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MQ2AutoAttackGK - GhostKill - Free~ (2 Viewers)

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Um What?

Any of my plugins, is nothing similar to what your broken way old sources you stole apparently of a fellow named zippzipp. I can link all these dramatized posts, if you like?

Btw, and don't even go there.

MQ2MMOSafe, is MQ2PacketAPI that I created, but it was leaked from KenetixEQ (as many plugins were). Not to mention I sold all my packet information/sources to alot individuals at the end of KenetixEQ. Lol half of the source codes with packeting information I see created now, have my fingerprints on them.

Your threats are meaning full, because I will always prevail, I am abyss. I can easily turn a function into a demolishing work of art. If you think I can't then you shouldn't have cried to me, asking me to update zippzipps sources for you.

Its kind of offensive, when you accuse someone of his hard work, and not to mention when he gives it out for free. You should accuse people who steal work, and sell it. I honestly feel bad for your site's subscribers, they are using some old hand me down sources. Have you came out with any new material for EverQuest? Let me check? Nope. I can only wonder why.

I have been done with EQ for a couple of months anyway now, been messing a bit with Aion. Amazing what some function detouring can accomplish. So if you want to continue your endless rant then be my guest.

I won't be reading. The only people who would care to read your posts would be people who like drama, and the population on these boards are a bit low. So basically I would suggest focusing your time elsewhere. Maybe towards the C++ forums to learn how to code Mr. CodeCompiler.

Man, EQ Hacking has became into a community of a bunch of little kids always fighting about something.

Lastly I will be more than happy to take said plugins down, because they are outdated now. Whenever I get around to it, I will put up the updated ones.
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Really Aybss cause you took the code that my coder Pwno did and we can show you were going to do this for my site remember and so forth for a x amount of cash and you turned around and posted out the difference of our codes. Congrats you little troll im glad you can rename stuff. And can update a lib.

Hell I have asked others to update the lib and help with offsets before when i was on my crappy comp but to take a source and rename and post as your own. Try me cause as your HOST prolly told ya you got 24 hours cause the proof is in the pudding to take them down.

But if you want to get into a slander match wanna see how fast I can destroy the content of anything and everything you say, cause I have all the logs of all our convo's Pidgin has that nice feature saved into it.

Now if you want to say they are yours... Really and Zipp doesnt update his code to the code Pwno names for his plugins he creates. Also Zipp was a PAID contractor on my site. Meaning he works for me the Intellectual property for contractors DOESN'T stay with the creator but the person paying for it.. That's simple enough and like all of Zipps other excuses and everyone has shot through I have paid Zipp the problem with Chris is what most of you and like yourself.

You get greedy... people say I have such high prices. Your right it isn't for GREEDS Sake its for the safety of the plugins so people know they are getting something that isn't a toy!.! Thus creating it as something of value to them, that they might act responsible with it. Zipp didn't want to see nd out in Dec. At he made enough $ at that point he could of setup his own self with 20 computers and Nodelay and it wouldn't of been broken in Feb if that was secured.

But unlike other sites my reasoning behind things is simply... If I have it they have it! I don't act like Fry and other sites and say WE DONT ALLOW AND LIKE NODELAY! But use it themselves!... Cough* coffee and fry's little business adventure that went south.

I also am not the one that is blackmailing the ability to do things. Hell a month and half ago was starting to hand out gm geared acct's to my lifetime members. And started on the books but once again the community shots it down with lack of security and thinking on there own. But don't worry in about 2 weeks everything we have will become free with the exception of the Nodelay books for our lifetime members and a couple other little toys.

But hell they paid for it it cost a shitload for these books you sit back and say Code you make so much $ off this and that... When in actuality the $ that comes in pays some of these GM's! For gear and crap for you all as a whole community. So then the next question is what is it that you all are going to do for the sites.

I mean Redbot here and others have always kept things up for you all and so also have I, by even giving out our gk to all members with the 25 dollar a year option to let people see we are working on moving forward with some new plugins. I seriously applaud notaddicted and all there devs and hard work they have accomplished through the years. And Abyss if you want to talk to me about coding come talk cause now that im finishing my class's I WILL happily shot down any of your code and my team of developers only grows.

