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News - New Daybreak Warning on 3rd Party "Cheat" Programs

I am not seeing anyone getting banned here.

I hate logging on and seeing new posts on this topic, because I cant stand the title. Everytime I log on for a second I am like OH SHIT!

...but then I realize you guys are worrying yourselves to death.
I am not seeing anyone getting banned here.

I hate logging on and seeing new posts on this topic, because I cant stand the title. Everytime I log on for a second I am like OH SHIT!

...but then I realize you guys are worrying yourselves to death.


The only bannings were on TLPs using abyss’s shit and people warping/zoning/active hacking using the Bugs compile. That’s it. The people banned or suspended here were almost uniformly for afk killing... which is par for course and something we’re all aware is risky. On the other hand, there are tons of resources to mitigate a lot of that risk.
Survival of the fittest, though sometimes a person gets unlucky, the odds are that it wil happen to someone, somewhere, at some time. The real problem for us here is trying to uncover the real truth surrounding it, if and when it does happen. Me, I'll just continue to be manually driving my pullertank with 5 assisting toons and frequenting empty zones and having fun in my own way at my own pace, and if something happens, it won't be because I was AFK'g or using active hacks.
Personally, I don't see how someone boxing 3 characters is any different from 3 distinct humans playing 1 toon each. To anyone else, why should they care? I know I do not. If I entered a zone and saw a group camping a spot, I wouldn't bother to stop and watch them, let alone stand there examining their playstyle looking for boxers. Why do you care whether it is 1, 3, or 6 'real' people vs 2 or 3 boxers? I think the vigilantes are the jealous 'if I can't have it then nobody can' crew. They can't box well, or they can't afford multiple accounts or a computer that can play multiple instances of EQ. It's the same crap you have to deal with in real life. Assholes with nothing better to do, and a life so empty and void, that they have to try to make other people's lives just as crappy. Griefing others is their only reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

Even adding MQ2 to the mix. Why should you care? If my husband is sitting at his computer playing his character, or I have his account logged in and MQ is doing most of the work (and not as well as he does, by the way), why should anyone else care? We are still paying for the accounts and we are only doing the same crap that we would normally be doing if he was at the machine himself. Seriously, why do other people friggin' care?

I assume you're looking for a serious answer so I am going to give you my best current theory. The reason these people care is because it's a very pervasive way of thinking in today's world and it's tied to one specific set of ideas. When you see someone that you don't know anything about; who has something you don't or is doing better than you at something in life, there's usually three "broad" responses.

1. Wow so and so has accomplished so much in life, I gotta push myself even harder if I hope to match what they've done!
2. Wow sos and so has accomplished so much in life, they must have acquired it by stealing/cheating or fucking people over.
3. So and so got something new? Yea whatever, I got my own problems to deal with I don't really give a fuck about so and so.

The people that think like #2 are the ones that run around reporting/training/harrassing boxers. When you assume at the start that the person on the otherside of the table is only there because they're a terrible person and steals, cheats or whatever, it makes hurting that person mentally or physically much easier to do for you and others who think like you. That's why it's easy to "lump" these people into such broad groups; something I normally wouldn't do but i wanted to avoid using the politically charged word that I think best describes these people. When some people see a player boxing 6+ characters they automatically assume that they're a cheater. I've been on the receiving end of this many times and I have argued with many of the people who harrassed me to try and get to the bottom of things. Basically, from my own personal experience, there was nothing I could say or do to convince these people I wasn't cheating. From the moment they saw me and realized I used third party software I ended up on their shit list. They believed I only got to where I was by being an asshole, taking camps from people and stealing nameds and of course, cheating with third party software. ((Note: I even revealed to a few of these people I was Almar; which was literally the antithesis of the person who they were portraying me to be.... All that did is make them assume that my guide website was all done through plagirism/cheating too...)

