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Question on AA's (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 2, 2004
can you explain me how to get tons of AA's while playing few hours ?

Thks in advance

Hug you all from France =)
anon 456 said:
I'm curious. While using this macro, how do you survive the summoning Stonemites? As a Necro, I do the entrance mobs regularly for the aaxp, but when a stonemie spawns, i just get a nw expidition as they summon and can quad for 1K each hit. Even with 7K hp's that still hurts!

This line makes it so that if you target the venomous stonemite which im pretty sure is the only stonemite near the kite spot that adds, the macro will switch targets to the next closest npc, and stops the current song so that the dot he sings doesnt go off

/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[a venomous stonemite]}) {
/twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/call NormalTwist

EDIT: i just added a 'camp' tell to warp succor, fade, then camp to desk so that if my buddy has me up kiting there, i can camp him and get on

/if (${ChatText.Equal[camp]}) {
/warp succor
/alt activate 212
/camp desk
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Ok just tried this with a 66 bard exp is awesome...only problem the pathing just blows in Vxed. are you all having that same problem? Because of the pathing they hit pretty hard and take down about 50 percent of hp's when it happens

1st, delete the event_zoned that you have, there's another in here.
ok, you can either copy and paste these into the right places in the macro or you can do it the easy way and just copy/save this into a vxed.inc file and put a "#include vxed.inc" (without the quotes) above your #events, or if you have no #event items, before the Sub Main.

if you want this more elaborate, simply tell me how and the loc that you set up. (I hate vxed personally *shrug*)

Rich (BB code):
/declare CheckZone int outer 0

sub Event_Zoned 
/delay 5s 
/call CheckZone
/return (${Zone.ID}== ID number of wherever you're bound ) {
/circle off
/keypress forward
/camp desktop

Sub CheckZone
/if (${Zone.ID}==283) {
/twist (invis song, pref 51 invis/move)
/delay 3s
/call NewQuest
/face fast nolook heading north
/keypress forward hold

Sub NewQuest
/target apprentice udranda
/delay 2
/warp target
/delay 2
/keypress up
/twist (invis song, used to drop invis for a short ammount of time)
/delay 2
/say vxed
/delay 3s
/warp loc 567 -1250 -118
/delay 2
i tried this last night by putting the pieces into the macro already there. when it kicked me from the expedition, i warped to apprentice, got a new expedition, and ran almost into the exp but it ended the macro because of something with the subselo routine. i'll try again tonight when i get home and post what it says. I wrote up another part for starting the kite again once you get back inside vxed, but it but it didnt get that far.
Ok there's a lot of replies I read though, and a bunch of pieces of different code. Can you post everything we now need to run this macro in one post? So I can make sure I have it all.. the No summon plugin and the actual final (or newest) macro?
Hmm what is this script for and how do i add it to mq2? do i put it in my docrack.ini file?

yourmomsfaceoncrack said:
Updated 2/20/05
tell the kiter : Vxed - invites you into expedition
Invite - once in zone invites you into the group
camp - Succors, Fades, and camps to desktop


#chat tell
#Event Zoned "#*#You have entered#*#"

Sub Main
/declare DefaultMaxSave int outer
/declare SeloSong int outer 1

/if (${Me.Buff[${Me.Gem[${SeloSong}].Name}].Duration}<=4) /call selosub
/call GMcheck
/if (!${Target.ID}) /tar NPC radius 220
/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[misguided beludu Creque]}) {
/twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/call NormalTwist
/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[a venomous stonemite]}) {
/twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/call NormalTwist
/if (${Target.Level}>67) /tar npc next
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /squelch /target clear
/delay 1s
/call forage
/goto :loopstart

sub Event_Zoned
/delay 5s
/camp desk

Sub Event_Chat(ChatType,Sender,ChatText)


/if (${ChatText.Equal[Invite]}) {
/target ${Sender}
/if (${ChatText.Equal[dzadd]}) {
/dzadd ${Sender}
/if (${ChatText.Equal[camp]}) {
/warp succor
/alt activate 212
/camp desk
/call normaltwist

Sub GMcheck
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
/mqlog GM Detected!!!
/echo Gm detected

