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Plugin - MQ2Radar (2 Viewers)

Hmmm.. I'm assuming the #define is for the .h file, but I can't compile this on my own (VS 2005 C++ doesn't like to look for the graphics files) so all I can do is rely on the INI file. That said, I modified the INI as stated and CTD the minute I load Radar.

I know I ask for this every patch, but any chance of a compiled version for the 3/15 update?
odessa said:
I just tested and it does crash, I wonder if some structs changed or something like that.
Whew. So it's not just me!! I was beginning to get a complex thinking that even the Idjitproof method was more than I could handle :P
Apr 5th update -
#define DInput__MouseWheelScrolled 0x511430 // 05-04-07

You may need to update the ini file as she has listed posted up a few posts. I have it working just fine at the moment, but I'm not sure how you have Vista running. You will need the latest .net support installed from Windows Update, but from your description I'm not sure if that is the issue.
Any updated offsets for this for the 5/16 patch? Tried to check the Direct Surface site directly but access is limited now :(
Thanks in advance
shoot, sorry guys, fixed the forum but here they are anyways -

May 17th update -
#define DInput__MouseWheelScrolled 0x5180E0 // 17-05-07

I attempted this last night with your numbers, but had a crash to desktop. The only other plugin that I'm running that isn't default with Jig's compile was MQ2xptracker.

I did end up re-downloading the plugin from the first post on this thread, as well as DSurface. Is there anything that I might not have updated properly?

I will try it some more tonight and see if I get the same results.
Jul 5 -
To make my life easier I did a little update, now if the plugin is broken because of the patch you can put zeroes in .ini as offsets and unless there were major changes in eq the plugin will be working except for zooming with mouse and ctrl+clicking. So if the offset is zero we don't do detours, that's it.
Odessa, there is an issue with MQ2Radar and/or DirectSurface with Windows XP Media Center 2005 Edition. Seems that the access of Media Center (the app that plays TV) will kill the injector and only a total reboot of the system will allow MQ2Radar to work again. If I use Media Center before loading MQ2 from a system reboot, MQ2Radar will not work, either. I have DirectSurface running from the startup directory. Any chance you might be able to look at this?
Does anyone still have the source for this? Link is down unfortunately. I would love to use this on Project 1999.

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08-19-2006, 02:24 AM check out the date lol. This source code is available in the MQ2 VIP forums but it has really been buggy for the last 2 years or so. It doesn't work for most people why I dropped it from the compile.

Attached is a zip with all the relevant files if you want to play with it.

The dsurface folder goes in your mq2 folder
How do I load it?

In the old day, you had to load DSurface before you launched MQ and it took special circumstances to make it work.

yes, I have the new plugin and it includes a dsurface.dll but there does not seem to be any documentation yet.
Will this be making a come back? I would love to see it in actions. I notice some patch notes indicating the plugin was fixed. I am not sure how it works, But seemed to recall it was the shit in the day.
Plugin - MQ2Radar

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