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NDawg's Compile 4/19/06 (2 Viewers)

I am not afraid to learn...to be honest I am smart enough to know that I am not the quickest person out there and did not want to pester people with compiling questions....(and that would be after reading the guides multiple times...I actually do!)

so looks like I will be hitting the guides and taking you up on your offer to pm you about questions I have...hope I don't drive you crazy getting through my learning curve.
I'm more than willing to lend a hand to those who have put forth an effort and have a good attitude. Just PM me and we can talk. I work 3rd shift so my hours are a little f'd up but I'll do what I can to help out.

Oh FFS, it's not stealing, and it NEVER WAS. EVERY BIT OF CODE ON THE MQ2 SITE IS UNDER THE GPL. But if Lax or the other devs see you posting the code in compiles, they remove your ACCESS to UPDATES of the VIP code.

That's all.

And if you intended to remove all VIP plugins, you missed a few.


Those are ALL in VIP.
Give me a link of where the plugins are made GPL, because they are distributed with no licence and are not in compiled form there for are not dependant on MQ2, they can take on any licence that the author wants. If there is something on that site that says explicity, all code posted on the site is protected by the GPL... then I will believe you, otherwise don't make asumptions about what is covered by what licence.
There are no "Non" VIP plugins anymore. The entire Plugin forum was moved to VIP about a year or so ago.

As for them being GPL: my understanding is that initially the authors had the right to make them either public or VIP (Back when there was a non-VIP Plugin section) The same with Macros. If the author decoded iot was VIP they generally stated VIP Only Please make sure it stays VIP.

The grey area covers what happens once someone gains VIP access: Do they then have the right to use and publicize the work the author's have posted and stated is for a speific segment of the community? I think we see the same issues here. Authours posting work here for the express use of this community and pulling it when they realize it is being taken and publicized on other sites, whether pay per view or not.

I guess the bottom line, to me anyway, is what were the author's wishes? I don't agree with Lax (Or whoever did it) taking every plugin ever posted on the site and maling them all VIP only. The authors of some of those put them in the public domain and they should have been left there. But for those posted in the VIP Only section initially, the authors wishes need to be respected.
shouldnt be losing any....this site is seperate from MQ2 right?? Let them throw their hissy fits over there.
shouldnt be losing any....this site is seperate from MQ2 right?? Let them throw their hissy fits over there.

You can say it is a seperate site, but the bottom line is MQ2 is from that site, we only have it because there devs continue to put the time and effort into updating it after patches and redesigning it after new Expansions. VIP access to the MQ2 site is easy to get. Donate $10 to the devs for the great work they do and you will have access. There is a lot of information on RG for compiling the plugins to work with pre-compiles, or creating your own compiles.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.
I compile my own...thats not the issue. The issue is cheating is cheating...twist it how you want, then all it is is cheating in denial...like someone said, all plugins are now VIP...are people here going to be paying for Vanilla MQ2 releases soon?
The Vanila version not including the plugins that come with it, is GPL, they can't take that licence away without completely rewriting it, in a different way, and putting a different licence on it. Cheesymac, there is a differnce between cheating in a game, and stealing property. Hell, by your definitions, because you cheat in a game, you can go murder someone, because it is all the same... My last post in this thread on this topic, you wanna reply, PM me or make a new topic, I will gladly respond.
My whole issue is...yes I am trying to learn how to compile....and yes...I have heard many times how easy it is...guess what? it is not easy for me...I just don't understand since I am paying for a membership here and the VIP that people are worried about the VIP stuff being put into a compile...this is almost getting to me the same way it gets to me when I try to deal with Sony....I just don't get it when i am paying in both places.
you need the ini for the hud


Rich (BB code):
   GMIndicator=3,415,38,255,255,255,GM - ${NearestSpawn[GM]} 
      GameTime=3,415,50,255,255,255,GameTime: ${GameTime.Hour}:${GameTime.Minute}
         Speed=3,415,62,0,240,0,Speed - ${Int[${Me.Speed}]} 
      BankCash=3,415,74,240,127,0,Bank - ${Me.PlatinumShared} Platinum 
      LastTell=3,415,86,215,0,215,LastTell - ${If[${MacroQuest.LastTell.NotEqual["NULL"]},${MacroQuest.LastTell},]} 
 TributePoints=3,415,98,0,240,0,Tribute - ${Me.CurrentFavor} 
            XP=3,415,110,200,200,200,XP - ${Float[${Me.PctExp}]}% into ${Me.Level} 
          AAXP=3,415,122,240,240,0,A.A. XP - ${Float[${Me.PctAAExp}]}%         Points Available: ${Me.AAPoints}        Spent:${Me.AAPointsSpent}      Total: ${Math.Calc[${Me.AAPoints} + ${Me.AAPointsSpent}]} 
          HP=3,415,134,100,255,100,Current HPs: ${Me.CurrentHPs} of ${Me.MaxHPs}
         Mana=3,415,146,100,255,100,Current Mana: ${Me.CurrentMana} of ${Me.MaxMana}
    Macro=3,415,160,215,0,215,Macro Running: ${Macro.Name}
**Target Loc**=3,900,178,150,250,150,${If[${Target.ID},**Target Loc**  ${Target.Y}  ${Target.X}  ${Target.Z},]}  
**Me Loc**=3,900,190,150,250,150,**Me Loc** ${Me.Y}    ${Me.X}    ${Me.Z}
TargetLevel=3,415,178,255,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},${Target.Name}'s Level is ${Target.Level} - ${Target.Class} - ${Target.Race} - ${Target.PctHPs}% Health,]} 
CursorItemName=3,415,158,0,240,0,${If[${Cursor.ID},Cursor - ${Cursor},]} 
          Raid=3,415,170,255,0,0,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,In Raid - ${Raid.Members},]}   ${If[${Raid.Members}>0,Raid Level - ${Raid.AverageLevel},]} 
        Hunger=3,575,38,255,255,255,Hunger - ${Me.Hunger}/6000 
        Thirst=3,575,50,255,255,255,Thirst - ${Me.Thirst}/6000 
            NS=3,700,38,255,0,0,~~~~ Named Spawns ~~~~ 
        Spawn1=3,700,56,255,255,0,#1    ${If[${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name},]} 
        Spawn2=3,700,68,255,255,0,#2    ${If[${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name},]} 
        Spawn3=3,700,80,255,255,0,#3    ${If[${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name},]} 
        Spawn4=3,700,92,255,255,0,#4    ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]} 
     Direction=3,720,200,200,150,0,${If[${Target.ID}==NULL,"",${If[${Math.Calc[((${Me.Heading.Degrees}-${Target.HeadingTo.Degrees}+375)%360)*-1]}>-30,"   ^^^",${If[${Math.Calc[((${Me.Heading.Degrees}-${Target.HeadingTo.Degrees}+360)%360)*-1]}>-180,"<--","      -->"]}]}]} 
      ZoneName=3,900,38,255,255,0,Zone - ${Zone} 
 ShortZoneName=3,900,50,255,255,255,Short Zone Name - ${Zone.ShortName} 
 GroupLeader=3,900,74,255,255,255,${If[(${Group}>0),GroupLeader ${Group.Leader},]}

