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Serious - Notaddicted meet Redguides (1 Viewer)

Siddin Wolfsbane RoyalGuard of Dae'tok at your service.... err, well I guess its just Sid now, or Siddin. Hell, I answer to all of em even irl :D
Anyhow, I don't usually say much other than answer questions and try to keep the peace. But if anybody needs help, feel free to ask!

Btw, nice to meet ya all.

One of our awesome forum gnomes is looking into getting the original avatars back.

One of the things this forum has is RedCents (reputation points for good or bad points) for people who make awesome posts. The rep collects into points.... The points can be spent here at Points Redemption.

Now all we need to do is get the rep giving abilities working.

wait... I think I did that wrong.

Jeez, how the hell did I miss this for so long? I guess I was busier than I thought at work this week if I haven't been here in 3 days.
Hello all, I'm an old RG'er from way back... its great to see all you people !!! Oh, and I love writing... about anything and everything... I write stories, poetry......
I'm apparently important. No wait, that says imported. Damn you :mad:

Here I was thinking I was special for another reason then taking the short bus to school everyday.
Hello to everyone.

A am Armysoldier and one in real life

i deploy alot but do what I can when I can

I have been on a hiatus from EQ1, I tinkered around with EQ2

and right now RL has me pretty busy trying to get ready for a school in april and buying a house in Colorado Springs CO

I will start showing my head a little more.... that is if the EVIL RL lets me 8-)

Cheers to all

My mother says "w0rld of warcraft is a very sexual demonic game from the portals of hell"
happily married and away from her. Look for money strats from me.


Can't I just become a super uber mega member right NOW? Those blocked access sections have me very curious about what's in there. Even though I don't play either of those games...

And I'd love to be able to set myself an avatar again :)

C'mon, I'm "cool" that's gotta count for something, amirite?
How exactly do I redcent someone?

The only person I see with the little cents icon under their avatar is myself. So uh... is it just not working right yet? Or am I totally missing something that should have been obvious?

If I click it I get a lil pop-up that says "This post has not received any reputation. You have 10 reputation points."

I'm assuming I'm supposed to be seeing the little cent thing for everyone but myself?
After every time I make twosies I reflect on it and think of ways I could learn from the experience and make myself a better person.
I don't have the cents. Could be something to do with coming from NA rather than RG.
Im full of useless information and Revolutionistic Ideas. Like the government says driving is a priviledge not a right and yet in the constitution it says you have the right to use public roads and highways to transport you or your goods by any means necessary.
Im full of useless information and Revolutionistic Ideas. Like the government says driving is a priviledge not a right and yet in the constitution it says you have the right to use public roads and highways to transport you or your goods by any means necessary.
I'm going to have to find that and include it next time the dmv writes me a letter about driving lol
hey gang,

I'm Reygar.

I am great and you love me, you don't know it yet but you do, trust me.
I might have heard somewhere that only level two members can give people redcents as to protect people from making an account and just RCing themselves all day long.
Serious - Notaddicted meet Redguides

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