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Plugin - MQ2EQBC (3 Viewers)

how do you issue command useitem like //bct toonname //useitem Drunard's Stein I want to be able to use Drunkards stein on my whole team at once

i tried i saw on the other account it said its name twice and the command but it didnt work i typed the same comand the useitem drunkards stein and it worked on his screen but no boxing service came through with that was just a regular command not able to get them to do it all at once, which would be super nice to save on buffs.
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This will work

/bcga //useitem drunkard

you can also do

/bcaa //useitem "Fellowship Registration Insignia"

It will match on the first part of your item, just make sure you don't have something else that starts with the same word, if you do, use the "item" in quotes.
how do you issue command useitem like //bct toonname //useitem Drunard's Stein I want to be able to use Drunkards stein on my whole team at once

i tried i saw on the other account it said its name twice and the command but it didnt work i typed the same comand the useitem drunkards stein and it worked on his screen but no boxing service came through with that was just a regular command not able to get them to do it all at once, which would be super nice to save on buffs.

got it to work using /bct (name) //useitem Drunk
/bct ${Target.Name} //useitem "Drunkard's Stein"
would message your target to use their stein through the eqbc server

/bcg //itemnotify "Drunkard's Stein" rightmouseup
to message the other members of your group to use it, you'll still have to click your own.

doing the bcga will message all the members of your group including yourself, doesn't go well with gate items sometimes it zones before it gets them all off...
/bcga //casting "Drunkard's Stein"

if you don't want it to parse a variable until it goes through use /noparse /bcg

/noparse /bcg //target id ${Me.ID}
will make each toon target themselves

/bcg //target id ${Me.ID}
will make each toon target the one that sent the message.
got it to work using /bct (name) //useitem Drunk
I really do recommend Sic's relocate plugin, it takes care of a few of other irritating aspects for port items. For the drunkard stein it would be
/bcga //relocate pok

for campfire it would be
/bcga //relocate fellow
and the plugin would take care of making you visible before the click

for stratos
/bcga //relocate air
and plugin would take care of swithcing your lamp to the stratos version
Ive just noticed what appears to be eqbcs messages being echoed to a regular chat window withing the "other" filter tag. How do I turn this "feature" off...
I just migrated my VV folder to a new drive and now everytime I launch MQ2 from Redguide launcher, a stand alone pop up for EQBC comes up rather than running as a background process. How do I make it so that it runs as a background process again?
This just started happening sometime over the weekend I think, I could not get on EQBCS2 which is what worked better for me. When it opens (from the launcher option) I get this in the command window that opens:

EQ Box Chat Server 10.12.18
Waiting for connections on port: 2112...

It has always been before. I never typed anything in, nor is that my local IP on the computer, so its kinda weird. I have to choose EQBCS and hit Launch MQ2, and it then opens to the . I can still play but thought I'd let someone know, plus maybe its a simple problem I have on my end that I am unaware of, so any help is appreciated.
I'm having a similiar issue were EQBC doesn't even load after I select Start EQBC server. Following for a hopeful solution!
As of this morning, MQ 2 (live) crashed and won't reload EQBCS. I get the black screen to pop up, then I get the following text in the window and nothing else happens:
Successfully set up IOCP...
Server: :Start()
Server: :Createsocket Creating socket on
Server: :Sstart() (Started Successfully
Server: :ReadThread() Starting.

Then nothing else happens. I'm new to MQ2 and I'm not sure if this because of the update or because something is messed up on my end and if I should reinstall it. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
As of this morning, MQ 2 (live) crashed and won't reload EQBCS. I get the black screen to pop up, then I get the following text in the window and nothing else happens:
Successfully set up IOCP...
Server: :Start()
Server: :Createsocket Creating socket on
Server: :Sstart() (Started Successfully
Server: :ReadThread() Starting.

Then nothing else happens. I'm new to MQ2 and I'm not sure if this because of the update or because something is messed up on my end and if I should reinstall it. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
This just started happening sometime over the weekend I think, I could not get on EQBCS2 which is what worked better for me. When it opens (from the launcher option) I get this in the command window that opens:

EQ Box Chat Server 10.12.18
Waiting for connections on port: 2112...

It has always been before. I never typed anything in, nor is that my local IP on the computer, so its kinda weird. I have to choose EQBCS and hit Launch MQ2, and it then opens to the . I can still play but thought I'd let someone know, plus maybe its a simple problem I have on my end that I am unaware of, so any help is appreciated.
I think you're confusing the version number with the local IP.
As of this morning, MQ 2 (live) crashed and won't reload EQBCS. I get the black screen to pop up, then I get the following text in the window and nothing else happens:
Successfully set up IOCP...
Server: :Start()
Server: :Createsocket Creating socket on
Server: :Sstart() (Started Successfully
Server: :ReadThread() Starting.

