| Update to killbot.mac v1.4 - Use INI file rather than command line arguments
| killbot.mac by Rogue601 v1.4 - work in progress
| This macro is meant as a tutorial for myself and possibly others.
| I tried to keep it clean and OVER comment so others know what and why
| The point of this macro is to pick a list of mobs you want to farm.
| It's meant to be simple and not have ignorelists or files.
| Please don't afk with this and get in trouble.
| This requires that you are running MQ2Nav and have a valid mesh.
| used with Autoloot this is a very effecting macro for farming tradeskill materials
| I started this to farm bear skins. I've spent more time on it then I did on bearskins. LOL
| enjoy!
| TODO - Add nav path distance to override radius
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Sub Main
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Main
| COMMENT : Declare variables to save data to work with
| COMMENT : to set a variable use the /varset command example: /varset searchRadius 10000
| COMMENT : to use the variable in code ${searchRadius}
/if (2 > ${Macro.Params}) {
/echo Usage: /mac killbot radius ini_file
/echo Example : /mac killbot 10000 farm.ini
/echo Note: There is no anchor, radius is from your current location after a kill.
/declare debugOn bool outer FALSE
/declare iniFilename string outer ${Param1}
/declare activeMobID string outer 0
/declare searchRadius int outer ${Param0}
/declare searchRadiusZ int outer 500
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| farmMobList - Build a mob list array
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| COMMENT : The INI file containing the mobs we want to hunt has been
| COMMENT : provided. Each section in the file contains the zone shortname,
| COMMENT : followed by a k,v pair of mobname, integer. If the integer is one,
| COMMENT : we want to hunt the mob. Anything else, we do not.
| COMMENT : Declare some variables we will need to interpret the file. First
| COMMENT : determine the current zone shortname.
/declare mobCount int local 0
/declare x int local 0
/declare currentZoneName string local
/varset currentZoneName ${Zone[${Zone.ID}].ShortName}
| COMMENT : Now load the entries corresponding to that zone from the INI file.
| COMMENT : There is no way to know ahead of time what is in there, and INI
| COMMENT : merely returns a string, not an array. So it is necessary to first
| COMMENT : parse that string and count how many mobs we need to hunt.
/echo Loading ${currentZoneName} from ${iniFilename}
/echo ${Ini[${iniFilename}]}
/declare mobList string local
/varset mobList ${Ini[${iniFilename},${currentZoneName}]}
/declare mobListCount int local 0
/declare mobType string local
/declare mobTruth string local
| COMMENT : The total number of pipe characters in the returned string. The
| COMMENT : maximum number of mobs is that plus one (it is a separator).
/varset mobListCount ${Math.Calc[${mobList.Count[|]} + 1]}
/echo INI contained a maximum of ${mobListCount} entries in this section.
| COMMENT : Iterate through that list, checking that each entry is non-NULL,
| COMMENT : and then check if the value is '1'. Count only entries that meet
| COMMENT : both criteria.
/for x 1 to ${Math.Calc[${mobListCount}+1]}
/varset mobType ${mobList.Arg[${x},|]}
/varset mobTruth ${Ini[${iniFilename},${currentZoneName},${mobType}]}
/if (${mobType.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${mobTruth.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
/if (${mobTruth.Equal[1]}) {
/varcalc mobCount ${mobCount} + 1
/next x
/echo Found ${mobCount} mobs to hunt in this zone.
| COMMENT: Allocate the findMobList array, sized to match the number of target
| COMMENT: mobs determined above.
/declare findMobList[${mobCount}] string outer
/declare y int local 1
| COMMENT: Now go back through the list, adding mobs to findMobList much as was
| COMMENT: done during the sizing step.
/for x 1 to ${Math.Calc[${mobListCount}+1]}
/varset mobType ${mobList.Arg[${x},|]}
/varset mobTruth ${Ini[${iniFilename},${currentZoneName},${mobType}]}
/if (${mobType.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${mobTruth.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
/if (${mobTruth.Equal[1]}) {
/varset findMobList[${y}] ${mobType}
/varcalc y ${y} + 1
/next x
| COMMENT : if debug is on we'll display the list
/if (!${debugOn}) {
/echo Welcome to Killbot!, Received ${findMobList.Size} mob names to hunt.