My fear with this new announcement from Daybreak about no third party software being allowed or "some" or "maybe" or whatever the fuck their stance is, it's just going to give more people a justification to act like #2. If Daybreak's OFFICIAL STANCE is third party software isn't allowed, it's pretty hard for us to defend the fact that we aren't a cheater. If someone accuses us of cheating then links us the Daybreak post when we try to defend ourselves -- basically our only line of defense is to say Daybreak's policy is fucking dumb or to fall back on the Agnarr/Phinigel FAQ which the person we're arguing with can just say, well that's old. Daybreak obviously updated their policy and they don't want you in the game anymore; which means I am justified in harrassing you/reporting you.

I mean, no matter where this person looks they get their views reinforced, if they report us and ask the GM they talk to through the ticket, "is MQ2 allowed?" the GM will say no, it isn't allowed. Or they'll say no, third party software isnt allowed. Add this fact together with the Daybreak forum post and it's easy to turn even regular players against us who aren't envious who don't get pissed off when they see someone boxing. Because Daybreak's official policy is we're breaking the rules; but unofficially they don't enforce the rules. We're the ones suffering and who have to deal with the vocal assholes in game whining about us cheating because Daybreak can't take responsibility for their own actions. This is the shit that ruffles my feathers.
Daybreak should just open a bots-welcome server. Allows Vanilla MQ2, but not "hacks." I've learned a ton about programming using MQ2/KA and had a (generally) great time doing it.

Sell it as a "coding camp" type thing, plus continue to separate the players that want to play "truebox" from the boxers/mq2 folks. I'd love it if they left the eqmule agreement in place on current servers too though.
I don’t get it either. I suck at boxing, I have multiple accounts but can’t afford packs on all of them, and Everytime I sit down to try and figure out MQ2 I get pulled away. Yet I don’t get jealous or go looking for afk groups. Some people just gotta be dicks and instead of using time that could be spent learning how to play, box whatever they go out and play policeman. Hounestly I could see there argument against boxers if the population supported it, but it just doesn’t. Your dealing with the same folks who preach the Bible all day, than go to the strip coup for beer and lap dances.
Daybreak should just open a bots-welcome server. Allows Vanilla MQ2, but not "hacks." I've learned a ton about programming using MQ2/KA and had a (generally) great time doing it.

Sell it as a "coding camp" type thing, plus continue to separate the players that want to play "truebox" from the boxers/mq2 folks. I'd love it if they left the eqmule agreement in place on current servers too though.
We should start our own game with hookers and blackjack.
hi all resurrecting this old thread as im new and just spoke to a second GM that has confronted me while i was at the keyboard using veryvanilla and advised that isoboxer is ok to use and nothing else is i said i was using redguides and was immediately told he check with his boss who said it is NOT ALLOWED and he didnt want to see me get into trouble so now i dont know what to do? if i continue and he sees me a 3rd time i dont need to get banned. ive been at the keyboard and had a nice conversation with dihuwen twice now
Bottom line is if the cop is having a bad day your going to get a ticket. For sure if that cops name is Woe***.

I would not take another players word for what a GM told them since there is no hard and fast rule in the TOS or EULA. The rules are open ended for that reason - so they can use them or not.

But then again I am not going to tell that cop I was drinking while driving if he can't figure it out. I will deny all knowledge!!!
I was suspended earlier this year for posting an image of an item when I was having an issue with on the daybreak forums and I forgot about the Advloot options on the item window, I appealed and got the suspension lifted. I find it helps to let them know just how much money you are spending with their company.

"I use mq2 I have never made a secret of that fact. I do not AFK box ever, and I do not use any hacks. Someone noticed in the image I posted on the forums that there was mq2 functionality that lets you mark something in advloot as auto need, etc. and I guess reported my account. I spend about 3 grand a year with your company. This is not how you treat your loyal and paying customers."

Boxing isn't cheap.

"6 accounts, and monthly charges, over $2,600 a year by time all expenses are added in such as expansions, krono, unatturners"

I pointed out in their suspension message they state:

There are a variety of reasons why your account might be banned/suspended for cheating. Here are some (but not all) of the causes.

