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Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin (2 Viewers)

- can drag characters around profile sets now, amazing! Can we please allow the profile sets to be sorted per user desire? (not only alphabetical)
- the amount of steps it takes to move toons from one profile set to the other has increased significantly. Previously, you would right click to edit a profile, and could set/change its 'profile set' there instantly. It was glorious. That option is gone. Can this please be added back to the edit profile window?

I updated red guides but probably macroquest.exe (it is renamed to some obscure name like gdytggfgg.exe), was running and did not get updated.
Then behavior was not consistent.

I could fix my problem by rebooting to make sure the exe was not running, reinstalling redguide.
Under AutoLogin click on Open Config. Get a pop-up.

In the pop-up goto Settings. Tic "Load Legacy Config Next Load" or click "Load Legacy Config".

In summary, if you don’t know if macroquest.exe is running.
Reboot, reinstall redguides, and load legacy config.
launched login of my eq chars some minutes ago which times ago I was able to set up as it is described here in combination with isboxer.
A new messagebox appeared asking for a Masterpassword for autologin which I confirmed with a blank masterpassword.
All eq-stanced launched with inactive autologin.
I selected the profile for each instance, which made autologin change to active.
No eq instance proceeded with autologin.

Finally had to login each eq manually typing username and password.
What should I have done different in order to get autologin to do its magic?
launched login of my eq chars some minutes ago which times ago I was able to set up as it is described here in combination with isboxer.
A new messagebox appeared asking for a Masterpassword for autologin which I confirmed with a blank masterpassword.
All eq-stanced launched with inactive autologin.
I selected the profile for each instance, which made autologin change to active.
No eq instance proceeded with autologin.

Finally had to login each eq manually typing username and password.
What should I have done different in order to get autologin to do its magic?
I cant see the discord threads at the moment, I believe this was worked on by Brain, Knightly and Dannuic yesterday in discord sub channels. If nobody else can get back to you, I can DM you troubleshooting they did after work.
Theres an issue where after import passwords are missing, i think @dannuic was trying to figure out how it was happening but nobody was giving him the necessary info. Probably reach out to dannuic and see if this is the same issue.
Nifty progress with the power button visual.

This machine has many logged in, but is showing that many toons are not logged in (powered off). Every toon here is ingame. Perhaps its the almost no-delay with logins at the moment?

Screenshot 2024-02-22 111020.png
yeah it was supposed to have a delay but the delay seemed incidental (as in, we're not sure where the delay even came from, but it happened)... when the code changed the delay disppeared like magic.

Maybe i'll spam 6 chars a few more times. But i think we'll add a delay back in.
It would be great to be able to set that delay between loading individual characters from a profile group.

Also, I noticed if I loaded a group again, after having loaded the group to begin with (This is what I used to do a lot when one of the toons had crashed) the new autologin UI will try to load all of the toons again, forcing the original windows to log off. It would be great to get the original behavior back, so it would just launch the Windows that were no longer running.
Also, I have one profile on my secondary machine, that every time I right click the account, and click edit, it closes MQ completely, no error message or anything. If I right click, then select Remove, it will popup the confirmation dialog for a microsecond, then shutdown immediately, no error message there at all. There is no Application event log entry, or other entry in the Event viewer I can see. Please let me know if you need any more information to help diagnose the issue.

I looked at the MQ2AutoLogin.ini file, and it has not been updated for a couple of days, even though I have entered in Passwords, so I am assuming the information is stored someplace else now? Ifd so, is there a spot where I can remove that account to get rid of the issue? Is it stored in the registry now?
launched login of my eq chars some minutes ago which times ago I was able to set up as it is described here in combination with isboxer.
A new messagebox appeared asking for a Masterpassword for autologin which I confirmed with a blank masterpassword.
All eq-stanced launched with inactive autologin.
I selected the profile for each instance, which made autologin change to active.
No eq instance proceeded with autologin.