Sub NormalTwist
/squelch /twist 14 2 3 4 14 5

Sub selosub
/squelch /twist 16
/delay 1S
/nomodkey /keypress forward hold
/delay 1S
/nomodkey /keypress forward hold
/delay 1S
/nomodkey /keypress forward hold
/delay 1S
/nomodkey /keypress forward hold
/call NormalTwist

sub Forage

/varset DefaultMaxSave ${Ini[yafm.ini,Default,MaxSave,${NotFound}]}
/if (${DefaultMaxSave}==${NotFound}) {
/ini "yafm.ini" "Default" "MaxSave" "100"
/varset DefaultMaxSave 100

| Verify that we have the ability to forage.
/if (${Me.Skill[Forage]}==0) {
/echo You cannot forage, silly person!
/goto :Exit

| If we can forage then do so.
/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Forage]}) {
| Stand up. Can't forage while sitting.
/if (${Me.State.NotEqual[STAND]}) {
/delay 5

/doability forage

| If we successfully foraged something then take care of it.
/if (${Cursor.ID}) {
/call HandleItem

sub HandleItem

/declare ItemSetting int local
/declare NotFound int local
/declare ItemsHave int local

/varset NotFound -1


| Look up this item in yafm.ini
/varset ItemSetting ${Ini[yafm.ini,ForageList,${Cursor.Name},${NotFound}]}
/delay 5

| If the item isn't in the .ini file then add it.
/if (${ItemSetting}==${NotFound}) {
/ini "yafm.ini" "ForageList" "${Cursor.Name}" "${DefaultMaxSave}"
/varset ItemSetting ${DefaultMaxSave}

/varset ItemsHave ${FindItem=${Cursor.Name}}

| If we're keeping this item then stash it in our bags.
| Otherwise, just destroy it.
/if (${ItemSetting}>${ItemsHave}) {
} else {

/delay 5
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :LootIt


Also where do i add this?

/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[a venomous stonemite]}) {
/twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/call NormalTwist

Sorry im being a bugger here but i dont get it =\
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Any one have a loc to warp to for character you want pled in vxed? Didnt see any locs given for that. Would like the exact safe loc cause have no invis undead for alt.
I'm not sure if anyone's interested, but I'm going to post this anyway....

I'm paranoid about warping in noninstanced zones because my server is fairly populated, so to autoget vxed, I wrote this little addition. It requires advpath.inc and spell_routines.inc, which can be found in mq2's forums (I'm not posting them here because I've altered a few parts of them for other macros, best to just have standards...) spell_routines is just used for Equipment swapping, by the way, so if you don't need to or have another method of doing so it can be left out.

This will be long, so bear with me. I also assume you know a few things about macros, if you are the type who has to have things handed to you you'll have to get someone else to do it.

To start off, before Sub Main, put in:
Rich (BB code):
#include spell_routines.inc
#include advpath.inc

And somewhere in Sub Main before the loop
Rich (BB code):
/call InitAPFVars

Replace Event_Zoned with this

Rich (BB code):
Sub Event_Zoned
  /if (!(${Zone.Name.Find[Vxed]})&&!(${Zone.Name.Find[Barindu]})) {
  /delay 5s
  /delay 1s
  /camp desktop
  /if (${Zone.Name.Find[Barindu]}) /call GetMission

Add this sub
Rich (BB code):
Sub WaitTilThere
   /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
      /call AdvPathPoll
      /delay 0
      /goto :LoopTilThere
(Necessary for advpath)

And finally add this sub
Rich (BB code):
Sub GetMission
   /twist off
   |Clicks off Selo's, advpath trips out at high speeds
   /if (${Me.Buff[Selo`s Accelerating Chorus].ID}) {
/notify BuffWindow Buff${Int[${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Selo`s Accelerating Chorus].ID}-1]}]} leftmouseup
   /delay 10
   | My Selo's/Invis slot is 2, change as needed
   /memspell 2 "Shauri`s Sonorous Clouding"
   | Equip your flute, make sure to sub in the right name
   | Or comment this line out if you have an always-equipped wind item
   | Also change mainhand to offhand if it's a secondary instrument
   /call EquipItem "YOURFLUTE|mainhand"
   /delay 40
   | Should match memspell above
   /twist 2
   /delay 30
   /if (!${Me.Buff[Shauri`s Sonorous Clouding].ID}) /goto :WaitInvis