For instance we have a full framework for almost every game we can just change out the opcodes and names and it will update through the server on its own. Also adding a Warden and Game Guard Emulator that will patch for these users. So abyss when your coming out with toys that are working on that scale come chat with me.

Till then don't take my source and think cause you slap a new name on it your doing something so great. Cause I can show when you received those files! And don't act like I couldn't make this supporting evidence hold to itself cause I got tons and tons of ways to show it and other things copyrighted so slow your role before I punch a whole in your plan real fast and make your day a nightmare.

Sorry NotAddicted for this being on your boards and I know you support the community and like to call out those that are doing wrong. Hell even myself has been called out a couple times. But this is something that all someone had to do is ask. Abyss would of prolly been granted permission but the difference is just asking. Also any of the devs currently wanting to see whats going on and what we are changing up to Redbot and JMO and others are more then welcome to jump on our vent and chat. I will happily explain show and endorse any others wanting to join the group.

Also my ND that was posted was not a Kenetic's EQ ND ever! My buddy and myself had ours out right after Cronic figured it out the first time before Abyss jacked it. :P Remember Abyss :) you might remember my previous alias cause you were talking to my roommate on how to get it fixed back in the day and funny now my old roommate lives a block away.
If you like he can show ya cronics code you jacked and how you converted it since he has those sources still.. But not for drama sake... So yeah we will see how well you fair with this cause I can and will shot a hole in all your shit. But give me a reason to make this painful for ya to pick up a phone and make it something personal. Since you wont answer my calls :)

Aww and you think banning me is going to prevent me from having any access to any of the things you post. Just watch and find out let me have you post a new update of anything i have copyrighten and watch me end your site and come after you on a personal level after you received a CD/DMCA Violation!
Thats way to long to read, not even going to bother. Anyway I am still going to create my own things, and I am still going to post them.

This is sad.

Good luck friend.
this beats desperate housewives!(i have to watch because my female side loves it) *grabs popcorn aswell*

could anyone translate the long dialogues into short ones? I hate long dialogues. I guess that's why porn is my favorite movie genre.
I really cant say anything about this (and TBH i cant say anything about anything, cos I'm a retard)... But this might be my only change to use this picture, so here ya go:



- decker
I knew I was going to get my $5.95 worth of this subscription when I saw CC show up. He doesn't post over at MMOBugs because he got banned for being a giant d-bag, which saddens me because he's always good for some old fashioned "talk a big game but have a little pee pee" forum posting.

Abyss was doing this stuff while you were still crapping on your mother's carpet. You can threaten anyone you like, but I'm pretty sure you have absolutely no credibility in the EQ (or real) world.
Sum1 no credibility huh... Yeah I was banned from MMOBugs for putting Fry and his few boy toy boyfriends on blast for using my No-delay when they tell their site DON'T DO IT OR YOU WILL BE BANNED!

Till I popped into there irc and was like wow but why do you have a subscription and have downloaded my program. So were some have sat back and said ohh bad CC and so forth others have had our releases and 90 percent of the people with my plugins never got banned.

Which for a ghostkill site that's INSANELY GREAT NUMBERS! So before you come walking in talking the shit up like you actually knew the story of how and why and so forth why not come in and say what actually caused all the hatred to CC... Simple enough I put out nodelay for EVERYONE..

I advertised it! that is it! Sadly enough yes this didn't help to get the fix but it was like the more I could sit back and smile at fry and others that were hell bent on trying to ruin my site the more I wanted to keep going.

So then people got butt hurt the first time everything got fixed and we got it fixed a month later and back up and running for a nodelay. Then it got fubar'ed again then we got a monkbug out for ya... that stayed for another 6 months.... Was that good enough...nope... Why cause people wanted bigger better and more powerful... Sadly enough the thing I hate the most on this is greed and my plugins sadly create it.

So then we get some GM items and get people summoned up to CSHOME were we got some nice toys put on accts and we were giving them out to people. Hell while I was doing it I was in the IRC on Notaddicted even. Ask a couple admins they were there.... Then well it gets back to ZippZippEq site... for what reason I dont know... But once it was there that we were doing it, it was on mmobugs.