Finally had to login each eq manually typing username and password.
What should I have done different in order to get autologin to do its magic?
With the guidance the issue could be solved.
If this happens to someon else ... just log in manually once each account; log out to desktop, and restart all over.
That way it fixes itself and will work as expected.
This is such an odd change that no one asked for and the majority are having one problem or another with. It's not an intuitive system since it's completely different than how the functionality has been for numerous years, and no transitional write-up or explanation on how it should be working now.

The Overview (https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2autologin.86/) page still has an ancient video and screenshots of how it once was.
This is such an odd change that no one asked for and the majority are having one problem or another with. It's not an intuitive system since it's completely different than how the functionality has been for numerous years, and no transitional write-up or explanation on how it should be working now.

The Overview (https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2autologin.86/) page still has an ancient video and screenshots of how it once was.

I can dispute everything you just said. Except the docs. We will. however get the resources and docs updated in due time
The new version is looking much better than previous post patch one. Nicely done!

The power on buttons are a nice touch.

Still would love to see an option to check/uncheck characters without going to config screen.
Can reproduce a scenario where user can not left-click log in a character from a profile set, after logging them out.

- Log in tank group. Camp two SK's out (shown) , because not needed for now.
- Try to reload the two SK's logged out (shown), left-clicking will not load them in.

can you explain (maybe betterin discord), how constantly enabling/disabling single characters in a set from a context menu is a "Standard use case"?

How is doing this from the ui not better, where you can leave it open and just toggle it with a single double click?

edit: sorry meant to quote tempusx in here too

Just saw this. As a 6boxer with multiple toons on each account that routinely groups/raids with different combinations of characters and other players, being able to rapidly check and uncheck a toon that needs to be in (or out) of a group launch was absolutely vital. it was that or create in the neighborhood of a couple hundred launch groups to account for all permutations. Literally used multiple times a day.

Having to open another to always leave open, on top of every other window already open feels like a step or so backwards. It's removing/relocating an quality of life feature into a... whatever the opposite of quality of life feature would be, and I would greatly like to have right click back in the character menu so i dont need another Lua/imgui/etc open.

The closest analogy i have - and it isn't a good one - is having to connect/disconnect your car battery every time you want to start the car. Just leave the hood open, it's easy access to reconnect the battery so you can start and drive. Versus, say.. just leaving it connected, hood down, and turn the ignition.
It's a massive ease of access/quality feature that was effectively made harder to use, is the real key takeaway.
At that rate I’d just be loading the characters individually, that seems much easier to do
I think what he's getting at is someone removed a feature he used for convenience. Much like the removal of the .ini configuration. I don't want my config stored in the registry. I don't even want the GUI. No one asked the community if we wanted the .ini config completely removed and replaced. I am perfectly content with a .ini file full of EQ logins. Also, it worked with ISBoxer before, and now, it doesn't (at least not when I tried yesterday).

Also, Most of those statements are assumptions, not facts. lol I am just irritated it does not work with ISBoxer...
I mean... I'm not the only person who wants this back. It's a QOL feature that existed, was used, and now made more difficult. Can it be added back? it'd probably make a bunch of people happy. If not, lets get rid of the checkmarks in the profile menu, since they don't serve a purpose - just keep the window open.

Look i respect a lot of time was put into this and it physically looks awesome.but the only functionality outside of the "base" functionality (You know, logging in) i've ever used was made worse. It doesn't feel good at all.
Thanks for this update. Is worked smoothly for me across my teams. Glad you’re continuing to iron out these little hiccups.
I use ISBoxer. After the patch, for each character I had to type in the password manually, then click the profile button to select for each account. Once that was complete, I am able to log in as before using my ISBoxer profiles.
I use ISBoxer. After the patch, for each character I had to type in the password manually, then click the profile button to select for each account. Once that was complete, I am able to log in as before using my ISBoxer profiles.
I will attempt this. I got to the point of selecting profiles and manually entering passwords, then ISBoxer crashed, and I gave up for the night. I downgraded to ISBoxer 2248 from 2251 in hopes the dev release was the problem. I will let you know how it goes. I still want my text file config back.
I'm sorry if this has been covered with a fix.

