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Discussion - Most iconic class + single game item combo? (1 Viewer)

Before epics and hard nerfs, I used PGT main hand offhand Yak on my dwarf warrior. The PGT had such a high proc rate back then, I never needed heals, was such much fun!

Druid epic clickie, vambraces, and gloves(already mentioned in another post). Butcher block dwarf guards, back then dropped 25p axes and sometimes 25p. Was better than farming hill giants! Respawn times were 2 mins, not many knew about them. Fun times!
Before epics and hard nerfs, I used PGT main hand offhand Yak on my dwarf warrior. The PGT had such a high proc rate back then, I never needed heals, was such much fun!

Druid epic clickie, vambraces, and gloves(already mentioned in another post). Butcher block dwarf guards, back then dropped 25p axes and sometimes 25p. Was better than farming hill giants! Respawn times were 2 mins, not many knew about them. Fun times!
I always remember thinking in group settings "Man, this warrior has a Lammy AND a Frostbringer aggro is gonna be so good" back in Velious. PGT made me think of that one.

Speaking of Druids I always knew if I saw one with that ugly tan plate chestplate what class they were. Brown Chitin Protector.
Hard to beat what Sic said. Monk and fungi is 2nd for me, Visually I think a dwarf cleric and sprinkler was the best. Maybe a Bard and that blue lambent armor. Not one item, but man that blue armor looked cool even if you spent 99% of the time as a corpse on the ground. Nostalgic more than iconic.
or not as iconic as a monk and fungi, or even pally with a fire sword for that matter, but Halfling Druid & Paw of Opolla maybe somewhat iconic, everyone had to find a druid to taxi them around, they always had that doll in their hand. EQ seemed to me like it lead the way to introducing the druid class and skill sets into the video game world, effectively laying the foundation for what a druid is in other games but that can be said about alot of classes and things in eq.
it is weird, some things folks are saying are "iconic" i can't even remember what they look like.

like i don't recall what paw of opolla looks like in-game --- but it did bring back memories of the cone of mystics "ice cream cone" thing lol
Going back a few years, it's the Druid and the Paw of Opalla.

Druids whole outfit - golden efreeti boots, brown chitin protector, brown chitin leggings, fbss... was iconic to me when I played back in the day.
Iconic, right?

Like if we were all elfsim irl and some dorf walks in and they had the sprinkler. Dang
Totally! Plus, I remember my guild banding together to met me mine as soon as it came out. It was a must-have, not just for the Cleric, but for the team! I'll dig up a pic!
Monk + holgresh elder beads
cleric + manastone

however for its time- Cleric + water sprinkler: Why? Because you needed a damn good guild in order for your clerics to have one. I remember on Bertoxxulous if your cleric had a water sprinkler you were a damn good cleric in a damn good guild. There was a guild on bertoxx that had Rage perma camped there for years in order to stunt the other guilds from getting sprinklers for their clerics. Plus, with mana being a premium, and guilds literally racing to kill mobs as they spawned. You had to have this item to get your raid up fast to re- engage the mob on a wipe or you lost the mob to a rival guild. There were no instances back then. Nuff said.
monk+hero bracers for original release. The green plate look just screamed, "Hey everybody, look at me!"
Still remember the amazing looks of the Warriors with their epic 1.0 in the beginning of my EQ experience. Really was the push forward for my little baby warrior at the time.
I really have to go with cleric res stick Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh. Just getting it back in the day was a testament to your resolve and your guilds willingness to bust their ass for you. Most people played by the play nice rules and there was a waiting list... not to mention down the road helping lower level clerics when it was their turn... creating a raid just to get them it so they could app to your guild:)

There is no item in the game that creates the same kind of team Spirit and selflessness as that clicker and its legacy.
Personally it was -

Ranger + Wurmslayer
Monk + Robe of Whistling Fists
Warrior + Wavecrasher

I saw these all the time in my early EQ days. Just became engrained, even more than epics back then.