if hud does not show after you save this to your mq folder...

/plugin mq2hud

it should pop up

if that does not work .. restart mq2 and EQ

this works fine for me

And remember F11 to bring it up, if you dont have your little network status thing in the corner, that means you don't have your hud on and need to hit F11 :D.
Hiyas, any one know if the mq2piggyzones still working plz, cant get slipgear macro to rub through the zones.
gardenia said:
My whole issue is...yes I am trying to learn how to compile....and yes...I have heard many times how easy it is...guess what? it is not easy for me...I just don't understand since I am paying for a membership here and the VIP that people are worried about the VIP stuff being put into a compile...this is almost getting to me the same way it gets to me when I try to deal with Sony....I just don't get it when i am paying in both places.

I have the same problem gardenia.. I know how to compile but I dont have all the nice things Ndawgz has.. I have just the basic knowledge on what I am doing and I ALWAYS seem to forget a plugin or two or they just dont work.. I am glad these guys are here..

Thanks Ndawgz for the great work you've done

Last edited:
bigdaddy, this isn't a flame so dont take it as one. Read the whole thread before asking questions. If you used these 3 plugins, and you know others do too, then it is pretty obvious in 4 pages, someone might have asked the same question as you.
I did skim thru the tread, thats why i asked "did I miss something". I guess it just because of the VIP drama?
Drama is one way of looking at it, but it is their stuff to keep secret, just like Redbot goes after people repost stuff from here.
Seriously, how hard it is to compile MQ2, I know I found it rather simple... If you are a member then compile it for yourself.
When I have time, and/or a compelling reason, I do my own compiles.

Compiling MQ2 and writing my own macros is not a technical issue for me. I find that kind of thing trivial to learn.

When I'm busy with work and life, and don't have time to download the lastest version of every plugin I like to use and recompile everything, I come here and download a precompile to use until I get time for my own compile.

It's the reason I pay for access to this site.

My problem is that life doesn't give me enough time to do all of the things I would like to.

I barely have time play EQ a couple of hours a week if I'm lucky. MQ2 allows me to make much better use of my time, but if I spend all of my play time downloading plugin source, and making compiles, it doesnt leave much time to play.

Fortunately money isn't really a problem. If I can throw $6 a month at a problem to buy myself a little time, I'll do it in a heartbeat.
heya, this may be a stupid question but i just downloaded this version of mq2, and im in game andhave my mq2 box but my map doesnt show the npcs on it, is there a easy fix did i miss something? thank you =)
ahh there we go, thanks alot guys

btw awesome program, most everything working great and the only one i have not got to work yet is run speed adjustment, great work!
/plugin MQ2Superduperreallyghettospeed
/speed 5

to turn off
/speed off

oh and 5 is really fast 3 is like SoW 10 will leave your armor and loincloth in ashes 100 will leave you splattered against a sone wall 1000 will obliterate you

anyway you get it. Suggest not being around others when you try anything over 3 or so.
bah i live through 1000 all the time.. but like i said, not advisable... I use it to get across a Karana or something... 2-3 is all anyone should use on a regular basis.
Well yeah you can live through 1000 if you have envirofall turned on. I launched myself off a small hill and flew about a mile one time and splatted against a cliff wall
for like 1000000000000damage or some really unreal number like that
Lmfao havent played with this yet but I think I'm going to sucks porting back to pok for a dam soe from my druid with no expansions
something is wrong with my compile dont work when i loged in .... I can only see my group members on the map wth...... OH WAIT Its not broke eq has just ripped off mq2 some..

Okay sorry just thought it was kinda funny :) and seeing how someone always posts a mq2 is broke message i thought id be first with a some what funny one.
Yeah.. i MUST say, Them putting a " See all your group members on a map " is total complete bullcrap, Look at it this way, ( Without MQ2 for a second *gasp ) .. They've made SO many ways to find people now it's rediculous, Find Path to PC, CotH, Tracking, etc etc and now " See group members on map " They're making the game so stupid now...

This makes us with MQ2 with getting less suspicion when you find your group members deep in a zone without knowing where they are in the first place *grins
NDawg's Compile 4/19/06

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