I run a 6 box team and have no issues in autogging them all in, but one of them always seems to break its hotkey.

I attempted to rebind the key and relog in all 6 toons to find even though the keybind shows correctly assigned, the bind does not actually work.

Usually affects the same char (I assume due to the login order in the profile)
I've tried singly logging that toon back out and in using autologin to no success in restoring the bind.

I confirmed my key is correctly sending the correct value (its one of my mouse buttons mapped to a 10key value).

I ensured no eq keybinds conflict with my mapped keybind.

Any ideas to try would be huge as I've come to depend on these keybinds to swap between chars.

Thanks guys!

can you explain (maybe betterin discord), how constantly enabling/disabling single characters in a set from a context menu is a "Standard use case"?

How is doing this from the ui not better, where you can leave it open and just toggle it with a single double click?

edit: sorry meant to quote tempusx in here too
Not sure if this is the response you want as others do as I do.

Prior = hover > hover > select toons.

Now = hover > open Config UI > select profile > select profile group > select toons.

I change toons repeatedly within group sets when logging in. This is a lot more clicking.

Love the UI and some changes made. But Would much prefer to be able to select toons within a group set from the first hover as we did before. Same result just quicker and less clicks.
I don't want my config stored in the registry. I am perfectly content with a .ini file full of EQ logins. Also, it worked with ISBoxer before, and now, it doesn't (at least not when I tried yesterday).

Also, Most of those statements are assumptions, not facts. lol I am just irritated it does not work with ISBoxer...
It does work with IsBoxer but there were some issues from the first build and there's an issue when you have both station accounts and "blob" accounts on import. As lilwizzie said, you can get around this by just logging in (which will populate the database) or entering the passwords in the gui.

Regarding the other two comments:
1.) Your config isn't stored in the registry, it's stored in a database (your master password is stored in the registry so you won't lose access if you forget it and so you don't have to enter it every time -- but you can skip this by just not setting a password)
2.) If you really love the ini and want to go back to it, you can go back to the old MacroQuest.exe and autologin plugin. It will still work, they won't get any new features, but if the ini storage mechanism is that important to you -- you can always just use those.
I'm sorry if this has been covered with a fix.

I run a 6 box team and have no issues in autogging them all in, but one of them always seems to break its hotkey.

I attempted to rebind the key and relog in all 6 toons to find even though the keybind shows correctly assigned, the bind does not actually work.

Usually affects the same char (I assume due to the login order in the profile)
I've tried singly logging that toon back out and in using autologin to no success in restoring the bind.

I ensured no eq keybinds conflict with my mapped keybind.
We've been trying to figure out how to reproduce this so we can fix it. When this happens does the power button show the character logged in (green)?
It does work with IsBoxer but there were some issues from the first build and there's an issue when you have both station accounts and "blob" accounts on import. As lilwizzie said, you can get around this by just logging in (which will populate the database) or entering the passwords in the gui.

Regarding the other two comments:
1.) Your config isn't stored in the registry, it's stored in a database (your master password is stored in the registry so you won't lose access if you forget it and so you don't have to enter it every time -- but you can skip this by just not setting a password)
2.) If you really love the ini and want to go back to it, you can just go back to the old MacroQuest.exe. It will still work, it won't get any new features, but if the ini storage mechanism is that important to you -- you can always just use that one.
Where is the database this is stored in, and what format is it? I would assume sql lite, which might allow me to reset the one account that crashes every time I try to modify it.
Not sure if this is the response you want as others do as I do.

Prior = hover > hover > select toons.

Now = hover > open Config UI > select profile > select profile group > select toons.

I change toons repeatedly within group sets when logging in. This is a lot more clicking.

Love the UI and some changes made. But Would much prefer to be able to select toons within a group set from the first hover as we did before. Same result just quicker and less clicks.
I'm not following here -- you can launch a character through the same process as before (what you can't do is uncheck the box for characters - so we're removing the checkbox there and using a different indicator to show which ones will launch). You don't need to open the config UI to launch, is the Quick Launch not showing up for you?

