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RedQuest v7.3 (Works for 3/15 patch) (1 Viewer)

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I don't know if anyone noticed. /saytarget in MQ2pax is broken. MQ2ventriloquist is broken as well.
I get CTD on desktop with instamem.. I am having all kinds of problems with this patch.. Once again I hate you sony.
dice107 said:
Wondering if instamem is working in 7.3 ? ? Thanks

I have been running instamem since it was released in the thread and as far as I know its the same one used in the compile .... I can chech when I get home on at least file sie.

So to me anwer is yes it works great ....
Anyone else having problems wiht casttimer window...since 7.3 I have not been able to get it to open up, mq2cast works fine just the cast timer window is not coming up.. any help is appreciated. Thanks
yup loaded the casttimer plugin and unloaded it too. /timer on, command seem to have no effect...and I noticed that the ini file is not being created either. Every time I load and unload the plugin it give me the message that the xml file is added and I need to reload the UI to get the window. I have done so many time thus and the window just seems like it doesn't wanna show up =/

Thanks for any help.
sorry maybe this is a silly question but did you copy and past the casttimer.xml out of /macroquest/mqui to everquest/ui/default

just a thought
yup I think when you load the plugin it automatically does it for you but I have also manually copyed it and no dice.

Thanks keep them suggestions coming =)
okies thanks thez, it was exactspeed that was messing up the casttimer window...after I unload exactspeed and casttimer, I reloaded casttimer and eq and viola the window is up...thanks for the help...I was sitting here scratching my head for several days...lol
Simple solution to that -- Go get the updated goodybag, and just load MQ2Speedhelper, and use that. The commands are the same "/speed 300" etc. You will need the Exactspeed DLL in your folder, but this will allow to use it without it interfering with Cast.
OMG EQ pushed out another EQ.exe command or what ever it is that makes MQ not work, how could them bastages do that again lol. Welp guess I will just have toplay EQ with out MQ until we can get us a new version from these awesome compilers.
RedQuest v7.3 (Works for 3/15 patch)
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