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RedQuest v9.3 (Nerfed) (1 Viewer)

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Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

Anyone get into any shit so far using mq today ? Since it looks like its red alert in RGs ?
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

This isn't funny, and this isn't about tinfoil hats.
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

Sorry RQ was just trying to lighen the mood of everyone. Wasent making fun of anyone or anything.
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

MQ2Dev said:
WARNING: SoE has introduced a level of opcode encoding.

For the time being, do not do anything that sends opcodes using MQ. This includes picking up items and bazaar searches.

May want to put that in the opening post.
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

I seriously doubt that this is the end of RQ! If I knew how to do half the stuff that Thez and the rest of you wonderful devs know how to do I would gladly help...but since I dont I am just going to throw out some random thoughts.

1st. Obviously the movepkts is the biggiest issue. (Apparently SOE finally got someone smart enough to do something productive, lol.) But, as with any code there has to be a repetitive sequence to how the movepkts are being changed.
Some conditions have to be considered here..is it character specific, zone specific, or server specific. If it is character specific then, I would assume, the possibility of having a vanilla and precompiled versions of RQ will be out of the question. But if it is zone or server specific then more than likely there will be a sequential pattern that is going to be used in making these changes. Obviously if it is on the zone lvl then it is going to be a lot harder to determine what that pattern is, but if it is on the server lvl then it shouldn't be that difficult. Granted, at which ever lvl it is, it will take a while...probably days of game play, before a pattern in this sequence would start to show and could be confirmed.

2nd. Red stated that the old packets still work. Honestly, I dont doubt that for a minute. It doesnt take a genius to figure this one out folks. SOE probably left the coding in there as a trap so that they could track people using third party programs. In other words...Insta-Bann!

3rd. With all do respect to my fellow RQ'ers...dont be a dumb a$$! Listen to Red...dont use the program until it is safe, regardless if all you plan on using is the map or not. You take one step and a movepkt is sent...you turn to face another angle and a movepkt is sent...you open up a window and I'm sure a pkt of some sort is sent. I'm not being paranoid but do you really believe that turning off the feedback in eq really stops this type of information from going to the servers??? I doubt it.

Anyways...my observation is done...lol. I would like to thank all you devs for working so hard on making our eq experience that much more enjoyable. And Red, Thez, you guys "Rock out with your Cock out"!!! for having the decency to warn people not to use it. If they fail to listen to you...then thats their fault. (Will probably have to set up a whole new site entitled "I got banned becuase I didn't RTFM/F!" - theres an idea..lol :D )

If I can help in any way let me know..I have several accounts that can be spared in the interest of RQ!
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

If I understand correctly even simple /cast item "Philter of the Wolf V" is dangerous now?

I am debating going back to compiling vanilla MQ myself, but that would be pointless if it is less "safe" than RQ.

Any point in trying to get Vanilla MQ up and running?
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

playj said:
If I understand correctly even simple /cast item "Philter of the Wolf V" is dangerous now?

I am debating going back to compiling vanilla MQ myself, but that would be pointless if it is less "safe" than RQ.

Any point in trying to get Vanilla MQ up and running?

Even Plain Vanilla MQ sends packets to the server. If packets are borked at the moment then chances are you will be receiving and sending the wrong information. If you have IDA PRO take a good look at 4B93E0 in 04/18 EXE, then take a look at 4B7E80 in the 04/05 EXE. Theses are the areas that handle packets, and in the current version there some added subroutines that make it very hard to decipher. Will this get you banned? Who knows, but chances are SoE put this in here to catch you, not just to stop us from using packets. When we started sniffing earlier today we were all coming up with different Op_codes for EACH server. What does this mean? If you use certain plugins like exactspeed or instamem, you are sending and receiving the wrong packets, and SoE can catch this. Hopefully this gets figured out, otherwise...

