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Plugin - MQ2DanNet (4 Viewers)

can you share what commands you're using (and the circumstances of the usage) just so everyone's on the same page?
All toons show connected and all toons can issue commands but no toon shows that it is receiving a command. For a test, I used a simple /dex <name> /sit. All toons issued the command (as seen in the output window), but the info was not received by any of the toons. Another: /noparse /dge <group> /docommand /${Me.... gets sent out but the group shows no indication of having received the commands. When setting a channel manually, the command just disappears and there is no indication that it was sent. Simple /dtell does not work either.

I use the driver to
  • set camp on, camp off, or chase
  • pause/start macros or plugins
  • issue direct commands (e.g., instructing bard to cast selos, invis, etc)
Zero issues in the morning, but the toons currently are not receiving the commands. It seems to be a connection issue but I am at a loss on how to approach it as nothing has changed with my setup since I played in the morning.

Is there a preferred interface? I am showing three: my vpn, an ip addy range, and loopback pseudo
DanNet binds to an interface, as Sic said. So you want to make sure you’re bound to an interface that can see other systems. /dnet info and /dnet iface are the two commands you want I think.

I deleted the .ini information and camped and rejoined the world. I then rejoined the custom group and ran /dnet info on all toons and they were all in the appropriate groups. /dnet interface now shows an arrow at interface 0 and 1 (vpn and ip addy).

Everybody is in all their applicable groups, they can issue commands within those groups, but they cannot receive any commands.

to make sure you’re bound to an interface that can see other systems.
I am not sure how to do that--I tried each one and unloaded/loaded Dannet but nothing changed. Kinda frustrating and i really don't want to revert to EQBC hehe.
To update:
I started messing around with the things I can control with my system.
  • I restarted--no effect
  • I changed VPN location--no effect
  • I dropped the VPN entirely--it works now!
However, I generally refuse to run my machine without using my VPN, so I will have to try country by country to find one that works. I have no idea which country it was set to in the morning--or if/why it was disconnected or changed. Full camp to desktop for each try is going to suck. :( Oh well. Thank you for the quick answers and your efforts--always appreciated.
Ah, you’re likely using a VPN that blocks split tunneling or otherwise blocks local traffic. It’s probably an option on your VPN software. This is done so you don’t accidentally send traffic outside of the VPN.
I run a VPN and dannet across multiple computers, what I do is point the interface to the physical interface that connects to my LAN, since the VPN device wouldn't work anyway. My connections look something like this (some of these I specifically added in order to test dannet):
The top one is my VPN device, and the wifi is my physical LAN device (Ethernet 3 would be if I plugged in). You can see the arrow points at the wifi. Also important is that everyone connected to dannet use the same subnet (which usually means the same device on the same computer, but topologies can differ). You can use the loopback if you don't have more than one computer.

Finally, bit of a tip: These numbers can change, they are based on the order that windows reports devices. For me, everything shifts up by one when I disconnect from the VPN because that device no longer exists. So when you set the interface, use something like this:
/dnet interface Wi-Fi
and the number won't matter (this of course requires all the devices are named distinctly!). Finally, make sure to toggle mq2dannet on all your clients after setting the interface. You only need to set the interface on one client since it's a global setting.
Ah, you’re likely using a VPN that blocks split tunneling or otherwise blocks local traffic. It’s probably an option on your VPN software.

The VPN I use (Proton) does have split tunneling for an option. I tried a few configurations (including excluding local traffic) but nothing changes.

My connections look something like this
This is mine if the VPN is enabled
I assume 1 should show the name of my network, but it does not. Firewall issue?

I logged in without the VPN connected and the interface defaulted to Loopback, so I tried setting to Loopback with the VPN enabled but it didn't work.

I am really glad I can play again, but I definitely would like to do it with the VPN enabled. It doesn't help that I know little about networks :(

  • interface naming taken care of and it is showing properly
  • tried with no firewall active and nothing worked
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If there is no interface that the VPN allows local traffic through, then dannet won't work (there's no interface). I don't know much about proton, but the solution definitely lies in configuring the VPN.
My problem with this led me to discover a significant problem with how the telco tech set up my network. In the end, I chose to buy a Wi-Fi adapter and use that to connect, and the plugin works like a charm with the VPN.
I'm new to DanNet and I'm trying to learn the syntax. I want to create a simple "follow me" command, but I'm having quite a hard time. I'm attempting to use /multiline ; /dex charName /target charName2 ; /delay 1s ; /dex charName /follow ;. I've tried several different ways of delaying (/delay 1s, /delay 10, /delay 1000, etc.) but what's happening is that it's sending both commands simultaneously without delay, and the target character is receiving and executing the /follow command prior to receiving the /target command. What am I doing wrong? Also, I have not been able to find much documentation for DanNet. Perhaps someone can link me to their favorite guide?