   /call PlayFunction "VXED 1 cf nopp noz"
   /call WaitTilThere

   /if (${Me.Buff[Shauri`s Sonorous Clouding].ID}) {
      /twist off
      /notify BuffWindow Buff${Int[${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Shauri`s Sonorous 
Clouding].ID}-1]}]} leftmouseup
   | Get the missiobn
   /tar npc Udranda
   /delay 10
   /say Vxed
   /delay 20
   /keypress esc
   /twist 2
   /delay 30
   /if (!${Me.Buff[Shauri`s Sonorous Clouding].ID}) /goto :InvisWait2
   | Run back and zone
   /call PlayFunction "VXED2 1 cf nopp noz"
   /call WaitTilThere
   /delay 20
   /if (!${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Vxed]}) /goto :ZoneWait
   | Equip a brass or percussion instrument as needed
   | See notes above
   /call EquipItem "YOURINST|mainhand"
   /twist off
   | Re-Mem Selo's, face east
   /memspell 2 "Selo`s Accelerating Chorus"
   /delay 40
   /twist 2
   /delay 10
   /if (!${Me.Buff[Selo`s Accelerating Chorus].ID}) /goto :SelosWait
   /face fast heading 270
   | Cast DI (I have it memmed in slot 1) and wait for it to take hold
   /twist once 1
   /delay 1
   /if (!${Me.Buff[Kazumi's Note of Preservation].ID}) /goto :DIWait
   | Duh
   /warp loc 132 -301 447
   /delay 5
   /circle on 72
   | Start Running
   /keypress FORWARD hold
   | 2 is Selo's (repeating at the end makes it run smoother for me, for some reason)
   | 4-8 are DoTs
   /twist 2 4 5 6 7 8 2

(Side-Note: I don't have it twisting in a heal, that's because in the main loop I added this line:
Rich (BB code):
/if ((${Me.PctHPs}<100)&&(!${Me.Song[Chorus of Marr].ID})) /twist once 3
where 3 is Chorus of Marr, obviously)

OK, now pathfiles...
If you don't know a lot about advpath, don't worry... just put these in your macro directory under the names I give.

Rich (BB code):
0=577.42 -1246.91 -118.42
1=564.33 -1249.18 -118.56
2=550.89 -1251.67 -118.70
3=537.26 -1254.44 -120.75
4=523.11 -1256.96 -118.86
5=508.69 -1258.74 -117.69
6=494.28 -1258.65 -119.26
7=480.09 -1255.66 -119.66
8=466.14 -1251.75 -120.26
9=452.45 -1247.19 -120.94
10=438.82 -1242.56 -121.38
11=424.77 -1238.51 -119.31
12=410.76 -1234.61 -117.60
13=396.71 -1230.56 -118.62
14=382.72 -1226.47 -121.33
15=368.98 -1221.71 -119.77
16=355.29 -1216.68 -121.27
17=341.69 -1211.63 -121.69
18=328.02 -1206.55 -121.69
19=314.41 -1201.49 -121.69
20=300.78 -1196.42 -119.80
21=287.19 -1191.34 -117.78
22=273.77 -1185.55 -118.68
23=260.56 -1179.56 -120.42
24=247.31 -1173.46 -121.38
25=234.76 -1166.01 -119.40
26=223.28 -1157.02 -118.92
27=212.50 -1147.17 -121.69
28=201.92 -1137.14 -121.69
29=192.53 -1125.96 -119.88
30=186.92 -1112.59 -120.96
31=182.50 -1098.81 -121.69
32=178.19 -1084.73 -121.69
33=173.99 -1070.88 -118.86
34=169.75 -1056.92 -116.57
35=165.49 -1042.86 -117.99
36=161.30 -1029.05 -120.56
37=157.03 -1014.99 -120.14
38=152.78 -1000.96 -121.54
39=148.56 -987.07 -119.42
40=144.30 -973.01 -120.63
41=140.02 -958.92 -121.69
42=135.80 -945.00 -121.69
43=131.57 -931.04 -121.69
44=127.47 -917.05 -121.55
45=125.95 -902.47 -121.60
46=130.09 -890.45 -119.76
47=136.69 -879.27 -118.70
48=143.08 -866.93 -117.72
49=149.96 -854.28 -120.53
50=157.25 -841.63 -119.25
51=165.21 -829.33 -116.84
52=173.68 -817.39 -115.22
53=183.16 -806.38 -116.07
54=192.94 -795.52 -114.81
55=202.25 -786.13 -114.19
56=213.80 -780.57 -114.44
57=226.90 -776.34 -116.00
58=241.02 -773.78 -117.75
59=255.25 -771.05 -115.82