Using 3rd party software or cheat programs to gain an unfair advantage over other players
Modification of your computer or OS environment in an attempt to falsify or circumvent anti-cheat detection.
Exploiting bugs or game mechanic

My response was I have not done any of that, "The program I use makes the game more playable/enjoyable it is not done to get any advantage. That really could only happen on PVP servers." I continued, "I understand targeting unattended boxers and people violating true box rules, or people who are automating other characters on pvp servers, but I don't do any of that."

In addition to that situation, I have at other times on the forums openly said I boxed on mq2 threads. No repercussions.

The other incident was around a year ago in a ticket and I told daybreak support that I used MQ and watched the player intentionally circle around then train my group. I included a screen shot that shows my group on the map and where the other group was located to show that it was malicious, the (player was trying to claim half of the zone as their camp)

I refuse to hide it, you only hide something you are ashamed of.

And believe me they can detect MQ2 at any time, if that is what they wanted to do.
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dbg customer service (including the gms that we sometimes see) are *VERY* reactionary. All it takes is someone to petition you, for you to end up having a problem.

They are starting to take petitions and tickets made very seriously, and are doing things to try and eliminate tickets (like removal of the time left on your subscription from the ui window due to how many tickets they got a month about it).

JChan, in her recent interview with averylovingrobot, customer service and cs tickets were brought up a few times, and it really seems to me that they are taking petitions more seriously and have heavy-handed approach on it. "If someone made a ticket, there must be a problem".

There is a stark contrast from the things dbg has directly told me in private, to their actions in public.

Be safe
@sl968 i think I remember that happening on the forums. Then, you could see the piranhas start to circle.. glad you got everything resolved

There are a lot of keyboard warriors on the EQ forums. A lot of them use MQ2 as well despite their protestations. I always make sure to keep a friendly relationship with daybreak staff whenever possible. If you don't be an asshole to them they will be more responsive to helping you when and if the time ever comes.
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There is a stark contrast from the things dbg has directly told me in private, to their actions in public.

Be safe

Agreed it's always a good policy never poke the beast unless you really have to. The main thing is be nice, try to be helpful to other players (you can always drop a boxed toon for a live player), don't hog camps especially named for long periods, use things like GTFO, MQ2Posse. Basically don't be an ass. :)
I always make sure to keep a friendly relationship with daybreak staff whenever possible. If you don't be assholes to them they will be more responsive to helping you when and if the time ever comes.
Yes, I have had multiple visits over the last few years, and have had friendly conversations from Woebot to Swarmofbees. Probably the funniest was when I saw Swarmofbees on the map acrossed the zone and binded sight with him on my ranger which obviously showed I had targeted him from the map. He immediately warped to my camp and we talked. Never though was I ever asked about running anything. Only Woebot asked in say can anyone in this group respond to me, if not you will be disconnected. Thank god for the GM alarm! That was the first time I had heard the GM alarm, like a nuclear warning going off and it took me a minute to figure out wtf was going on with my computer because I was windowed out. After that we talked for a minute and he poofed. But I digress....

But all of the gms I have talked to have been cool, maybe because I was cool with them.
once again I will say this... this all sounds like TLP drama to me..... just saying.... if they say don't use it on your server then um, let me think... DON'T USE IT! you put us all at risk. Now we are all pointing fingers and watching for the sky to fall... well not me, I have a nice Red Umbrella that I trust to keep me warm and dry.

well while i wait for discord to allow me to chat with Dreamweaver both times i spoke with gm Dihuwien he asked if i minded he watch he chatted with me a bit then left.. today he appeared again chatted with me a bit told me they allow isoboxer but nothing else i saw no harm in saying i was using redguides since its said as long as your online and behave nice you shouldnt have a problem and he asked Riviere who told him explicitly redguides wasnt allowed but isoboxer was and he said he didnt wanna see me get in trouble.
But the bottom line is that you cannot use what any of them said as a defense if you get banned. So yes, be nice and have nice chats but if you get banned there is not a single one that will back you up and say "oh, I told him it was ok" and whoever bans you is going to override anything anyway. There are occasions where bans are lifted for what ever reason but its easier to count how many have not been lifted. And its not likely they will make a definitive decision after all these years of not making one.