So as the world might turn and say.. See when we release programs and we get things fixed for the most part admins and devs love it cause they get paid really well.. But then what happens when soe breaks something... I take chargebacks cause people dont like they put up $$ and don't have that product anymore. So guess what it hurts me... I don't chargeback my devs and admins... Not at all I take the hit... So in some cases yes it can take a bit to get out of. But this is the world I have entered by saying I am going to supply you all with a ghostkill. I am going to give my lifetime members toys. this is all my doing. So if it means anyone from a different site wants to hate me for it well then go ahead. But years to come I will still be here.. I will still be the person anyone can come chat with and I will be the person still looking for the best ways to fuck sony over!

Abyss :) whoo hoo cuddle cakes were your response. Ohh prolly with your hosting company. :) Since now they been bugging you so well and well now that their host is bugging them cause hosting24.com can be suspended. :) Sounds like fun huh. :) Cute well remember when I tell ya this is going to hurt you alot more then its going to hurt me. :)
is it me or does this seem like some long advertisement to try and get people to join mmoplugins.com.. I've heard the nightmare stories about that site, how everyone that has paid for lifetime or subscribed wasted their money for only promises and nothing else. I'm just sayin...

I feel like I'm trapped in some sort of Twilight Zone episode where Codecompiler is the sales man that never stops.
I love how CodeCompiler tried to get my hosting provider to suspend my site. Sorry but your attempt failed rather badly. This little escapade won't be happening again. My hosting provider is personally making sure of this.

Can't try to shut down someone when your not the creator. Sorry CodeCompiler.

MQ2AutoAttackGk will be updated later on tonight for anyone interested, working on something else in the meantime.

Seriously this is a tad bit laughable.
If you have a membership there. Quickly realize your mistakes, and do a chargeback. His website is a true scam. He doesn't even know simple client to server coding, he compiles the same package, that zippzipp created every month. Since i believe 2008? Not 1 *new* plugin since then. And he trys to show up on me? Laughs.

Just to piss this tool off even more.

Any plugin you see on his website (mmoplugins.com), I will make it for you for **free** for 3 months. All I ask is if you have a subscription to his awful website cancel it or do a chargeback if able. Just send me a private message.

This guy will be flipping burgers, by the time I am done with him.
He uses a bunch of smiley faces, bad spelling, and has an anime avatar. HE IS CLEARLY DANGEROUS KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.
CC, I knew you were a sham from the first time you came to this site and started posting all your "leet" color-coded macros that gained all this "leet" experience. I could probably pull up the bard thread right now ... where I politely pointed out that not only was the experience MUCH lower than what you advertised, but I had to modify and correct very basic formatting mistakes for it to even run. You crucified me and got all defensive because you thought I was somehow personally attacking you.

Anyone who comes within arms reach of your site is an idiot, imo. Do you even have any plugins on your site? I won't look because I don't want anything on your site to make me dumber... which would certainly happen if I came across it.

I wish you could do a chargeback without having pain money in the first place.
lol i just took time to look at mmoplugins.com

2 minutes to review all posts, videos etc. time well spent :) that site been up for a year? looks more like a day or two.

oh I loved the wow bot video. hey look, my mouse is not moving - I AR BOT! is he selling stuffs for retards?
lol i just took time to look at mmoplugins.com

2 minutes to review all posts, videos etc. time well spent :) that site been up for a year? looks more like a day or two.

Guarantee CC will come back with some great post about how all the leet hacks and exploits and plugins are in a super private forum that you only get access to after you send him $500, cash... and that the amount of activity is staggering... hundreds of new posts a day. And that GM's totally just take members into cshome and give them all kinds of stuff... and... and... and...

wait, I probably have just seen one too many of his General channel spams.
Abyss.... You are sitting here saying chargeback cause you have to take my source and claim it as your own. Really... Let your friends defend ya about it which is cool but realize your nothing but a little scammer you scammed cronic's sources and got a name for yourself then you grab my code and think your doing something so great. You sir are a fucking lame ass! So tell people chargeback I don't care. I get more people wanting what I got and when you get served here in the next couple days remember who you are talking to and when I am pressing charges against ya with more then enough to back my case you can kiss my happy go lucky ass cause you will be hit for each plugin that I have downloaded @ 150k a piece cause you knew what the fuck you were doing. Sum1 on your standard case if you code macro's and so forth in Outlook macro section it color codes it you fucking noob so remember the L33Tness that it was done while I was sitting @ work or school and was coding to help the community. People can be critics all they want but really if your not able to help or just sit there and be a quiet leech then your a problem. So you sir your 2 cents don't matter for shit.