Rich (BB code):
0=267.18 -770.05 -119.11
1=254.75 -774.32 -119.38
2=242.95 -778.38 -115.90
3=230.58 -782.64 -117.30
4=217.02 -787.30 -115.64
5=205.69 -791.20 -114.19
6=192.66 -795.68 -114.19
7=178.97 -800.39 -115.01
8=165.10 -805.16 -114.91
9=150.93 -810.04 -117.06
10=139.77 -813.88 -119.68
11=137.01 -827.00 -119.99
12=135.74 -841.48 -121.29
13=135.08 -855.90 -119.62
14=134.52 -870.60 -117.28
15=134.21 -885.40 -118.51
16=134.17 -899.98 -120.82
17=134.31 -914.75 -121.41
18=134.49 -929.22 -121.69
19=134.67 -944.09 -121.69
20=134.85 -958.78 -121.69
21=135.03 -973.29 -121.69
22=135.24 -988.28 -120.76
23=135.70 -1002.74 -120.15
24=136.22 -1017.32 -117.96
25=136.76 -1032.00 -118.98
26=137.29 -1046.43 -121.69
27=137.82 -1060.85 -121.69
28=138.36 -1075.43 -121.69
29=138.90 -1090.11 -121.69
30=139.44 -1104.64 -121.69
31=139.97 -1119.11 -121.69
32=140.51 -1133.64 -121.69
33=141.05 -1148.44 -121.69
34=141.58 -1162.90 -120.07
35=142.12 -1177.44 -117.63
36=142.86 -1192.43 -118.70
37=149.84 -1203.80 -120.13
38=162.35 -1208.27 -121.39
39=175.90 -1213.12 -121.69
40=189.74 -1217.50 -121.69
41=203.87 -1221.50 -121.69
42=217.85 -1225.38 -121.69
43=231.87 -1229.26 -121.69
44=246.62 -1232.74 -121.69
45=260.69 -1235.62 -121.69
46=274.85 -1238.45 -121.69
47=289.04 -1241.27 -120.96
48=303.63 -1244.18 -119.00
49=317.87 -1247.01 -118.94
50=332.17 -1249.85 -118.85
51=346.90 -1252.78 -119.03
52=361.03 -1255.59 -119.25
53=375.26 -1258.42 -119.75
54=389.56 -1261.27 -120.92
55=404.22 -1264.18 -121.20
56=418.59 -1266.59 -121.34
57=432.93 -1267.50 -120.26
58=447.74 -1266.58 -118.75
59=462.20 -1265.08 -118.09
60=476.61 -1263.73 -119.08
61=491.04 -1262.04 -119.01
62=505.72 -1259.09 -118.61
63=519.70 -1256.73 -117.61
64=534.15 -1255.13 -119.40
65=548.58 -1253.68 -121.17
66=563.15 -1252.09 -118.74
67=577.33 -1250.31 -118.58

OK! That is all. Yeah, it's a ton of work compared to warping, but to me reputation is worth it (and it's one less chance for a gm will catch you).

If anyone actually bothers using these, please post any errors you have... if they're genuine problems I'll look into them but I'm far too lazy to answer simply not understanding how to use them.

And that's it. I am half-asleep now (and was when I wrote this) so I know a lot of it is inconsistent and just plain ugly scripting, but I've tested the new functions and they work perfectly for me...
OK I have read quite a few notes and I still don't which macro to use for a Druid. I am lvl 62 now and I still don't see which one of these macro's are for us Druids. I only see ones for Bards.

If I am understanding you I need the have a bard or get a bard to do this. I cant afford to get another account so is there another way for a druid to get better aa's. I got to HoH all the time and solo but alone and 1 or 2 aa's a day doesn't cut it. I only have 3 aa's so far in the game.

Any help or macro to help plz.
Redbot said:
Some classes can powerlevel themselves with a macro, such as wizards, druids (quad kiting) and bards (chant kiting).
Please forgive me, I am new to this and all, but is there a Macro for druids to PL themselves? And if there is where would it work best? I don't have long to play atm, but would like to ge my druid all the exp I can while I am at work or Sleeping. Thanks.