Right click the MacroQuest icon and you have the context menu, from there you can select a character:
Hover over Characters -> Hover over the Server you want --> Click the character you want.

Or you can do it by profile:
Hover over Profiles --> Hover over the profile you want --> Click Load All to launch everyone you had previoiusly selected or click the character you want to launch from that profile
I mean... I'm not the only person who wants this back. It's a QOL feature that existed, was used, and now made more difficult. Can it be added back? it'd probably make a bunch of people happy. If not, lets get rid of the checkmarks in the profile menu, since they don't serve a purpose - just keep the window open.

Look i respect a lot of time was put into this and it physically looks awesome.but the only functionality outside of the "base" functionality (You know, logging in) i've ever used was made worse. It doesn't feel good at all.
I’m trying to figure out how to solve your problem. Context menus don’t work the same way in imgui, I need a solution that fits the technology

But also what you’re telling me you’re doing is reconfiguring your 6 box crew every time and launching them all differently each time. I don’t understand the use case and want to learn why this is better than just launching the characters you need.

These are two separate things
I'm not following here -- you can launch a character through the same process as before (what you can't do is uncheck the box for characters - so we're removing the checkbox there and using a different indicator to show which ones will launch). You don't need to open the config UI to launch, is the Quick Launch not showing up for you?

Right click the MacroQuest icon and you have the context menu, from there you can select a character:
Hover over Characters -> Hover over the Server you want --> Click the character you want.

Or you can do it by profile:
Hover over Profiles --> Hover over the profile you want --> Click Load All to launch everyone you had previoiusly selected or click the character you want to launch from that profile

If you have 10 toons in a group set and you want to change which toons load. (which I and many others do often) I understand you can launch already selected toons without going into config.

Old way you could hover and select/unselect then launch.
New way you have to open the config... find the group set then select /unselect.

Note that this relates to group sets and launching all toons you wish to launch within that set. For me I have lets say Main Team, Raid Team, Mage Team, Team 2, Team 3. Depending on what I may want to do I will change which toons load up within those sets.

Still doable with the config... but way faster and easier before.

Hope that makes sense. :)
I’m trying to figure out how to solve your problem. Context menus don’t work the same way in imgui, I need a solution that fits the technology

But also what you’re telling me you’re doing is reconfiguring your 6 box crew every time and launching them all differently each time. I don’t understand the use case and want to learn why this is better than just launching the characters you need.

These are two separate things
I believe we are talking about the same thing in my responses /questions.

Use case: I have say 16 toons in Raid 1. But I only want 12. Depending on which raid I will select and unselect the toons I want for that specific raid. Then launch the group set to load all selected toons. I do this for groups too. I have like 10 group sets and depending on what I am going to do.

I dont have a group set that is static and ALWAYS loads the same toons. Hope that helps sir.

Truly everything else to me seems great ! :) Wish I was half that smart to do this stuff.
you can launch from the UI, you can just keep that window open and use the checkboxes there. It's a better experience than context menus anyway

Dont get me wrong... however it works is how I will have to use it. I was just commenting along with a couple others that this is one feature..... don't care for as it adds time and clicks. ALong with another UI window I dont want open. My screens are too small and to many ui windows now.

We are considering calling these check boxes/checkmarks “favorites” with stars instead of checks.

Instead of right clicking a right click menu to create a context menu on a context menu, something like ctrl+click would toggle favorite on an item. That’s even less clicks than before. Thoughts?
This. 100% This.

The reconfiguring is a hassle in the current setup. The current method doesn't feel good, ultimately.

Brainiac, your comment about not having the functionality is the first time we (I assume everybody has heard that it was removed because it isn't possible in IMGUI/Lua. If I knew anything about either system I'd offer solutions, honestly. But my userlevel for both is struggling to keep focus ingame or the Lua overlay as needed, or having the mouse "stuck" in one system or the other and mashing buttons to regain focus. or the imgui/Lua windows being resized horribly or slung across the screen when tabbing in/out/between toons for varying reasons. That's all sidebar however and meant to illustrate my level/lack of udnerstanding with what the system even provides and how things can be handled.

