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Offsets 2-23-06 (2 Viewers)

Rich (BB code):
Description="Walk Under Water"

Description="Fly anywhere, activate then jump in water and exit"
normal0="89 86 34 01 00 00"
crack0="90 90 90 90 90 90"
I believe this should work....

Rich (BB code):
Description="/follow someone from any distance"
normal0="0F 85 82 00 00 00"
crack0="E9 83 00 00 00 90"
I have noticed that when I have the speed offset on I will crash if I run into eny object. I just crashed again after going to /speed 2 and scraped the side of a tree. Not the first time its happened I just haven't seen anyone post anything about it yet.
The NoMountModels listed is not correct. Should be

Rich (BB code):
Description="No Mount Models"
Czarman said:
I believe this should work....

Rich (BB code):
Description="/follow someone from any distance"
normal0="0F 85 82 00 00 00"
crack0="E9 83 00 00 00 90"

Thanks Czarman, I'll check it out later.
is there any chance that [BankAtNpc] could be fixed or did they put some kind of serverside check in for that one, not good at finding offsets so I don't know what changed there
Rich (BB code):
Description="Bank at any NPC (Still Nerfed)"
normal0="75 4B"
crack0="90 90"
normal1="75 4A"
crack1="90 90"

Is the best there is so far. Lets you make change temporarily but thats about it. When you hit the next zone your money will revert back to its original state. Adding or removing items will cause you to crash to desktop. You have to make the change manually too in your inventory the "Change' button does not work. :(
Or perhaps fake it with a packet here? Only way it could possibly work would be a packet perhaps, because there seems to be a check we're missing.
Ok I found "You have been Summoned!" offset and can block that, but can't seem to find "You will not evade me %1", so you get 1/2 summoned, meaning you appear to not have moved but the mob will beat the crap out of you. Maybe later I can use tsearch and figure out where that part is called from.

Description="NoSummon sort of"
normal0="0F 84 43 42 00 00"
crack0="E9 44 42 00 00 90"

I recompiled the nosummon plugin if that helps, and it still works (probably a safer bet):
Anyone know the offset to allow you to stay in a zone past the three minute timer, like for Pofire and what not. I had seen it once like a month or so ago, and can't seem to track down the post again, or even if that offset will still work.
Try this, appears to work, never used this offset before so...

Rich (BB code):
Description="See Clearly Under Water And Lava"
Czarman said:
Ok I found "You have been Summoned!" offset and can block that, but can't seem to find "You will not evade me %1", so you get 1/2 summoned, meaning you appear to not have moved but the mob will beat the crap out of you. Maybe later I can use tsearch and figure out where that part is called from.

Description="NoSummon sort of"
normal0="0F 84 43 42 00 00"
crack0="E9 44 42 00 00 90"

I recompiled the nosummon plugin if that helps, and it still works (probably a safer bet):

no summon offset works sorta... used it for clearing ntov /rude mobs summoning every 6 seconds no matter what....

However when you activate it you can no longer hit the mob.

Will always get the you can not see your target when trying to melee
Galuvwen said:
no summon offset works sorta... used it for clearing ntov /rude mobs summoning every 6 seconds no matter what....

However when you activate it you can no longer hit the mob.

Will always get the you can not see your target when trying to melee

That's why I said it was probably safer to use the plugin I updated. The nosummon offset has been nerfed since about October. They seem to have turned the REAL summon to "1191 You will not evade me %3!" but can't seem to find where "Push 4A7" (the hex that should call that 1191).

Will need to use Tsearch and try and trap it happening, and see if it catches it. Have not had time yet to do so.
not too worried about it...

I said fuck it and went to bed and let friend clear rest of ntov so we could do vulak ring one last time heh
Offsets 2-23-06

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