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Serious - [Sad story] Long-term effects of hardcore raiding (1 Viewer)

Was going to express my sympathies, Deck, until I got near the end of the thread here.....congratulations, my man, very good to hear. It sounds like she's worth your time if she's giving you another shot. Hope all goes well for you!

BTW this story just got a new twist:

So we are all good again. Then one night she tells me that she wants to try the game... well long story short: She loves the game, she plays a hunter. We get to level 22... The im back in a world of shit.. I fucking get banned on two accounts (one of them the one she plays on) great... Lucky me she understands that its the effect of many years of cheating (little does she know that its cos im botting us to gain some level doing the night) well we are starting all over again so if any EUs wanna level with us send me a PM and ill tell you what server etc...

- decker
Decker, that is just plain awesome (not the part about getting banned), but getting your GF to play WoW is great, don't let it turn out like the story Iso posted though lol. More girls need to take an accepting stance like this and try the game instead of making boyfriends/husbands quit imo. /end social commentary rant
I'm thinking about whether or not I should spend $500 on a well-geared range to add to my 2 box combo in eq as we speak...

the only thing holding me back is thinking what the wife's reaction would be lol.
If you have not already guessed the co-worker was a single guy. After sometime she started having feelings for him (who can blame her, his have to look like everything I’m not). We talked about that there where stuff that needed to become better and I did (she told me too just so you know). However the reason we are now on a “break” is that she’s unsure if she had the feelings for him cause I was an idiot or cause she’s in-love with him. The really sad part of this “break” and the main reason I don’t think ill come out of it with a girlfriend is: We are on a break. She needs time alone to think; so I’m wont have much contact with her. However she is going to work and guess who there to keep her spirit up? Yup the co-worker. I’m doomed.

don't want to crap on the parade, but what happened to this other dude?

if she got together with this dude, then you took her back the instant she decided she missed you, you're effectively letting her have her cake and eat it too.

i'm not gonna be a dick, but that kind of stuff just never sat right in my book. let's sort it out, or let's break it off, but don't go get another boyfriend, and then come back later after he turns out to be a putz and expect to be swept off your feet in the spinning hug thing that only really happens in the movies.

grats if it's all good and well, but yeah...

be safe.
No she never dated him or anything... She was in doubt if she had feelings for him... They never did anything about it... He tried to contact me at my workplace though, but a college i have (he is 1.60 meters high and like 160 kilo all muscle) told the "other guy" that if he ever saw him again, he would rearange his organs... Never heard anything from him after that.. Man I don't know what I would have done to him if I was at work that day, probably would be in jail right now if i where...
Well, i know i havent been the most active poster on this forum but I've ALWAYS been here, lurking in the background since '05 or whatever long-past year i stumbled upon this place (redguides at the time)

I just want to say that you are all great guys, every single one of you. We all have our fuck-ups and moments where we look like an asshole, but when it boils down to it this is one of the most mature and enjoyable forums i've ever been a part of.

If any of you ever need anything, from somebody that will listen to bailing you out of some problem, feel free to message me at any time and i promise to do anything in my power to help you out, even if ive never talked to you before.

Congrats Decker and I was really happy to see that it all worked out fine for you. I quit this game not too long ago an then got banned shortly after, and just laughed at all the wasted hours I put in to this game. Seriously, i can honestly say im glad to be done with this game, and i will NOT be buying the expansion. Good luck with your girl, hope it continues to work out for you!
Serious - [Sad story] Long-term effects of hardcore raiding

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