TLDR: Monkey brain see context menu assume work like all other context menu monk ask why no right click.

apparently quoting dlaevid2's post diudnt actually quote it. but that was the reference.
RE: favorite/etc, if we can ctrl click in the popup context menu to check/uncheck what launches, then yeah that's significantly better. If we're stuck with the menu window always being open (ugh, i need less windows not more), then dynamically populate "teams" or profiles with only what will launch in the content menu and controlled by the window. You dont need checkmarks then, and the open window you always have up becomes the master. I don't like that either but.
So after patch went through and check my characters for login, today my entire character list is gone, all my set up, is there a way to retrieve?
This. 100% This.

The reconfiguring is a hassle in the current setup. The current method doesn't feel good, ultimately.

Brainiac, your comment about not having the functionality is the first time we (I assume everybody has heard that it was removed because it isn't possible in IMGUI/Lua. If I knew anything about either system I'd offer solutions, honestly. But my userlevel for both is struggling to keep focus ingame or the Lua overlay as needed, or having the mouse "stuck" in one system or the other and mashing buttons to regain focus. or the imgui/Lua windows being resized horribly or slung across the screen when tabbing in/out/between toons for varying reasons. That's all sidebar however and meant to illustrate my level/lack of udnerstanding with what the system even provides and how things can be handled.

TLDR: Monkey brain see context menu assume work like all other context menu monk ask why no right click.

apparently quoting dlaevid2's post diudnt actually quote it. but that was the reference.
RE: favorite/etc, if we can ctrl click in the popup context menu to check/uncheck what launches, then yeah that's significantly better. If we're stuck with the menu window always being open (ugh, i need less windows not more), then dynamically populate "teams" or profiles with only what will launch in the content menu and controlled by the window. You dont need checkmarks then, and the open window you always have up becomes the master. I don't like that either but.
I don’t need you to come up with solutions. That’s my job. You see some changed that you depended on and you’re vocal about it. That’s your job. just need to make sure I understand the situation clearly before I propose an answer.

I think I do at this point, does the solution sound reasonable?
We are considering calling these check boxes/checkmarks “favorites” with stars instead of checks.

Instead of right clicking a right click menu to create a context menu on a context menu, something like ctrl+click would toggle favorite on an item. That’s even less clicks than before. Thoughts?

I wish I could offer better answers. Here is an example. I have mageteam. But I have several other toons within that mageteam set with my SK tank. Depending on what I want to do I re-select to the correct toons and launch all.

This is the 1st hover over profiles. Brings up all your toons and your group sets. There are check marks beside the toons that will load. If we could make those active to be able to check / uncheck those right there (without opening the UI) and then launch all - it would be perfect. That is how the old ui worked.

Launching individually is a big pain so I have used selective group sets.

I wish I could offer better answers. Here is an example. I have mageteam. But I have several other toons within that mageteam set with my SK tank. Depending on what I want to do I re-select to the correct toons and launch all.
I think the reason it's confusing is:
How often do you load: SHD, BRD, CLR, SHM, CLR, BRD?

Chances are most of the time you're loading:

So you end up with something like 4 or 5 profile groups where you had one before that you were doing a lot of clicking on and instead of:
uncheck clr
uncheck ber
uncheck ber
uncheck ber
click shm
click mag
click mag
click mag
click load all on "Errybody" profile group

click load all on "SK/SHM/MAGs" profile group

But to brainiac's point, what he wants to know is if the solution he posed (using control to deselect and select) sounds reasonable.
I can dispute everything you just said. Except the docs. We will. however get the resources and docs updated in due time

I feel as I was very quickly dismissed, and there's a host of others posting similar things with difficulty and removal of quick-access functions.

Still would love to see an option to check/uncheck characters without going to config screen.
Just saw this. As a 6boxer with multiple toons on each account that routinely groups/raids with different combinations of characters and other players, being able to rapidly check and uncheck a toon that needs to be in (or out) of a group launch was absolutely vital. it was that or create in the neighborhood of a couple hundred launch groups to account for all permutations. Literally used multiple times a day.

