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IRL - Patch notes for December 8, 2020 (Claws of Veeshan patch) (1 Viewer)

what does that even mean, im guessing still no compile, but is there a pending KA update needed or coming as as well?

or is it one of those are we there yet, how about now, or now questions, or now? (i forget folks are in diff time zone, perhaps its nighttime there, but its only 10 am where i am, patch should be ongoing still)
lotta newer folks refer to MQ2/VV as KA, I assumed an_image meant to over-arching "thing that allows kissassist to go go gadget"
TBL should be f2p just not sure if its today or later.
yeah should be an "automatic script" that brings f2p 2 xpacs behind and autogrant 4. we didn't know *when* that auto script would kick in, but from test folks it appears might be as soon as xpac unlocks
what does that even mean, im guessing still no compile, but is there a pending KA update needed or coming as as well?

or is it one of those are we there yet, how about now, or now questions, or now? (i forget folks are in diff time zone, perhaps its nighttime there, but its only 10 am where i am, patch should be ongoing still)

From what I've seen, this team is awesome. Probably a quick deploy when Darkpaw gets going...that's what I always say +/- 48 hrs...not
Any of you ol'timers remember the party at the Oasis docks when everyone was waiting for Kunark to go live?

Yup...remember it well...as i octa-kited spectre island, wearing my fungi, manastone, and click-nuke stick and the people ran in panics...i remember the SHOUTS well..."WHO's that crazy druid powning spectre island"
TBL should be f2p just not sure if its today or later.

I'd be nice if it were today. Took a little break at the end of ROS...have all of EOK, ROS, and TBL to catch-up...i'd be nice to walk all my chars through them all at once...in perfect wedge formation of course!
I just logged in on Test which has the upcoming Live patch. My mage just got AAs up to EoK autogranted. It also gave the SpeciAl Tab AA “Essence of the Dragon” which was progression locked previously. And you can train it on your merc for free.

Best thing about an otherwise lazy expansion.
I seem to remember they did it like this on some past ones as well.. they opened it up, but waited about a month or so..

I think EoK was about 3 months from the date of expansion launch. Eg expansion was December 11th, 2018, EoK went FTP around Feb 12th, 2019.
I'm happy for the 8k aas I could've just wasted time grinding and will probably make everything a lot easier, not counting the alts
I think EoK was about 3 months from the date of expansion launch. Eg expansion was December 11th, 2018, EoK went FTP around Feb 12th, 2019.

This is what I was going to mention as well. They seem to upgrade the F2P groups really close to 3 months after launch and its usually 4-6 weeks before Anniversary hits.
IRL - Patch notes for December 8, 2020 (Claws of Veeshan patch)

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