzone names by adding them using the example listed below.

Sample KissAssist_Info.ini file
Rich (BB code):

MobsToIgnore=a sentry stone,Leaf Pile,Tyzen,Faltar,A Rabid Selyrah
MobsToBurn=List up to 10 mobs. Use full names i.e. Deathsqueak,A_Raging_Braxi,Guggles or NULL
MezImmune=List up to 10 mobs. Use full names i.e. a green snake,a blue tiger,a wide eye ooze or NULL
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Can start here -

and then move into the links at the bottom here -
I tried..its like speaking in another lang.. no commands works.. Tried everything. my bard just standing doing nothing.
well what commands have you tried? Everything sounds... not very likely.
If its fighting you want, my guess is that you need to check the Melee section of your ini
@Peppe Hi and welcome to RG ! When you downloaded the installer, right under the Download you should see a large TV graphic that says New User Guide. Have you looked there? There is a bunch of great video tutorials for getting setup up and more advanced learning about how you want to control your characters. It may seem like a lot at first, but take a bit of time to test and try and you'll be experiencing EQ in a great new way with full group control. There are many different tools that can help KissAssist, RedMercs, Xgen, CWTN paid plugins and so many different add on macros, take some time and read and learn, you'll be loving EQ with this.
quick question. hope this isnt in the guide somewhere and i over looked it but i was looking for a command that would stop my puller from pulling, when i used /back off it did seem to do anything
You can just pause the macro using /mqp on
While the macro is on pause , you ll have to perform the action manually.

When you want him to pull again do /mqp off
This question is WAY too basic so please show some tolerance. My confusion is where to insert the macros? I understand if I'm playing a warrior toon, insert the warrior macro under that characters name. But I'm working on tradeskills, i.e. fishing. There's a macro for fishing. Do I clear out the 'warriors' macro and replace it with the fishing one or is there a way to run both simultaneously?
you can't run two macro's at once. I believe if you are running one and run another, the previous one will end. All macro's are in your macro folder. you can have as many as you want in there. Use the Very Vanilla Launcher to. When you "Watch" a resource you can download straight from the launcher and it will put it where it needs to be. From there ingame, just run the mac via... /mac macroname
Having some trouble with my mage, for my summoned dmg items.

Buffs15=Grant Frostbound Paradox|Summon|Summoned: Frostbound Silver|1 (keeps casting over and over if I restart macro, have to delete item so he can summon a new one then he stops)

DPS10=Summoned: Firebound Orb II|94|weave|cond6
DPS12=Summoned: Frostbound Silver|94|weave|cond6
Cond6=!${Me.SpellReady[${Spell[Spear of Molten Arcronite].RankName}]} && !${Me.SpellReady[${Spell[Reckless Servant].RankName}]} && !${Me.SpellReady[${Spell[Chaotic Inferno].RankName}]}

He won't cast these at all, I'm getting it has to do with my condition, however even if I remove the condition, he still won't cast them.

Thanks in advance for the help!
Having some trouble with my mage, for my summoned dmg items.

Buffs15=Grant Frostbound Paradox|Summon|Summoned: Frostbound Silver|1 (keeps casting over and over if I restart macro, have to delete item so he can summon a new one then he stops)

DPS10=Summoned: Firebound Orb II|94|weave|cond6
DPS12=Summoned: Frostbound Silver|94|weave|cond6
Cond6=!${Me.SpellReady[${Spell[Spear of Molten Arcronite].RankName}]} && !${Me.SpellReady[${Spell[Reckless Servant].RankName}]} && !${Me.SpellReady[${Spell[Chaotic Inferno].RankName}]}

He won't cast these at all, I'm getting it has to do with my condition, however even if I remove the condition, he still won't cast them.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Silver or Sliver? Or is it a silver sliver?

And you don't cast a "Summoned: Firebound Orb", that's not the item's actual name. It's just "Firebound Orb". Although for the Frostbound item that IS part of it's name.

Also, from my recollection, the Frostbound Sliver doesn't delete itself when you use up all the charges, so once depleted you won't be able to summon another one. I fought with that for ages and gave up.
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ok I am trying to use Kar' Zok discipline on my pally. But KA doers seem to recognize this discipline. I think it is because of the apostrophe in the title. Any suggestions?
Here is some great info concerning Weave. Thank you too @ctaylor22 for the information. Changed up my ini due to the better understanding.

Weave is designed for you to try and squeeze some extra damage in by letting you cast AA's, Items, etc.. That don't require the use of the casting window. Now for this to be effective we only call the weave routine when GCD is in effect.

The Weave entries (50 weave limit) get moved out of the DPS Array and into their own array(WeaveArraay). So when in the CambatCast routine, your DPS entries are being cycled through and Just before casting a DPS entry, the GCD is checked. If at this time the GCD is active the weave routine is called. Now this is also checked after all DPS entries have been cycled through. This last check is a little different, in the check looks to see if the weave routine was NOT called during the normal DPS loop.

