So first things first, I love this!
I just came back after years away(whenever 90 was max level) and after a couple of weeks trying to alt+tab and not knowing merc limitations and all the new jazz I was about to quit again.
Someone recommending this in game days ago. I finally got around to struggling through learning Reguides, getting everything downloaded and installed last night but was just overwhelmed over loaded after all that.
Full disclosure about my mental energy levels this week, I got laid off. So, please take some of this with that particular grain of salt.
So, today I found these videos and went from "ugh... so much... is this even worth it really?" to "holy crap this is AWESOME!!!" I'm burning through the videos and just insanely excited.
Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!
Now, for the request/suggestion?
Almost all of the videos are super cool but they have one glaring issue(at least for me), they all assume you're characters are grouped.
Is there an addon/macro I haven't made it to yet that will auto group my team when I log in or a single button I can configure to assemble the avengers so to speak once I'm logged in?
If so, can this be maybe permalinked at the top or wherever you think is most appropriate given the flow of the videos? Or maybe just added into one of the very first videos?
Like , maybe at the end of the auto login option, a section added or a blurb before the video/after the video that's like "Hey, You're auto logged in now which is sick for sure... but... wanna also have your group always ready as soon as you're in Norath? Do this ... etc. And don't worry, we'll dig in deeper on some of the commands in the next/upcoming videos. But for now, this will set you up to play along with minimal effort. etc. " I don't know. something like that.
Again, this is just one of the coolest projects I've seen in 20+ years of gaming and one of the most fun, and technically slick, coding projects I've used/reviewed in ages as a consumer and developer. Just all the kudos and stars to whomever designed and built the serverless interop and api interfaces. Really well done y'all
Also, I'm new to RedGuides so, I'm learning the system as well. If there's a "thing" I should be doing to assist or reward someone for help or just great work, please let me know