I'm attempting to use /multiline ; /dex charName /target charName2 ; /delay 1s ; /dex charName /follow ;. I've tried several different ways of delaying (/delay 1s, /delay 10, /delay 1000, etc.) but what's happening is that it's sending both commands simultaneously without delay, and the target character is receiving and executing the /follow command prior to receiving the /target command.

The delay command does not play well with the multiline command. Try this instead: /multiline ; /dex charName /target charName2; /dex charName /timed 10 /follow. The timed command lets you schedule something to be executed after a fixed delay. If you want to simplify it a bit further, you can execute the multiline on the other client: /dex charName /multiline ; /target charName2 ; /timed 10 /follow
The delay command does not play well with the multiline command. Try this instead: /multiline ; /dex charName /target charName2; /dex charName /timed 10 /follow. The timed command lets you schedule something to be executed after a fixed delay. If you want to simplify it a bit further, you can execute the multiline on the other client: /dex charName /multiline ; /target charName2 ; /timed 10 /follow

That looks perfect. Just logged out before I saw this. I'll try it tomorrow when I log in. Thanks a bunch!
The delay command does not play well with the multiline command. Try this instead: /multiline ; /dex charName /target charName2; /dex charName /timed 10 /follow. The timed command lets you schedule something to be executed after a fixed delay. If you want to simplify it a bit further, you can execute the multiline on the other client: /dex charName /multiline ; /target charName2 ; /timed 10 /follow

Thanks again, that worked perfectly. Now, if I may, is there any built-in functionality to stop auto follow via DanNet? Tia!
Anyone got a link to a video that explains any of this stuff? Like how to set up a steady group of 6 toons to a group? I tried reading the manual and it may as well be written in Klingon since i dont know what a TLO is what an observer does or pretty much anything at all

A query is simply a normal TLO access from the perspective of the peer with the external ${} stripped

da fork does that mean for example? I understand that this is safer or better or more robust or any amount of other things but I cant even begin to pretend to comprehend how to use any part of it.

the EQBC commands were kinda simple to understand. If you want to Broad Cast to All of your Group some command you type /BCGA and then the command with an extra "/" , not too tricky, and there were videos that said type this list of commands and it will tell all your guys to trust all your other guys and join their groups automatically and so on. Cant find the same for this.
Anyone got a link to a video that explains any of this stuff? Like how to set up a steady group of 6 toons to a group? I tried reading the manual and it may as well be written in Klingon since i dont know what a TLO is what an observer does or pretty much anything at all

A query is simply a normal TLO access from the perspective of the peer with the external ${} stripped

da fork does that mean for example? I understand that this is safer or better or more robust or any amount of other things but I cant even begin to pretend to comprehend how to use any part of it.

the EQBC commands were kinda simple to understand. If you want to Broad Cast to All of your Group some command you type /BCGA and then the command with an extra "/" , not too tricky, and there were videos that said type this list of commands and it will tell all your guys to trust all your other guys and join their groups automatically and so on. Cant find the same for this.
This might help your second question
From the users perspective, Dannet is way simpler. You just load the plugin /pluging mq2dannet load on each character and they autodiscover each other. No "connect to server" "run server outside application" nonsense.

Observers/queries are for macro writers who want to make characters pass each other information that they wouldn't normally get from the base client as a replacement to the old mq2netbots plugin.
Has anything changed with DanNet recently? I've sort of piqued most people's brains regarding this but I am experiencing a crash on one character (and only one character) when I set up enough observers (boxhud usage is what alerted me to the connection). Just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything unusual lately. I run 24, fwiw.
Has anything changed with DanNet recently? I've sort of piqued most people's brains regarding this but I am experiencing a crash on one character (and only one character) when I set up enough observers (boxhud usage is what alerted me to the connection). Just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything unusual lately. I run 24, fwiw.

what are the observers? and i doubt it's the quantity. i run hundreds w/o issues.
I am super lazy guy.

Is there a way or command to join all peer into one group automatically when they are online??
That exists, its the all group. You should see it, along with all the other groups that exist automatically when you run /dnet info
Its the same group that is targeted when you run /dgae ... or /dge ... commands.
No, not in a group, my idea is to gather my peer into group when they are online.
note the difference between commands like /dge, /dgae (all, all including self) and /dgge, /dggae (group, group including self)
the /dgge, /dggae commands will only work if you are grouped, otherwise the "group" channel doesn't exist.