*yawn* All this talk about who stole who's code...where's all the sex and violence? That would make for a much better soap opera. Now, if Code's girlfriend was having Abyss' baby or vise versa, this would really start heating up!

*grabs his popcorn*
Thats fine with me, I am in need of some money. So I will just counter sue your ass.

I have so much proof.



(Read the modified dates.)

Everyone of those little source codes, has "Written by me" on them.

Thats just a little dose. My 80GB H drive is full with my own EverQuest source codes. Ranging from 2005-Current.

Btw when I look at your MMOSafe source made in 2008, to my PacketAPI source made in 2006. Why does it look so so similar I wonder?

Anyway, when we get in front of the judge. I could easily demonstrate, and write a full Packet structure API in 5 minutes. I can write it in any way you like. C++, VB, C--, C. Can you do this?

Man, I also have packeting structures already created for WoW. Movement, Casting, Trade, etc already defined. I could bring those to table, just for a little push on how I know my stuff.

Oh, and lets not forget. I still have my entire KenetixEQ.com forum database. Which hosts all my earlier sources from way back in 2005.

Hm, maybe I should bring you to court. Keep pissing me off, and I just might.

I told you, you would be flipping burgers by the time I am done with you.
Abyss :) sweetheart notice how you keep getting suspension notices and now that you straight up stated you have my source code you have finalized all that I need.

I'm going to end this convo with how pathetic you have to be cause if I'm such a bad person Abyss watch what you say cause I can show how wrong you are. And if I am wrong then why is your host's HOST telling them they have 24 hours now to turn you off or they will cut them off... Shitty thing is that host would be Global Crossing and when they as any american some chinese and half the japanese server companies 1 way or another in this world have a connection with GC. So keep playing with me son.

I will spank you up and down and I can show when you recieved those files and you complaining and bitching about how confusing it was and couldn't get a lib basis to work and the safe file was working and so forth.

Which took pwno all of about 2 minutes to put up in action and have fixed. So when you want to talk to me about coders come talk to me about coders I personally will enjoy watching you sit back and getting touched in places what you prolly haven't had when you find out what jail is like.

Were yes I might be flipping someones burgers you will be known as the guy with the extremely soft palms and the gift of C# (as in hitting that note after your man takes claim to you) :) So cuddles keep talking your shit. I got more backing in my corner then you and your failure group that well hasn't had shit and has to leech off what my team has done for years.

So remember "softpalms" next time you want to talk to me better know who your talking to and find out what I have been doing. Also I HIGHLY Doubt in the next 72 hours your about to touch what we are about to do in the Gaming world! Which I have made evident to some of the other admins here and know what we are doing. :) So when I come forth in the next 72 hours and things become FREE FREE FREE including a Aion bot / A full injected WORKING AND SAFE WoW Bot / MQ2 and a shitload of other games you come chat at me ok kid :) and they are all free :) FREE ! You stupid greedy little fuck!


Yeah I know little tough for you to grasp don't worry I will tell ya what I will do I will send the first 4 dollars for ya commisary so you can have some Vasaline :) I might help only thing I could think of you could use to ease some of the pain.
Oh god. This is hilarious.

This bot of yours, its really going to dominate the world as you claim right? Oh man this is great. I so so want to see this domination of yours.

Anyway you still haven't explained why your mmosafe source, is exact to my packetapi source. Line to line. I never gave you permission to use it?