My personal set up any time I could possible swing it on a new character (sorry it's two items)
My character + Glowing Black Sword + Black Blade of Tormenting (double black bladed claymore look)
For me, its a Paladin wielding SoulFire. From my memory, before the 1.0 Epics were finished, the first realease was the 'Pre Epiq' stage for the first 1.0, and Aradune went around many places to greet players and show it off on his ranger. I did get to see him once, and seeing him was cool, seeing his weapon was amazing. First particle weapon was really cool. Playing it to quest it myself...(I was NOT the first, or even second on my server) I was one of the few who got it with so much help early on. Seeing it on another paladin who helped in finishing my own quest for it, was so cool to see him battling monsters with a Flaming particle sword! But when I equipped my own..Epic.
Seeing a Cleric with the Sprinkler in hand would be the second most iconic for me, as it was seeing the cavalry (they won;t mind rezzing, its mana free and soooo many helped get them that.. its their duty to help everyone..hehe)

1644685374373.png << (not me, but I swear was a twin 🤪 )
For some reason this question has been stuck in my head all day, and I was curious what everyone else would come up with.

If you had to pick the single most iconic class+item combo for eq what would it be, and why?

monk + fungi tunic !?
cleric + water sprinkler !?
Iconic for me was a cleric walking around in purple Hate armor or a bard in all blue. While not technically one item, you knew the work a player had put into their class back in the day when that meant something.

As for class plus one item, for me personally, it had to be cleric plus water sprinkler when it wasn't the 1.0, just the epic. Game changer for raiding guilds. I remember getting mine when guilds literally raced to kill the dragon in Skyfire. That may have been the most epic moment of my EQ career.
I'm gonna go with ranger and swarmcaller, being able to sometimes get a slow on a mob when no one to slow was fun. But i'm biased since that's what I played. And I thought the lightening coming off the ranger epics where pretty sweet.
Winner: Cleric water sprinkler. Not much to say... EPIC
Runner up was War epic, I mean, c'mon, light sabers!
Honorable mention, Pally flaming sword! The sword...it's on fire!

Non-epic stuff:
First time I saw Necro in grim reaper form... wow!
Death Stick... that's what we called it... POTime, Shinai of the Ancients.
The most iconic class/item combo that comes to mind is Pally with Soulfire. There is a lot more from later expansions that are class iconic, but that one was like the first hard quest with a super flashy reward. Its very iconic of the game as a whole for me.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I would solo PoG with my necro (level 50 max) , solo in PoTactics (level 65 max I think) with my necro, and solo Fire Giants into the wall with Xalgoz fear stick, people were amazed.. back then.
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Monk with duel SoD from pre sleeper awakening

close second would be a warrior decked in full cobalt gear with light sabers. You could just sit in the tunnel and have swarms of people surround you.
I still feel partial to my Necro with 2.0.. i had to equipped longer than I can remember and we only were "recently" freed from it.. now my Necro had that ice cream cone as Sic calls lol
In classic probably any melee that had a yak, it looks so cool and you immediately wanted one!

Other single item might be mana robe on a caster
I remember as a teenager when I was getting into this game I would spend time at an internet cafe. I would just watch this one guy that played a shaman with his JBB killing raptors in Timorous Deep while I rolled around on my level 5 Necromancer on another PC. I felt like that guy was such a badass. Fun memory of that item for me.
I always thought the JBB was a crazy long cast though -
Druid with Testament of Vanear
Druid with Paw of Opolla.
For me, its a Paladin wielding SoulFire. From my memory, before the 1.0 Epics were finished, the first realease was the 'Pre Epiq' stage for the first 1.0, and Aradune went around many places to greet players and show it off on his ranger. I did get to see him once, and seeing him was cool, seeing his weapon was amazing. First particle weapon was really cool. Playing it to quest it myself...(I was NOT the first, or even second on my server) I was one of the few who got it with so much help early on. Seeing it on another paladin who helped in finishing my own quest for it, was so cool to see him battling monsters with a Flaming particle sword! But when I equipped my own..Epic.
Seeing a Cleric with the Sprinkler in hand would be the second most iconic for me, as it was seeing the cavalry (they won;t mind rezzing, its mana free and soooo many helped get them that.. its their duty to help everyone..hehe)

View attachment 37819 << (not me, but I swear was a twin 🤪 )

Here we go give me more pics, im old and cant remember all of them :)
Discussion - Most iconic class + single game item combo?

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