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RedQuest v6.2a (NERFED TO HELL) (3 Viewers)

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Re: RedQuest v6.1 (Works for 2/16 patch)

They were right when they said people just don't read much these days. ;) :drink
Re: RedQuest v6.1 (Works for 2/16 patch)

scroll up and if its not on this page go to page 5 ill bet it is on there, what is it you may ask? It is the answer to your question =P lol
Re: RedQuest v6.1 (Works for 2/16 patch)

Unknownlegend said:
MQ version 6.1 was working fine for me. great job on compile Redquest is always the best.. only issue i had is where the zone names on the map were not there for connection zones . say i was in commonlands i couldnt see the nektulos zl identifyer. but thats a minor issue. i no where most zls are except for the tss ones

Did you think to make sure Normal Labels on? Just wondering, identifiers working fine for me.
Re: RedQuest v6.1 (Works for 2/16 patch)

i just tryed it told me incorrect client version : / so im guessing that was a post that was saying it was just working nice before 2/21 patch eh or maybe im retarded
Re: RedQuest v6.1 (Works for 2/16 patch)

yes I just ran the patch also people that say its working for 2/21 are just wrong.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Working zip posted.

Notes v6.2
--Updated offsets thanks to WickedMofo!
--Still using the same zip as 6.1.
--Removed the hardcoded limit on #turbo. Monkbuggers rejoice...but be careful.
--I have the zip with updated source code ready to go, but the RG FTP server is down. Once it is up, I will post a link to the zip.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Hey red,

Nothing major but you shouldnt be crediting that lootwnd fix to me, I just C&P'd it from IRC to here. Its from dont_know_at_all
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Very nice Red! Redcent to you after I spread it around it seems. :drink
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

everything is working fine except for my map, its not showing anything and i looked through the plugin's to see if there was something i had to load but i dont see anything. im sure its me doing something wrong but if someone could help i would appriciate it =)
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

I usually don't post even when things are not working; I know, sooner then not, prob is corrected. This time, I am clueless - such noob I am.

After reading posts that were added after today's patch, I think I am the only one with this trouble. I've downloaded v6.2, but it still reads that mq is incorrect version. :( Am I doing something wrong? Or is there something else I should download?
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

After rereading the whole post again, decided to delete MQ2 file and extracted v6.2 again to it's folder. TADA~ works beautifuly. TY so much!
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

thanks dobey! as i said it was something i was doing wrong hehe, i didnt even know about the /mapfilter command it was just always working.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

nice the MQ2 site has just updated their MQ2 maybe here soon we will see a newer version of redquest?
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

rchris494 said:
nice the MQ2 site has just updated their MQ2 maybe here soon we will see a newer version of redquest?

The complie loaded on first page is the correct one ... it runs fine right now
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

i used to use the GMcheck plugin that i have had for close to 6 months now but since the buried sea release its now buggy ans when its loaded it shows all kinds of peeps as GM's now. would it be possible that someone would have an updated version of that plugin the could add to the zip file ? Many thanks to those working hard to complile this, and also in a previous post on this thread that /rez loot was bugged thats been corrected now and many thanks to who fixxed it
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

actually if they are using the 6.1 source then the UI bug that was fixed afterwards, would still exist :( no tab select for lazy old me !
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

OK, noob question of the week. Every time EQ gets patched, we need a new compile. Understandable. With each new patch, however, I have to /plugin all the stuff I use again. Is there a way to save the plugins you had so you don't have to manually do them all again? I know it saves the damn things cause as long as the MQ2 files remain the same, those settings are saved someplace.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Macroquest.ini in the same folder as your plugins / Macroquest2.exe
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

redrum69 said:
OK, noob question of the week. Every time EQ gets patched, we need a new compile. Understandable. With each new patch, however, I have to /plugin all the stuff I use again. Is there a way to save the plugins you had so you don't have to manually do them all again? I know it saves the damn things cause as long as the MQ2 files remain the same, those settings are saved someplace.

When you download the new compile delete these files in the new compile before copying them to your MQ folder.

Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Any file that is a .INI extension...save it. Move the files somewhere else, unzip the folder, then move them back to copy back over the old ones.

The exception to this is MQ2Docrack.ini. It requires updated offsets every time.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

EDIT: answered my own question =D
Last edited:
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

winrar allows you to choose which files from the zip you want to extract so i only extract the exe and the plugins
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

a day late and a dollar short i guess ..... but imma add my 2 cents.

do what "thez" and "Ccomp5950" say...... that will correct yer problem.

BUT ..... if ya wanna go one step further, this is how i do it.........