Why take the chance...just play
I heard a guy say he was gonna download something from mmo. Bot site for eq.. i of course redirected him to here instead.. i wouldn't worry to much inlets ur afking.. solid hard core user pretty open about it on my server guild etc. As I never afk I have never even been asked by a gm etc. Then again I'm known to be very helpful to all etc.
I refuse to hide it, you only hide something you are ashamed of.
I am really proud of my sex size & no shame about it, but this is not a reason to show it to everyone. ;-)

They Break Games will never bane you from EQ, only suspend you for 1 week.
IF they start to bane players, many boxer will leave the game and TBG will lose money. I hope not, but never underestimate the stupidity of a large group.
They just removed the possibility in your inventory window to see how many time left on your account before it become a F2F/gold. Why ? Just because it is stupid and now you must log on a site for check (large group i told you).

Another thing, GM's like to send tells only to the alts chars you hide behind you (for PL them in full security) or when you are on a long pull.
So they will bane the group because you did not reply the message in say, drowned in your say flood.
Some time they miss spelled the name of a char, so you are not suspended.
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Hello Again All ok i made the mistake and now when i try to play (before my sub expired anyway) I would start VV no issues game loaded an everything finally worked right then soon as I hit /mac kissassist assist on a toon the GM Detector would ring like Crazy and it would say AHTools suspended due to GM Presence my toons would not assist or do anything and no visible GM in zone. I tried this a few more times an it happenedd over an over. Any Advice? i was just gonna play and hope for the best...i tried contacting ddreamweaver but i dont get to go on often andd when i do and message in discord havent gotten an answer

no clue how to proceedd dont want to buy a 30 day sub and not be able to play advice please
1st thing, people keep pushing the envelope on these progression servers.......
2nd thing If u were just cheating but not cheating cheating, its still cheating
only way to guarantee u dont get a suspension/ban is by not using 3rd party software
If you can live w all those things, play smart, know the consequences, dont drop your guard and then cry, take it like a man , dust off and move on
I think for some reason people are fixated on afk or not afk when I think automated (via macros) play is just as likely to get u
I think the last time a warning was posted that gave me any concern, was when warp was used more and I personally used it waayyyy too much when alone in zones.. Could do the old man Mackenzie missions in under 20 mins, I think around HoT era?. One warning like that, I stopped. Nothing ever happened to me. This was before eqmule ever made any mention of agreements to stay away from truebox servers etc

Basically, people need to pull their heads in.

Personally, I'm gonna keep doing what I do while I enjoy it... If I get banned... Well, will be finally time to quit. I don't do anything disruptive, if I am it's easily without mq2 and it is to people who are just jerks and incredibly disruptive with or without mq2 /shrug
ok enough people have giving me a hard time about this, i kept playing until my sub ran out, before it id whenever i use KA in zone the GM Alarm went off i couldnt see a GM in area or on Who list unless they were invis but if they were watching me they should be fine as i wasnt breaking any rules but my quest is this only happens when i use ./mac kissassist assist then the Alarm would Sound
ok enough people have giving me a hard time about this, i kept playing until my sub ran out, before it id whenever i use KA in zone the GM Alarm went off i couldnt see a GM in area or on Who list unless they were invis but if they were watching me they should be fine as i wasnt breaking any rules but my quest is this only happens when i use ./mac kissassist assist then the Alarm would Sound
Any zone you start it in? Have you tried clearing everything and starting with a blank canvas? Blank INI files, fresh install of MQ2 etc.
hey Brian im mostly been in the Grounds for a while and before my Sub ran out it took me a big chunk of the 30 days to get it to work right and i love it but no idea whats up with KA
post your kiss ini
i use kiss on some toons they have no issues, havent heard folks talking about gm alerts going off
if its kiss related it may be something in your ini file
the alterantive is yea some gm is spending every free moment he has watching jooo (dont look now hes under the bed!!!) :P
hey Brian im mostly been in the Grounds for a while and before my Sub ran out it took me a big chunk of the 30 days to get it to work right and i love it but no idea whats up with KA

have you had a petition worked on on that toon lately?
News - New Daybreak Warning on 3rd Party "Cheat" Programs

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