In either case the CastWeave routine only checks for:

${Me.AltAbilityReady[${WeaveArray[${i}].Arg[1,|]}]} || ${Me.ItemReady[${WeaveArray[${i}].Arg[1,|]}]} || ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${WeaveArray[${i}].Arg[1,|]}]}

So if it is NOT one of those, then it will fail. It does check every Weave entry so any of the entries that are ready should fire.

The Best way to do things in order is to use the DPSOn=2 I think it is. If DPSOn=2 then the CombatCast routine will wait through GCD, after the Weave routine was called.


| Only cast spells with weave tag during global cooldown
/if (${Me.SpellInCooldown} && !${IAmABard}) {
/if (${WeaveArray.Size}>0 && ${WeaveArray[1].NotEqual[null]}) {
/call CastWeave ${MyTargetID}
/varset WeaveCheck 1
/if (${Me.Gem[${DPSPart1}]} && ${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].ID}) {
DEBUGCOMBAT CombatCast Spell in Cool Down DPSOn: ${DPSOn}
/if (${DPSOn}==2) {
/while (${Me.SpellInCooldown}) {
/delay 2
} else {
/if (${TargetSwitchingOn} && ${Target.ID} && ${Target.ID}!=${MyTargetID}) /call CombatTargetCheck 1
/call CastWhat "${DPSPart1}" ${DPSTargetID} DPS ${CondNo}
Notice the ${DPSOn}==2 that is after the /call CastWeave ${MyTargetID}. You will have to add some logic to your conditions for your DPS entries that skip an entry is a previous entry becomes abailable. I do this all the time. If the first 2 entries in your DPS routine, you want to cast ASAP as they become available, You Can Check !${SpellReady[SpellName]} on all your other entries, but I prefer to use ${Me.GemTimer[1]==0} that way it doesn't matter what spell I have in the Gem Slot, I just always use Gem[1], and Gem[2] as my Priority Gems to cast.

So my condition to cast anything while Gem[1] and Gem[2] are not ready would need to have ${Me.GemTimer[1]} && ${Me.GemTimer[2]} added to the condition. If the Gem Timer is active then the spell/gem can NOT be cast, and that's when you want to cast your other DPS entries.
new here sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I've been unable to find it I'm building out an INI for my Mage and noticed several hve XTSlot set. but do not see it in the list of commends above ... Is it something that i should set and what does it signify?

Thank You
So if using EQBC2 (saw for EQBC) how can you get toons to ask for pet toys from your group mage? Presently am running SK and Chanter and their pets are being envious of the Mages pet... and both are using CTWN.
I cant get the pettoys options to work for other group members anymore. It worked a few days ago, now its not working. Has something changed?

*NEW* /bct magename //pettoysplz ${Me.Pet.CleanName} - Pet toys: ability to request pettoys on demand for any pet.
*NEW* /bct magename //pettoysplz GROUP - Pet toys: ability to request pettoys for all group's pets.

new here sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I've been unable to find it I'm building out an INI for my Mage and noticed several hve XTSlot set. but do not see it in the list of commends above ... Is it something that i should set and what does it signify?

Thank You
I'm wondering the same thing.

thanks Nidi
How do you define non-group buffs to be applied to other pets in the group?

i.e. How do I set Speed of Novak Rk. II to apply to melee and all pets in group?

I've tried this, which just puts it on the melee characters:
Buffs10=Speed of Novak Rk. II|melee

And, I've tried this which puts it on all characters but not any of the other group pets.
Buffs10=Speed of Novak Rk. II

Is there a way to do something like this, to buff all melee and pets? Or some other syntax that I'm not aware of?
Buffs10=Speed of Novak Rk. II|melee,pet
Hey guys, how would one tell the puller to ignore mobs? I keep running into the hang up of targetting and trying to pull a quest npc.
There is a file called Kissassist_info in the macros folder. In there are the zones you have been in. Each zone is listed with areas for mobs to ignore as well as other things. Under ignore, list the full names of the mobs or NPC separated by commas.
That should solve your problem.
Ok, this is probably the wrong place to ask this and if it is i am sorry. I cant seem to find anything via the search about it so figured i would ask. I am trying to keep all 12 of my toons tightly packed together and i want them to move around with me tight as well. I am doing the Grandmaster in PoW and i have to be able to move all 12 toons around with my MT/MA for the raid to avoid the pawns that spawn. I have the plugins for Enchanter, zerker, rogue, shaman, cleric, mage and have chase distance all set to 10 and they seem to do ok. Now the other toons that dont have a plug in, my ranger, druid, bard, bard, and wiz just dont want to seem to want to follow me around right. I have tried the Follow me button in each group, does not work great even with chase distance set to 10 in their INIs. I have tried to have all 11 toons target my MA and do /afollow, sometimes this works great but right now it is not working for crap. Bards and wiz just get hung up for no apparent reason and then the ranger will as well from time to time. Is there some kind of code or plugin or Lua or something that i can use to make all these toons gather on my MA/MT and have them move when he moves?
Guide - KissAssist Instructions & Settings Info
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