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Discussion - Let's talk Warrior main (1 Viewer)

The reason I'm saying SK is strong for group content isn't because I compared a weak warrior to a strong SK. It's because SKs are very strong in group content relative to warrior.

It has enough mitigation to tank *anything* that group content can throw at it.
Instant, ranged single target threat.
AOE threat that won't break CC on demand.
Pulling, splitting, pet pulling - you can really do it all in this realm.
Huge amounts of self healing that increases significantly under burn.
Huge amounts of group healing to melees with epic click.

I love my warrior, but it's fair to say that SK is a better tank in group content when they are properly geared/AA'd.
Another thought. I actually know how to play my BST, quite well actually. I know everyone says, "you need to drive with your tank". However, what If I had a Warrior on CWTN, set to "TANK"? '

So line up would be BST/Druid/Mage + Warrior / Ench / SHM

Third options, I roll up a Monk instead of warrior.

SK/DRU/Mage + Monk/Ench/SHM

I think with my playstyle, I would be better served if CWTN managed my tank for me.
I drive from my bard since I have no interest in learning how to play a tank. The hotkey setup is going to need to be more creative than what Sic has in his vids. Very doable without any issue though. If you prefer the play on the bst, than drive on the bst. I actually have found that creating my own hotkeys over time playing this way has been a simple joy in and of itself, meanwhile my bard isn't on autopilot ever and that's the way I like it.
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.
I play a warrior as a main..... can outdps a sk most of the time and take damage more consistently. LIfe doesnt fly all over the place unless i am fighting something above my weight class or my cleric decides to buff me instead of heal me.
I would disagree. Warrior or SK/Pally generally have longer than 30 seconds to live. Hell the Ranger/Monk/Rogue all seem to last about a minute before they die (in group content). Or are you talking 40+ mobs of group content?
I was exaggerating for point with basically the duration of fortitude. Depending on where in your rotation you are you could stay up for a long time. Just giving worst case scenario.
Not to mention , the SK Epic is elite !!!! That alone is a monster difference for group content when comparing to Warriors
Granted I am still low level, but I drive my bard (main) and use KA for my warrior and cleric. Fill out with mercs. Doing my role as a bard and keeping the pulls steady and under control, I have never had an issue with the warrior tank, and his DPS seems pretty impressive. I say that to say, I also tried it with a Pal, bard, sham, and did not seem to have near the success. I switched to a pal, enc, druid, and find it much more capable, but still not as fast as the war, bard and cleric. Granted I am only 80 with my first 3, and 72 with my second group. I defer to the others that have way more experience in later levels than I do, but for someone that came back after not having played since 2000, I can say the automation for my tank has worked great, and the better I get at the configuration the happier I am with said performance.

Just put in the time, and I think you can find a lot of enjoyment by having your tank automated if your BL is where your heart is. Don't fall in the trap of thinking you have to min/max.
In my experience the warrior needs 2 healers, which is why a knight is my preference. Passive heals on Pally/Sk allow me to run a Shaman as the main healer, freeing up another slot. When I do run a warrior it is War/Cle/Sha/Ench/Mag/Bst because I also need a backup tank just incase. I sacrifice dps for the shaman on hybrid CTWN, but at least I have 2 healers with rez capabilities.
something is wrong if your war needs 2 healers, especially if you have a cleric in the group..and a bst and a sham..wow. I used a druid for a long time until I got fed up with mana issues, and that was enough to keep a war up.
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.
I haven't gone through and read all of the other comments on this and there are a few caveats to my opinion. The first one is I HATE bards, not in like I think they should be removed from the game but I never ever want to play them ever. The second is that I know how to play all the characters I use independently of mq (this is not trash talking anyone I don't care if you know how to play your characters independently or not). Because I can play them all independently I sometimes play them differently than others when I have mq turned on.

I raid on a warrior main and use her as my main driver for my group. my group is a WAR, CLR, SHM, MAGE, ENC, WIZ.
What i like for warrior over sk is survivability. The whole group may wipe, cleric got one last rez off before he died, war pops back in, tanks mobs while cleric and sham release to bind campfire back rez rest of group starting with chanter for crowd control and i move on like nothing happened. I can do this for a couple reasons. War is raid geared that helps so group geared will be able to do a little less. Chanters are the 100% best in my opinion for crowd control. I swarm pull almost every time and in this scenario presented most mobs stay mezzed long enough for campfireing and getting group up. I run a cleric because they are absolute healing beasts but I also threw the shammy in because they do good dps when I dont need a second healer and are good healers/can go longer with cani for those long slog fights (usually when im trying to do raid content on my own i have no business attempting) I am pretty indifferent about the mage just mostly have him there for coth and pets but i hate running all those toons all over the zone so i knew i wanted a mage even if i sat him in a corner and only used him for cothing. And wiz. in my opinion the best short term massive dps boost you can add to your group. (ill admit im biased it was my first character ever on my own account. ive had her for 20 years and im not gettin rid of her.)

If you want to be interactive and be really involved in playing your char even if you have mq automating your others war gives you TONS of stuff to do, push buttons, position mob, gank agro on mass pulls from casters, live through damn near anything even when everyone else is dead, get really ballsy and tank with your 2hander. warriors have so many aas, combat abilities, clickies youve farmed, that there is no room to get bored. If you want i can give a way more indepth of the aas and stuff and how i play war just let me know. war can actually be overwhelming with how much you can do can push which discs for which situations type of thing.
The whole group may wipe, cleric got one last rez off before he died, war pops back in, tanks mobs while cleric and sham release to bind campfire back rez rest of group starting with chanter for crowd control and i move on like nothing happened.
Lost me here, even a halfway decent SK can solo 2-3 of LS mobs without a healer. raid ones can solo FF.. with a shaman AND a cleric, nobody should ever die..
Was farming augs the other day and I needed my shaman to make some potions. Left the group there and gate my shaman back. The SK and NEC basically kept the group alive for the next hour even with named mobs. As much as I love my wars, they can’t do that for group game.
Lost me here, even a halfway decent SK can solo 2-3 of LS mobs without a healer. raid ones can solo FF.. with a shaman AND a cleric, nobody should ever die..
yes, i have been able to tank 7-10 until cleric gets back, how much i tank depends on when mezz breaks on mobs. sham is dps all the way in group content I really use sham for heals when im attempting to severely under-man raids. toons die when i mess something up. i only know 2 raiding sks that can keep up with or surpass me in tanking until a healer gets back and they have played an sk and only an sk their whole time playing eq. in my opinion it takes more know how to work the mortal coil sk magic stuff that lets them live and i dont know many that can do it.
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.
I roll a main warrior as my group tank. I love it. He's been my main since way back in E'ci days. No raid gear, all Tol and Nos gear. Can tank all mission and group content just fine. Multiple mobs, no problem just tank em and spank em. In group content, I don't bother running disciplines other than what's on my spam key, there's just no point. On named mobs, I'll fire off offense abilities then if I feel I need It, I'll use a defense discipline. It will take some time to learn all warrior abilities but I think you'll enjoy it. I don't use automaton, on my war I manually run him and the rest of the group, except for my rog (new to the team and still learning). I also run a druid and bard in my group and the druid can keep everyone healed without any problems.
And I think a bard will work best for your group. Bards abilities are great and they can handle CC, you won't need to use it often but it's there.

Give it a shot, I think it'll work for you. GL
Discussion - Let's talk Warrior main

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