/for x 1 to ${findMobList.Size}
/echo ${x}. ${findMobList[${x}]}
/next x
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Initialize - Set some defaults and clear the xtarget list
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: Initilizing MobList, xTar and Nav Mesh
/xtar remove
/nav reload
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Main Loop - This is where the magic happens.
| 1. Agroed: If we are agroed deal with that first
| 2. FindMob: Find the type of mob name you are looking for
| 3. NavMob: Navigate to the mob using MQ2Nav
| 4. KillMob: Kill the Mob using MQ2Melee
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1. AGROED : If I don't have an activeMobID, but I have an Xtar that means
| I have been agroed. Let's make that my active target and skip the findMob
/if (${activeMobID}==0 && ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}) {
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: Agroed: activeMobID: ${activeMobID} Xtar: ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}
/varset activeMobID ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| 2. FindMob : activeMobID NO then Findone or wait
| Here we check for an activeMobID or if we have agro in Xtarget[1]
| If we do NOT then we need to call FindMob
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} else /if (${activeMobID}==0 && !${Me.XTarget[1].ID}) {
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: gotoloopfindmob: No Active Target.
/varset activeMobID 0
/call FindMob
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3. NavMob: If we have an activeMobID and it's located further then 30 then Navigate
| If we have an Xtar because of agro lets stop nav and switch
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} else /if (${Spawn[id ${activeMobID}].ID} && ${Spawn[${activeMobID}].Distance} > 30) {
/if (${activeMobID} == ${Me.XTarget[1].ID} || !${Me.XTarget[1].ID}) {
/call NavMob
} else {
/squelch /nav stop
/varset activeMobID ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}
| ----------------------------------------------------------
| 4. KillMob : If everything worked we are near the activeMobID
| ----------------------------------------------------------
} else {
/call KillMob
| COMMENT : the mainloop runs every 10 seconds. Change this to spead it up or slow it down.
/delay 10
/goto :mainloop
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| OnExit - Things it does when you type /endmac
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/setchattitle MQ2
/squelch /nav stop
/stick off
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Sub FindMob - Locate a Mob in the radius you specified
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub FindMob
| COMMENT : Simple radius search. This will be replaced with a NAV search eventually
| REMOVED : old simple one parameter search
| REMOVED : /varset activeMobID ${NearestSpawn[npc targetable radius ${searchRadius} zradius ${searchRadiusZ} "${farmMobList}"].ID}
/declare closestMobID int local 0
/declare closestMobDistance float local 99999
/declare checkMobID int local 0
/declare checkMobDistance float local 0
/declare x int local 0
| COMMENT : Lets find which of our mobs is closest and set it as the activeMobID
| COMMENT : We set the initial value of closestMobDistance to 99999 to guarantee the first
| COMMENT : mob checked would be chosen by default.
| COMMENT : We run a for loop on each mob name in the list and check it against the current one.
/for x 1 to ${findMobList.Size}
/varset checkMobID ${NearestSpawn[npc targetable radius ${searchRadius} zradius ${searchRadiusZ} "${findMobList[${x}]}"].ID}
/varset checkMobDistance ${Spawn[${checkMobID}].Distance}
/if (${closestMobDistance} > ${checkMobDistance} && ${checkMobID} > 0) {
/varset closestMobID ${checkMobID}
/varset closestMobDistance ${checkMobDistance}
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: FindMob:"${findMobList[${x}]}" closestMobID:${closestMobID} closestMobDistance:${closestMobDistance} checkMobID:${checkMobID} checkMobDistance:${checkMobDistance}
/next x
| COMMENT : Only change the activeMobID if we actually found something
| NOTE : You can do if statements in one line if there is only one command.
/if (${closestMobID} > 0) /varset activeMobID ${closestMobID}
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: FindMob: radius ${searchRadius} zradius ${searchRadiusZ} "${farmMobList}"
/if (!${activeMobID}) {
/setchattitle Scanning for Targets
/echo FindMob: Nothing Found waiting 5 seconds.
/delay 50
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Sub NavMob - Navigate using MQ2Nav
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub NavMob
| COMMENT : Once activeMobID is set we use MQ2Nav to get there.
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: NavMob: Tracking "${Spawn[${activeMobID}].CleanName}" ID: ${activeMobID} Distance: ${Spawn[${activeMobID}].Distance}
/setchattitle Tracking ${Spawn[${activeMobID}].CleanName}
/squelch /nav id ${activeMobID} | COMMENT: squelch removes the output of the nav spam
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Sub KillMob - Target and Kill
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub KillMob
| COMMENT : This is the kill code. It's only reachable if activeMobID is set and it's close range
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: Killbot: Killing a ${Spawn[${activeMobID}].CleanName} ID: ${activeMobID}
/target id ${activeMobID}
/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) {
| COMMENT : Turn off Nav and activate MQ2Melee's /stick and /killthis
/squelch /nav stop
/stick 8 uw
/setchattitle Killing ${Target.CleanName}
/if (${Target.ID} && ${Me.Combat} && ${Target.Type.Equal[npc]}) {
/delay 10
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: KillMob: Combat Loop
/goto :gotoloopkeepfighting
} else {
/varset activeMobID 0
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[corpse]}) {
/if (${debugOn}) /echo DEBUG: KillMob: Clearing Corpse Target
/squelch /target clear
/varset activeMobID 0