Now back to the bot again. I am just curious CodeCompiler. How are you going to get past warden? Surely this great bot of yours has a solution? Lets hear it.
Well simply enough each packet id has the ability to be pushed into a md5 hash so we set up a sub location and site that a friend who happens to be in school so we have research is checking for changes.. Now just that if there is a change in the packet itself since Abyss your so smart and they change a filler to be something different that MD5 HASH Changes! OMG I know you have so much brains now lets see you run out and copy another one of my things. But by the time you have it it will be released for free on the flux project. Ohh Geeze simple enough but let me guess you got 15 servers setup with a geostatic ip check so you can update your individual users compile huh. Since after all 4 dollars a month is over pressing for you with your current host. :)
Had to find the cheapest. But if you want to learn to play with the big boys please step up again and learn to play with us not by copying our code and since Abyss I never got your trash ass sources ever your sources wouldn't apply to me I never once asked or received them from you! But I can show when we did a copyright on the sourcesafe and how the only thing would be changing in the copyright is the value so no matter how you sit back and change it around and try to make it something so sweet for yourself your shit is worthless. Try again ! Would you like another lesson cause I can even post the video in here for ya how the system works especially since its been running now for 2 months and not a ban yet.

See cause we have FSM added to it so once we convert it to a Behavior tree and a goep system it will be 100 percent like a human was playing with the ability to add in small human type errors into it. And the ability to reply to all via a irc that alot of cells have ability to connect to. But you think of all these situations huh. You totally think your some king shit. You been gone for months and couldnt figure out shit and now you are going to walk around like your some swinging dick.
Guess what I don't have time for you you will be terminated by your host and Godaddy will be talking with you tomorrow cause I am having a nice appointment with them since they happen to be 4 miles away from me and I will have your domain removed even. I am completely tired with your i'm an idiot ass wannabe think your some hawt ass coder bullshit! Seriously either learn from your mistakes cause you said at the beginning of this arguement you got it from ZippZipp now your telling everyone its your old Source YOUR EXCUSE IS BLOWN YOUR A FAKE ASS PIECE OF SHIT NEXT!
Atleast have some balls to step up and say when your wrong. Fuck people get mad at me when I put a deadline that well cant be hit cause of the players but that is not my fault if people get things ruined. So I have to face the heat and at the 1500 members I have they well talk with me email me and im me everyday. And if you want to play games with me my copyright will be enough to fucking end your existence! PERIOD END OF FUCKING STORY!

Here let me add the Video :) [YT]PEsRPqBtRzY[/YT]

This is hilarous. You know the funny thing of it all. You can trash me etc, however you were a active subscriber to my plugins back when KenetixEQ was still active. I am looking at a printed receipt of your payment. That is just hilarious in it self, you can say I stole your sources or what not. But you paid to use mines before you even had mmoplugins.com? Sounds a bit.... Weird?

Well once your *bot* is released I will congratulate your dev's if it is successful. Cause I know for a fact your a bit of a retard when it comes to programming language. You couldnt even change a everquest offset.

Sorry its kind of hard to read your scribble. Your sentences are seriously horrible. You need some english classes. But if I read correctly you are saying you copyrigted my PacketApi source code?

we did a copyright on the sourcesafe

This isn't good for you CodeCompiler if you did. You used my code, and changed the name, and copyrighted it. Not to mention then sold copys of it in compiled format.

This isn't good. Chargebacks, is going to be the least of your worries.
Btw Notaddicted, just if your wondering what MQ2PacketApi is. Its actually MQ2KenetixEQ.dll

Which is a very old plugin, created by me which I am sure some of the members here remember.

Its the foundation of all my packet plugins.
Actually Abyss I never paid a fucking thing for your shit ass site. First off... and Abyss since you have gone through and cleaned out your mistakes in previous post guess its funny. Remember Abyss you can do what you like but all my sourcecode was coded and owned. Either by created or bought and paid for :) So when you come chat at me and you lose everything I will make it simple for you. When I'm done you going to wish you never left your little island.
Ohh what happened you ran your mouth about my WoW Stuff yet... ohh thats right you still can't say a fucking thing. So how about it want me to teach you how to do that or if you see my source code you going to be able to just change the name and post it like its your own.
And Abyss... Remember your in Florida now and I know your address. What you look like. And I just happen to be going to Florida in a week. Me and 3 members of my site. Might meet up with 2 others. :) its going to be a blast we going to my dad's club *rest his soul* Then maybe when we sloshed up enough we can set ya back on a raft for 12 terrifying days for ya again:D
MQ2AutoAttackGK - GhostKill - Free~
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