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Discussion - Paladin or Shadow knight (1 Viewer)

Paladin or Shadow knight

  • Paladin

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • Shadow KNight

    Votes: 54 78.3%

  • Total voters
I roll pally and grind on undead. Fights are short AF, and I really really don't like the SK play style. With the pally healing, the "healer" is free to dps + adps. I think pally really suits a good group dynamic.
Troll SK all the way! None of this Lizard shit..or even worse Gnome Fakery.

I have 2 Pallies mostly for the ability to SPLASH.
I have 4 Warriors- because when raiding u find out what is really meant by Tanking....
I have 2 SK - because that is the Class that I love.
In my honest opinion, Shadow knights are the Strongest tanks in the game. They have lifetap abilities where as a Warrior does not. The shadow knight epic is Very useful where as the warrior epic is only between 1-2k health. The Sk epic adds 70% accuracy and 80% lifetap meaning if you pull4-5 mobs you won't die instantly you at least have a chance to win. Not sure about pally never played one so I cant say much for their epic or agro capability.
If by "Easier" you mean "Warrior's are a decent stepping stone to a real tank" then I agree.
Lol...let me lay it out for ya visually...this is what really happens when a SK or Pal tries to tank in a real raid ...

fatality kombat GIF
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Troll SK all the way! None of this Lizard shit..or even worse Gnome Fakery.

I have 2 Pallies mostly for the ability to SPLASH.
I have 4 Warriors- because when raiding u find out what is really meant by Tanking....
I have 2 SK - because that is the Class that I love.
Lol...i have..

3 Wars...because anything less raiding would suck...
3 SK's...because they're better for group content...
1 Paladin...because I needed to see how bad it was...it's bad guys...

The End
wars do very good ae agro as well. just have to know how to play and what to do/use. and wars tank just fine with 4 or 5 and more. as for healing himself.... we leave that to the half tanks that need it. wars dont. thats the clerics job
Exactly...lol. War/Enc/Cleric...add dps and enjoy the game
Warriors are great at Single target aggro holding and great mitigation as a tank so that equals less heals. SK great for AoE aggro and lifetaps def rock! (I do play my SK the most out of the 3 btws). Pally can help heal group and stuns can help. Pallsy do have great procs on ToV, CoV, and some mobs in ToL fall under undead.
Remember back when Kunark first launched, and Monks were great tanks due to avoidance and AC buff from being light/being a Monk in general. They could out tank real tank classes.

Those were some wacky times, early 2000's
In TOV/COV it was Pally not just because of undead but because the extra cures/healing helps a ton. in TOL shit is too easy so you dont need it.
I agree. TOL was much easier to play. We were geared in velium threaded. The HP of the mobs seemed over the top but easier to kill overall. I certainly had more trouble getting started in CoV than ToL.
I don’t really care if SKs aren’t ideally suited to tank raid bosses because that doesn’t blow my socks off. So you can tank one mob for a really long time without losing agro as long as you have all the things running and are getting all the proper heals/support? Cool story.

I was pulling and tanking 6-8 group mobs in ToL content at a time with a shaman healer the other day and only died once when one of those mobs was also the namer I wanted and it snared me on the pull. In previous group content my healer has died while I was afk killing (I know, I know) and I didn’t notice it for more than an hour. What happened? The healer stayed dead and the SK kept pulling and killing shit just using its own taps and epic.

On raids, I’m often tanking 3+ raid trash at a time for extended periods of time because the pallies can’t pull agro even though I’m not hitting/focused on the other two mobs (not using concordant, either).

So while other tanks are useful in their own ways, I don’t see how they beat the SK in survivability and utility. It is the way.
Warriors - have 2 brain cells, both are fighting over which one gets to click the kick button.
SK - Oh no! shit got real! I know I'll play possum.
Pally - Stands strong and takes that beating, Saves your group with its heals. Can even give its life to save another. A true Norrathian Hero.

I lead with a pally, have since day 1. For the longest time I hated tanking, always felt more of a group supporter. Wasn't till I found MQ until I could farm good gear.
I ended up leveling a warrior for CoV, some of the missions where easier if I could just stick a meat shield onto the target and deal with the other mechanics on the pally.

Somedays I see how SK's might tank better than me. I know when I group with one, they love to take aggro, but I also do not use high aggro stuns.

When I do need to lead with the warrior I keep looking for those group heals...
jerkchicken the only reason you keep hunting for group heals is because you never got used to a real tank, you always played a second (3rd) tier tank. the reason those pallys need heals is because they cant hold argo any other way. warriors however do it flawlessly
Plenty ask but we will only get the new ones as they are ready. These people give sic gray hairs.
But but but, i LIKE giving sic grey hair.

I really waiting for the paly one more than any (yes even than bard) My long time love is my Paly, but maintaining a KA ini is tiresome lol, i still pull him out to tank when im manually running the tank or grouping with friends where im just playign 1 or 2 toons.

Cheers, heres to more grey hair for sic, oneday he will be as grey as i am
Rolled a Pally a few weeks after launch. Have never changed my main, and I like the versatility they offer. Fully raid geared, Ive never had an issue holding
up to a non-raid named. That said, my SK pals can handle more mobs beating on them, and for a longer time than I can. At this point I have way too much
time invested to consider a change....but I still have a great time playing my Pally.
Is this the weapon of choice now for all you badass SKs and us lowly Paladins?

Luclinite Ensanguined Maul
so my two cents pally vrs sks............. BTW IM A paladin Main

Paladin better 1vrs1
sk better vrs multi targets
Is this the weapon of choice now for all you badass SKs and us lowly Paladins?

Luclinite Ensanguined Maul
I'm not 120 yet so I haven't upgraded my ToV weapons (skipped CoV), but raidloot shows the 2HPs having the best ratio this time around. I (sk) still might do 2HS for the proc, but not sure.
in most cases, go with class specific weapons. The only people i know that use 2hp are rangers for the proc thing.
Which wasn’t true in CoV and may not be true in ToL. The last time the proc on 2hp was the go-to for rangers was ToV.
Discussion - Paladin or Shadow knight

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