Having to open another to always leave open, on top of every other window already open feels like a step or so backwards. It's removing/relocating an quality of life feature into a... whatever the opposite of quality of life feature would be, and I would greatly like to have right click back in the character menu so i dont need another Lua/imgui/etc open.

The closest analogy i have - and it isn't a good one - is having to connect/disconnect your car battery every time you want to start the car. Just leave the hood open, it's easy access to reconnect the battery so you can start and drive. Versus, say.. just leaving it connected, hood down, and turn the ignition.
It's a massive ease of access/quality feature that was effectively made harder to use, is the real key takeaway.
I think what he's getting at is someone removed a feature he used for convenience. Much like the removal of the .ini configuration. I don't want my config stored in the registry. I don't even want the GUI. No one asked the community if we wanted the .ini config completely removed and replaced. I am perfectly content with a .ini file full of EQ logins.
I mean... I'm not the only person who wants this back. It's a QOL feature that existed, was used, and now made more difficult. Can it be added back? it'd probably make a bunch of people happy. If not, lets get rid of the checkmarks in the profile menu, since they don't serve a purpose - just keep the window open.

Look i respect a lot of time was put into this and it physically looks awesome.but the only functionality outside of the "base" functionality (You know, logging in) i've ever used was made worse. It doesn't feel good at all.
Not sure if this is the response you want as others do as I do.

Prior = hover > hover > select toons.

Now = hover > open Config UI > select profile > select profile group > select toons.

I change toons repeatedly within group sets when logging in. This is a lot more clicking.

Love the UI and some changes made. But Would much prefer to be able to select toons within a group set from the first hover as we did before. Same result just quicker and less clicks.
This. 100% This.

The reconfiguring is a hassle in the current setup. The current method doesn't feel good, ultimately.

Brainiac, your comment about not having the functionality is the first time we (I assume everybody has heard that it was removed because it isn't possible in IMGUI/Lua. If I knew anything about either system I'd offer solutions, honestly. But my userlevel for both is struggling to keep focus ingame or the Lua overlay as needed, or having the mouse "stuck" in one system or the other and mashing buttons to regain focus. or the imgui/Lua windows being resized horribly or slung across the screen when tabbing in/out/between toons for varying reasons. That's all sidebar however and meant to illustrate my level/lack of udnerstanding with what the system even provides and how things can be handled.

TLDR: Monkey brain see context menu assume work like all other context menu monk ask why no right click.

apparently quoting dlaevid2's post diudnt actually quote it. but that was the reference.
RE: favorite/etc, if we can ctrl click in the popup context menu to check/uncheck what launches, then yeah that's significantly better. If we're stuck with the menu window always being open (ugh, i need less windows not more), then dynamically populate "teams" or profiles with only what will launch in the content menu and controlled by the window. You dont need checkmarks then, and the open window you always have up becomes the master. I don't like that either but.

Yes, the new window looks super clean. I love the modernization of it, but losing functionality is a step backwards. At some point Very Vanilla becomes Very Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough with Sprinkles. It's obviously an improvement, but more-bells-and-whistles while taking longer to accomplish the original goal of eating your bowl of ice cream just doesn't feel as if it was the original intent.

I, like others quoted above, have different teams that I work with. Some of those groups share a character or two. My primary team, my box raiding team, my "go farm something" team can all be different, and loading that team's folder (now out of order due to the alphabetization of it all, which has been said can be rearranged) means having a shared character go linkdead and come back. While not the end of the world, does add a longer reprocessing time than it once had. I would actively enable/disable a character in a login group based on whom was already logged in, and then load the characters for that team that I needed on. This process now takes twice as long.

Not having warning that this was happening, with no documentation to help guide folks like we had when moving from MQ2 to MQN, felt as if this whole change was rather abrupt and maybe not planned well.

This isn't a dig on you @brainiac or any other staff member of Redguides. I love you all. I'm attempting to provide feedback here on a radical change that is hard to find why it was done in the first place.
Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin

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