/dge /say hello -- all toons except yourself /say hello
/dgae /say hello -- all toons including yourself /say hello
/dgge /say hello -- all group members except yourself /say hello
/dggae /say hello -- all group members including yourself /say hello

There's a lot more you can do too.. all listed under commands on the main page of the plugin.
No, not in a group, my idea is to gather my peer into group when they are online.
that's the point, you can't tell all the people in your group to do stuff if you're not in a group yet. take a peak at the stuff aquiet posted they will be in the "all" group, but not in the "group, group" until you're actually in an in-game group
I have questions about switching from EQBCS to Dannet.

1. I use a custom UI and none of the VV or MQ UI components.
2. I've permanently moved over to MQ Next.
3. I have many EQ social buttons created using EQBCS commands.
4. I use KissAssist as my main combat driver.
5. I only ever play 6 characters and I do it on a single PC at a time. (I use multiple PCs but not in a coordinated networking situation!)
6. I've tried using Dannet on two previous occasions and each time I switched back to some flavor of EQBCS because it seemed that Dannet contributed to instability on my rigs.
7. If you do not use Dannet when running KissAssist you have to rely on the KissAssist_Buffs.ini file to coordinate buffs and this has given me some responsiveness problems.

1. I'd like to switch to Dannet again but do it completely so that EQBCS doesn't have to run at the same time.
2. Eventually if I'm convinced Dannet is not causing any issues I'll gradually edit all my socials to use native Dannet commands.
3. But until that happens, by leaving my commands alone, I'd be able to switch back to EQBCS really quickly.

1. Would it be possible to "Alias" all the EQBCS commands I've used in my locally created EQ hot buttons to actually issue the appropriate Dannet commands?
2. How would I do that?
3. Will I be creating new issues by attempting to do this?

Thanks for any comments or instructions!
I have questions about switching from EQBCS to Dannet.

1. I use a custom UI and none of the VV or MQ UI components.
2. I've permanently moved over to MQ Next.
3. I have many EQ social buttons created using EQBCS commands.
4. I use KissAssist as my main combat driver.
5. I only ever play 6 characters and I do it on a single PC at a time. (I use multiple PCs but not in a coordinated networking situation!)
6. I've tried using Dannet on two previous occasions and each time I switched back to some flavor of EQBCS because it seemed that Dannet contributed to instability on my rigs.
7. If you do not use Dannet when running KissAssist you have to rely on the KissAssist_Buffs.ini file to coordinate buffs and this has given me some responsiveness problems.

1. I'd like to switch to Dannet again but do it completely so that EQBCS doesn't have to run at the same time.
2. Eventually if I'm convinced Dannet is not causing any issues I'll gradually edit all my socials to use native Dannet commands.
3. But until that happens, by leaving my commands alone, I'd be able to switch back to EQBCS really quickly.

1. Would it be possible to "Alias" all the EQBCS commands I've used in my locally created EQ hot buttons to actually issue the appropriate Dannet commands?
2. How would I do that?
3. Will I be creating new issues by attempting to do this?

Thanks for any comments or instructions!
1. yes
2. > Here <
3. not unless you're doing something that is SPECIFIC to eqbc

I personally run both just out of habit, but swapping entirely over to dannet should be fine as well
@B_I_G__D_A_D_D_Y here is a powershell script @kaen01 made to change all his hotkeys. you'll want to edit the path etc.

iirc kaen had someone drop their files in a POWERSHELLTEST folder to test them just to make sure it didn't break stuff =p

Get-ChildItem -Path "D:\EverQuest\POWERSHELLTEST\*" -filter '*_*.ini' -exclude '*ui*','*characters*','*bzr*' |
ForEach-Object {
    (Get-Content $_.FullName) |
    ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'bcaa\s\/','dgae ' -replace 'bca\s\/','dge ' -replace 'bct(.*)\/','dex$1' -replace 'bcg\s\/', 'dgge ' -replace 'bcga\s\/', 'dgga ' } |
    Set-Content $_.FullName
Ok so I downloaded MQ and my toons load in correctly navmesh is good and so is EQBCS but i cant get Dannet to work. I believe I have MQ next as my main launcher and i see the MQ2DanNet.dll in the regestry but, i cant get it to work in game is there a launch command for it in game?

EQBCS works fine though
you just load the plugin on all your toons. There's nothing else to it, they all connect automagically. There is no "server" to run outside of MQ.
You can type '/dnet info' to see connected peers.

But it is all automatic after you type '/plugin dannet load'

Are they all on the same PC, my home network wasn't 100% configured correctly I think, I had to open a folder on remote PC sometimes for it to find the link. Something something workgroups.
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Plugin - MQ2DanNet

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