1. D/L new compile.
2. unzip it. (it will make it's own folder and everthing for you)
3. depending how many hard drives you have or how you work where you put files, this may vary... (i.e. i have 3 hard drives, it doesn't really matter how many you have or where eq is installed to) but "cut" that folder and paste in the main directory of one of yer hard drives. (i'll use E: for my example cuase thats where i put my compiles)... so "paste" into e:.
4. READ THIS STEP THEN READ NEXT STEP BEFORE DOING !! go to the previous working folder that you used before. say the new compile released TODAY is 8.5, go to the folder where 8.4 is and copy (click one file/folder then hold CTRL and click the next (you'll see what i mean in next step or this one :P ) so that you have multiple files highlighted.)
5. HIGHLIGHT the macro folder* (see notes below for "*" notes), all .ini files EXCEPT !!!! -------> mq2docrack (becuase this needs updated every patch to the .exe)
6. "right click" on one of the highlighted files and "COPY"
7. go to your NEW compile folder that you downloaded. I.E 8.5 and in the main folder "right click" and select "paste"......... click "yes to all" if you get a popup saying there is a current file/folder there already.
8. <--------- VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!! CLOSE ANY MQ2 programs you have running right now (if any) (look down at the right corner in yer task bar by the clock)
9. double click yer NEW COMPILE macroquest.exe file....

BAMMM all yer setting are the same, and you can play like nothing ever happened.

* = only need to highlight this folder if you change yer macros or add new ones. if you found a new macro since you downloaded the last working compile, do this ! or that macro wont be there. also if you like to modify macros or anything of the sort.

P.S> this write up is for the absolute NEWB that is only now just starting to use macroquest. no insult intended from this post, just a helping hand.

redcents appreciated if this helped you at all.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

The other kewl part about that is you do not have to reload all kinds of plugins if your macroquest.ini file has them each time there is a patch..... or if your running 4 or 5 computers you copy the whole folder after setting it up to the other computer..... nothing worse then 3 computers all set up different...

Make a back up of your macroquest.ini file andlook at it you'll see map settings and plugin settings.... you can manipulate these and it will help with your set-up after patches ... again make a back-up before you save the changes....
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

redrum69 said:
OK, noob question of the week. Every time EQ gets patched, we need a new compile. Understandable. With each new patch, however, I have to /plugin all the stuff I use again. Is there a way to save the plugins you had so you don't have to manually do them all again? I know it saves the damn things cause as long as the MQ2 files remain the same, those settings are saved someplace.

i save all my info i get and code and whatever junk i got in the ini in a text filed called: redquest info faq.txt and put a name on every section.

Just a small sample of what i got saved reguarding mq2.

Rich (BB code):
BEFORE YOU USE MQ2 (Be aware of the risks)

Macro's do not need to be compiled, it is read by MQ as plain text.

Copy and paste it into notepad
click on save as
change it from Save as type: "text document" to all files
type the name you want used like

(for macro's use .mac)

/toggledoors on - Hides all doors in current zone.
/toggledoors off - Shows all doors and disables 'always' toggle.
/toggledoors always - Hides all doors as soon as you zone anywhere.

[MQ2Piggyzone SYNTAX]
/gate - Returns you to your bind point
/succor - fades you out, then back in at the succor point

[MQ2Fakechat] - Cause fake chat to be displayed in your windows from a specific person in a specific channel.
/command personname what they will be saying

/dspeed - Toggle PreventSpeed on/off

/speed #
ie, /speed 300 => ${Me.Speed}==300

/lockazone - prevent yourself from zoning for up to 8 minutes (I think)

/otd (displays available options)
/otd moveto x y (centers the output at x,y - and stores in ini file)
/otd moveby x y (Like moveto, but moves from where it is by x and y)
/otd on (turns on output)
/otd off (turns off output)
/otd range (toggles numeric range display)
/otd reload (reloads ini file)
/otd drawtight (default off - displays range very close to direction pointer)
/otd getloc (displays current x,y location) 

/open - Open targeted chest/object
/gank - pick up item that has been targeted with /itemtarget
/hailtarget - hail your target from anywhere inzone.
/saytarget - say anything to your target from inzone.
/sumcorpse - Summons targetted corpse to your feet. (Must have consent)


And basically, every time I update mq2, I open the program, click ini and then copy and past my current set of plugins to this file, and save it, then update the program folder, after exiting the program ofcourse.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Don't know if anyone else is having this issue but zoning from poknowledge to west freeport causes crash with red message - Unable to find home zone (or something like) - Going to character selection screen.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

They messed with the zones a few expansions ago, the piggyzone.ini might not be working. Try looking for an updated one.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Ah ok - odd, didn't have this problem with the last RedQuest v6.1 - finding an updated piggyzone.ini doesnt seem to lead any results though.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

what's wrong with your map? people thought they had an issue with it earlier. but just had to enable the /mapfilters. look like 2-3 pages back on this thread. or go to http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php?t=960&highlight=commands for all the map commands to make it work properly. but do read previos posts, it will tell you how to make sure your filters are saved between patches.
Re: RedQuest v6.2 (Works for 2/21 patch)

Mq2feedme not working right, it takes different items out of my bags and puts in ope slot. Yes i have the right items in the ini, and it says its eating my halas 10lb meat pies in the mq2 window but its not. Is it possilble to have someone look at it. Really love that plugin.

RedQuest v6.2a (NERFED TO HELL)
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