*BTW I am playing a level 68 Druid Flaged for Tipt, and PoTime Flaged if that helps any.
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Sry for not bring clear bro, the foraging isnt working in that one, I have seem a few other posts with code, but didnt work for a 51 bard, wanted to be able to forage in any of the zones i Use target in
I have been told that they have nerfed the kiting of bards. They removed the ability for Bards to use AE's while the creatures running. They must now be standing still for it to hit them.
Ethoruk, Bards use chant kiting these days, which is cast dots while running on a SINGLE mob(could have more than one mob after them doesn't matter), not as fast as AOE kiting but still perfectly valid method for getting xp.

Most of the bard macros you'll see on Redguides are of chant kiting variety.

AOE kiting was nerfed what 2-3 years ago, which is about as old as this thread. :).
I use this one, now you will have to manually /twist your dots in, and make sure you have nostun2 on because you will get hit !

Ok first start off by making a hotkey

1st space should look like /pause 5, /face fast heading -110
2nd space, right under should look like /warp loc 125 -300 447
3rd space right under that should look like /circle on 72

Thats all on 1 hotkey

Now when you start this, make sure befor you click that you run kazumi's note of preservation, so you dont get instakilled when you warp to that location.

*side note to place safe spot for toons is /warp loc 154 -107 484

now the mac i use for this, it instantly checks after the mob dies, befor it remotely starts twisting again if its the misguided

Rich (BB code):
	| This macro made for www.Redguides.com
| Don't steal it or we'll punch your fase!
#event camp " tells the group, 'camp out'  
#event dzadd " tells you, 'add me'
#event dzadd " tells you, 'add me'  
#event invite "#*#invites you to join#*#"  
#Event Zoned "#*#You have entered#*#"  
#Event seeyourtarget "You cannot see your target"
#event GainExp "You gain#*#" 

Sub Main  
/if (${Target.Level}>67) /tar npc next 
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /keypress esc  
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar NPC radius 220  
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=30) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=60) /potionbelt Activate 1
/delay 10  
/goto :loopstart  

/if (${Target.Name.Equal[a doomfire chaplain]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[a venomous stonemite]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[Misguided beludu Creque]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 10
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[a mountain pooka]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 10
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[a Hive caretaker]}) {
/twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 10
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[a doomfire charmer]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[a doomfire wizard]}) {
/squelch /twist 
/keypress esc
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[misguided beludu Creque]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 10
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[a Hive caretaker]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/keypress esc
/delay 10
/squelch /twist 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Distance}>150) /tar npc radius 200
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar npc radius 200
/delay 10
/goto :loopstart  

 sub event_zoned  
 /delay 5s  
 /camp desk

 sub event_dzadd 
 /dzadd personyouwanttoadd 

 sub event_invite  

 Sub Event_seeyourtarget
 /target npc radius 90

sub event_GainExp
/tar npc next
/delay 10
/IF (${Target.Name.Equal[misguided beludu Creque]}) {
/delay 30
/target npc next
/delay 10
/twist 2 3 4 5

Once you warp there, it instantly starts to circle, so now you /mac *whatever u name this* then /twist 2 3 4 5 or what ever, and your done.. it will instantly use healing potions if you get hit.

I used to use this one and i have did well over 50 + hours with it in vxed to PL my bst for some AAs and never died once, but my bard has 10k+ hps unbuffed.

*edit I just woke up when i wrote this, and i notice that the orig poster was from 2005 ! LOL
I have a 43 bard with excellent gear for his level. I've been trying to run all of these bard.mac's and target.mac's in different ways but can't seem to get anything working. I took him to Jagged Pine and still can't get the macro working, any ideas anyone ? Can anyone post a new macro that works for bards that we can change the names of the songs for our level ? THanks !
bunklord said:
I have a 43 bard with excellent gear for his level. I've been trying to run all of these bard.mac's and target.mac's in different ways but can't seem to get anything working. I took him to Jagged Pine and still can't get the macro working, any ideas anyone ? Can anyone post a new macro that works for bards that we can change the names of the songs for our level ? THanks !
take the macro i posted, save it to your macro folder.. as something like bling.mac *which is what mine is named LOL. then go some where do /mac bling to turn it on, it will auto target the nearest npcs under lvl 67.

Now do /circle on 40 or 50 or which ever u feel comfortable with that wont run you into things.

now do /twist 2 3 4 5 or replace the numbers with what ever your dots are, it will work as long as you have MQ2moveutils and mq2twist plugins turned on
Question on AA's

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