04/05/07 EXE:
Rich (BB code):
.text:004B7E80 sub_4B7E80      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_409B70+40p
.text:004B7E80                                         ; sub_409C10+1Cp ...
.text:004B7E80 arg_0           = dword ptr  4
.text:004B7E80 arg_4           = dword ptr  8
.text:004B7E80 arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:004B7E80 arg_C           = dword ptr  10h
.text:004B7E80 arg_10          = dword ptr  14h
.text:004B7E80                 mov     eax, [esp+arg_10]
.text:004B7E84                 mov     ecx, [esp+arg_4]
.text:004B7E88                 mov     edx, [esp+arg_0]
.text:004B7E8C                 push    eax
.text:004B7E8D                 mov     eax, [esp+4+arg_8]
.text:004B7E91                 push    ecx
.text:004B7E92                 mov     ecx, [esp+8+arg_C]
.text:004B7E96                 push    edx
.text:004B7E97                 push    eax
.text:004B7E98                 push    ecx
.text:004B7E99                 call    __SendMessage   ; Call Procedure
.text:004B7E9E                 add     esp, 14h        ; Add
.text:004B7EA1                 retn                    ; Return Near from Procedure
.text:004B7EA1 sub_4B7E80      endp

04/18/07 EXE:
Rich (BB code):
.text:004B93E0 sub_4B93E0      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_409B90+40p
.text:004B93E0                                         ; sub_409C40+1Cp ...
.text:004B93E0 arg_0           = dword ptr  4
.text:004B93E0 arg_4           = dword ptr  8
.text:004B93E0 arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:004B93E0 arg_C           = dword ptr  10h
.text:004B93E0 arg_10          = dword ptr  14h
.text:004B93E0                 mov     eax, [esp+arg_10]
.text:004B93E4                 mov     edx, dword_9768AC
.text:004B93EA                 mov     ecx, [esp+arg_4]
.text:004B93EE                 push    eax
.text:004B93EF                 push    0
.text:004B93F1                 dec     edx             ; Decrement by 1
.text:004B93F2                 push    ecx
.text:004B93F3                 mov     ecx, dword_737248
.text:004B93F9                 mov     dword_9768AC, edx
.text:004B93FF                 call    sub_615BA0      ; Call Procedure<---new subroutine
.text:004B9404                 mov     edx, [esp+4+arg_0]
.text:004B9408                 mov     ecx, [esp+4+arg_C]
.text:004B940C                 push    eax
.text:004B940D                 mov     eax, [esp+8+arg_8]
.text:004B9411                 push    edx
.text:004B9412                 push    eax
.text:004B9413                 push    ecx
.text:004B9414                 call    __SendMessage   ; Call Procedure
.text:004B9419                 add     esp, 14h        ; Add
.text:004B941C                 retn                    ; Return Near from Procedure
.text:004B941C sub_4B93E0      endp
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

This does sound quite messy. If I understand it correctly, currently the problem is finding out what exactly sub_615BA0 does?

Going back to higher level, I am trying to see what changes would be need to be made to individual macros to run "safer". Ie skip looting, skip healing potions, skip certain plugins.

Of course, those kind of changes would be painful, but what would hurt more would be having no MQ at all.

/Last took assembly 20 years ago... *shiver* trying to fit a program under 1k
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

Hrm... I ran MQ9.0 all last night through a raid, and had it running in the background in barter mode last night. I made many bazaar searches, but only using the proper in-game tools. The only thing that I use MQ for is the map and the HUD data it can provide (HP and MANA regen being my fave info, but mana regen was not working). I loaded no additional plug-ins at all, didn't think they would work at that point.

From what you guys have said here, even having those limited functions running does still send packets to the server. Well, then they should have about 12-14 hours worth of those possible trapping packets of mine on file. I will be watching my account closely over the next week or two. Only thing I can confirm is that they are not insta-banning people, which actually is worse, since they could be gathering data for a mass banning. If anything comes of this, I will post about in on these boards first.