Then nothing else happens. I'm new to MQ2 and I'm not sure if this because of the update or because something is messed up on my end and if I should reinstall it. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
I don't see an issue here, this is normal. What happens when you try and connect?
I cannot connect either....and the address showing in the window has changed....how can I correct that??
When you start EQBC, you can modify the local IP here,
when you're ready, click "standalone"
How do you connect? What do you type?

Quick setup guide for connecting to EQBC

Please refer to the EQBC guide here:

In short, these two commands will connect to local EQBC and turn on autoconnecting in the future

/bccmd reconnect /bccmd set autoconnect on

This command will turn on the MQ2eqbc window in EQ, might need a /reloadui to show

/bccmd set window on
Is there a way to have two separate EQBC servers and command windows up for 2 separate groups on same PC?
For example my main group connects to the default port and they all send their info there so if the game is minimized I can see them still saying their mana % or pulling etc.
I then installed a second EQ directory for my second group so they show up in their own Icon on task bar for that 6 group.
I'd like them in a complete separate instance of EQBC so if I did something like /bca instead of bcga it wont interfere with other group at all.
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I came across this thread earlier about using channels for each group. so using /bcg in each group would be separate and then you could use /bcga to send commands to both groups globally.

This is the guide for EQBC, I use it alot as a reference

Im no expert, just hoping to point ya in the right direction :)

Hope any of this helps!

just read over the mq2eqbc section.
according to it if i was running two groups if i used /bcga //alt activate 511 (throne of heroes) then it should only send the group that the toon was in to the lobby.
however, it sent both groups to the lobby and i dont know if i am simply using the wrong command or if something changed.
any clarification and or help would be appreciated.
just read over the mq2eqbc section.
according to it if i was running two groups if i used /bcga //alt activate 511 (throne of heroes) then it should only send the group that the toon was in to the lobby.
however, it sent both groups to the lobby and i dont know if i am simply using the wrong command or if something changed.
any clarification and or help would be appreciated.
/bcga should just send yourself and your group - if you did /bcaa it will do everyone

is it possible you did a bcaa accidentally?

/bcg - sends to everyone in your group not including yourself (BroadCast Group)
/bcga - everyone in your group including your self (BroadCast Group ALL)
/bca - everyone connected to your eqbc not including yourself (BroadCast All)
/bcaa - everyone connected to your eqbc including yourself (BroadCast all ALL)
ok apparently i did have bcaa, double checked social and it was bcaa... however that brings up an interesting issue in itself as this time only two of the second group throned. corrected social will try again once timer is up again.
I'm having issues connecting to mq2eqbc with multiple computers it just started today but some of my chars would randomly leave the eqbc thing. I have no idea what's going on and tried a couple of things but nothing seems to be working. when they leave it says remote connection closed, you are no longer connected
I'm having issues connecting to mq2eqbc with multiple computers it just started today but some of my chars would randomly leave the eqbc thing. I have no idea what's going on and tried a couple of things but nothing seems to be working. when they leave it says remote connection closed, you are no longer connected

How many characters do you have connected ?
it used to be atleast maybe it was changed. It was the server that had the limit not the plugin itself. It looks like its been changed though.
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it appears that it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting on one computer
is that computer wireless?

I was having that issue on my computer that is runing a wireless card, i had to go in and delete the drivers and install them again for it. issue was solved after that
is that computer wireless?

I was having that issue on my computer that is runing a wireless card, i had to go in and delete the drivers and install them again for it. issue was solved after that

Yes it is wireless. i'm going to try that. Thanks!
Whats going on with EQBCS i cant run it. It pops up then depops every time I start it. I Cant connect both PCs to it now
try going into the redguides folder and creating a desktop shortcut to the actual EQBCS.exe. Then run it from its own exe
try going into the redguides folder and creating a desktop shortcut to the actual EQBCS.exe. Then run it from its own exe
it pops up then right back down once i launch it. not sure whats going on it happens to both of my pcs ive tried the EQBCS...the eqbcs2 i cant set so both pcs connect to it thats why im using the "EQBCS"
it pops up then right back down once i launch it. not sure whats going on it happens to both of my pcs ive tried the EQBCS...the eqbcs2 i cant set so both pcs connect to it thats why im using the "EQBCS"
cntl alt delete, open task manager, look for eqbcs in your list, if its there close it
Plugin - MQ2EQBC

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