Thanks for the heads up all!
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

I dont know much about code but from what im reading if all the servers are sending diffrent info when sniffed perhaps soe's way of trying to deal with hackers is by making each server sightly diffrent so that no one version of MQ can be used by everyone thereby reducing the overall number of ppl with access to it.

playerA ~ sniffs and compiles his own version ~ posts to RG
playerB ~ DL's from RG but since he is on diff server from PlayerA his plugins no longer work

just my 2cents worth
Re: RedQuest v9.1 (Removed until further notice, see post)

No. The packets are changing like every 48m, and are different in different places.
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Notes v9.2
--Updated to the 4/19 MQ2 zip
--Temporarily removed all plugins that involve warping/packets. This includes, but is not limited to, Speed, Rwarp, Piggyzone, Allzone, Pax, Instamem, Workingassist, and Bzrsrch.

The hack plugin sources are included in the zip, but not compiled versions. I will not release precompiled versions until we have a working fix for this packet encryption.
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

all i want is the map and to beable to run macro... anyone have compile version i can have??
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

They should be. Anything that would cause problems has been disabled or removed.
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

jubie kid said:
all i want is the map and to beable to run macro... anyone have compile version i can have??

Wow, just wow.

I have a post that has been up for hours about a working compile and it is right there at the top of the forums. Not like you had to search hard, I mean this post and compile was up before RQ one was....
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

MAN sony really knows how to take the fun out of a game..
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Red, /tazzy bows deeply.

Taking your time out to do this so fast has amazed me. - I thank you so very much!
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Well on my Test account im going to ghostkill warp zone and do it all and see what happeneds, might as well becuase before we knew this i already ghosted a few mobs so im pretty much already caught
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Map, HUD, and macros shud be ok, yes ? So long as macros only emulate real keystrokes, I mean.
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

There is nothing in this compile that can be tracked, aside from perhaps MQ2DoCrack (if they got a Warden program, which they won't).
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

main account banned, second account suspended, third account suspended, fourth account not touched... weird and lame.
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

all i want to do is use the map and autoskills ~ will this get me bonked?
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

No, Pear.

Acig, what have you done since the patch?
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)


From EQLive forums :

On Friday, April 20th we will be having an emergency game update. Server downtime will begin at 4am PDT(-7 UTC). The estimate downtime is 6 hours for this emergency update. We apologize for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause you!
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Wouldn't it be nice if all the new crazy stuff where actually a script error causing the problems in EQ and they got fixed with this patch..lol..I know..Wake Up Alice..Wonderland isnt right around the corner...
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

My account suspended just using ONLY the map features on the and nothing else plugged in.....just mapfeatures only and got suspended last night ( April 19th)....had done nothing else prior to us finding out to not warp or anything
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

yeah I used map all day yesterday and all 4 of my accts are fine this morning
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Used map, moveutils. No problems with my accounts.
Re: RedQuest v9.2 (Partially working for 4/18/07)

Used maps (until today) no problems.. tried to use autoforage, said it was enabled but didn't actually forage. Going to assume this is an active hack and leave it be for awhile, as that's the only plugin I really use anymore. I wasn't really worried that a GM would catch me, per se, afk foraging, but that someone would ask me for buffs and after me not responding, turn me in. Funny since in this particular zone, there's anywhere from 5-10'ish people, all foraging classes, all afk just standing there. Yet there's gonna be that one asshat that decides "Hmm they must be using mq2 and since they won't buff me, I think I'll report them!"
My account was banned sometime ago, but I was lucky enough to get it back, I won't be risking it again just for nodding blue lillies LOL
Re: RedQuest v9.3 (Partially working for 4/20/07)

Notes v9.3
--Initial updates for 4/20 patch
--Reportedly, there were some struct changes, but not many. This zip is untested, but it should work fine...will be testing in a little bit.

Source will be up in a minute.
Re: RedQuest v9.3 (Partially working for 4/20/07)

For those people having trouble with MQ2Melee, please say if this version fixes it for you. I'm guessing that it won't though, so I'm working on a fix now.
RedQuest v9.3 (Nerfed)
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